【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《2021年我的未来不是梦手抄报内容资料》,欢迎阅读!
我的未来不是梦(my future is not a dream)
last term, i got poor ___rks in ___ths. i felt very sad. my parents were much worried about me. during the winter holidays, my class teacher came to visit us and talked to my parents about my future.
my teacher said, though i was not good at ___ths, i was good at basketball. my p. e. teacher said i would be a promising basketball player in the future if i tried hard.
they encouraged me to study hard in order to be an educated sports ___n. now i know clearly what i will be. i said, “i will never lose heart.
i will do my best to catch up with my class ___tes in ___ths.” now i am ___ progress in every subject with the help of my teachers.
i'm sure my future is not a dream.
第一,我要发明一台便携式机器,叫“造纸机”.它是能把废纸变成新纸的机器。平常,人们写字、画画,用的纸很多很多,废纸也就很多。有了这台机器,就可以废物利用了。用这种环保的纸做出的本子、书,不仅质量好,而且还便宜。深受广 ___生的喜爱,到那时,让我的母校每个班都有一台这样便捷的造纸机。这样,就不要为每天产生的废纸而烦恼。
第二,我要设计一座神奇的多功能房子,像人一样,会走路会活动。又能变成大鸟式的会自由自在的在天空飞翔,饱览祖国大好河山。又能变成汽车式的,会在马路上奔驰而不耗油。 还能变成乐器式的,能吹出(弹出、拉出)美妙的曲子,使人想翩翩起舞……
第三,我要成为一名记者,调查那些贪污受贿案件,揭露那些违法 ___的肮脏手段。把他们的丑恶嘴脸公诸于众。告诉人们,那些贪污受贿分子是在挖祖国大厦的墙角。他们疯狂地侵吞国家的资财,把大量的国家金钱据为己有,挥霍无度,为非作歹,残害老百姓,损害国家威望。他们应该受到国家法律的严厉制裁。