
2023-02-23 17:09:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语童话剧白雪公主》,欢迎阅读!

Snow white

Narrator: It is a cold winter day. A baby! Her name is Snow White. She is very beautiful. Everybody loves her. The animals love her, too. The Queen loves her.

Snow White My name is Snow White,I’m a beautiful princess.This is my mum.Hello mum,I love you

MumDear I love you.too.

[..白雪公主.妈妈 一起跳舞][花草围个圆圈,妈妈下台,白雪公主很不开心的出来] Narrator:But the Queen dies.[音乐]

Snow WhiteMumWhere is my mumWhere is my mum[音乐]

Narrator:A new Queen comes. She is beautiful. She has a magic mirror. Q: I am a queen , Im very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? M:I’m here.

Q:Mirror , Mirror, whos the most beautiful ? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you !

Q: No! No! No! I will kill Snow White Hunter, go kill Snow white . H: Yes, my queen.[追赶的音乐]

Snow White: Help me! Help me! Please! Please! Don’t kill me!

Hunter: oh, I’m so sorry, the queen asked me to kill you, because you are more beautiful than she. All right. Go, Snow White!To find a place to hide you! Never come home again.

Narrator:Snow white runs and runs.Just before nightfall.She sees a little house.She goes insede.They are seven little chairs. Snow White:What little plates.chairs.ables OhI’m hungry![吃了东西,喝了饮料]OhI’m tired,I’m sleeping.

Narrator:The seven dwarfs come home.[唱歌跳舞]

Dwarf 1: Who has been sitting in my chair? (老学究) Dwarf 2: Who has been eating off my plate? (老顽固) Dwarf 3: Who has taken a bite of my bread? (喷嚏精)

Dwarf 4: Who has been eating some of my noodles? (瞌睡虫) Dwarf 5: who has been using my pencil? (开心果) Dwarf 6: who has been drinking my milk? (害羞鬼) Dwarf 7: who is sleeping here? (糊涂蛋) NarratorSnow white is sleeping. DwarfShe is beautiful.

Dwarf:Xu…Xu…Let her sleep NarratorIt is morning. Snow whiteHello

Dwarf Why are you here Dwarf :What’s your name?

Snow white: I’m snow white. The queen wanted to kill me, so I have to hide here. Dwarfs: What an evil Queen! Dwarf 1: I’ll help you. Dwarf2: Me, too. Dwarf3: Me, too.

Dwarf 4Stay with us! Dwarf 5Yes. Dwarf 6:Yes.

Dwarf 7:This is goodOh,What fun [唱歌.跳舞]

Hunter:I’m already kill snow white.

QueenHa Ha HaMagic MirrorCome here.

Mirror:I’m coming!Dear queenWhat do you want to know QueenMirror MirrorWho is the most beautiful MirrorNot youSnow white.

QueenWhatSnow white is not deadHa ha haI get a good idea Dwarf :Let’s go! Dwarf GoGoGo

Dwarf Snow whitebe careful Narrator: Snow white waits at home.

QueenApplesApplesBuy some applesBeautiful apples Snow whiteI like apples.I want to eat. QueenOKNo problemHere you are Snow whiteThank you

NarratorShe ate the poisoned apple.Snow white is dead. QueenHa Ha HaMirrorWhere is mirror

Mirror:I’m here.Dear queen!What do you want to know QueenMirror MirrorNowWho is the most beautiful

Mirror:It’s you!Dear queenYou are the most beautiful [皇后笑]…

Narrator:They come home again.

Dwarf:What happened?Wake up!Wake up![围着哭]

场景:每天有一个小矮人看守,其它工作‘Good morning’‘Good evening’ NarratorThe prince comes[骑马声]

PrinceWhat a beautiful girlCan I take her? Dwarfs :You can’t ,She is dead.

Narrator:He prays.The poisoned apple comes out! Snow white:Thank you!

Everybody is happy!They live happily ever after!

洗手记 Snow White: Let’s clean up. Bring the plates. Wash them. Wipe them. Put them away. Ok, time for dinner! Dwarfs: Let’s have our delicious dinner! Snow white: have you washed your hands? Dwarfs: yes! Yes! Snow white: really? Show me your hands, ok? Aha, when did you wash your hands?(对老学究问) Dwarf 1: er, er, maybe last month. Oh, no, no, maybe last week! Others: yes, yes, last week. Snow white: go and wash your hands, or you can’t have dinner! Narrator: all of them have to wash their hands and then they have a very nice dinner


