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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《突破高考3500必备词汇》,欢迎阅读!
突破高考 3500 必备词汇

Day 1

根据提示完成下列句子(a accurate)

1. The plane crashed killing all the 157 passengers ________ (在机上) who came back from _______.(国外)

2. He was _________(专心致志) in his book, making him ____________ (缺席) the meeting. To tell the truth, I seldom see his __________(缺席).

3. She spoke English with a Dutch _______(). But it could be __________(完全地) understood.

4. It is generally __________ (公认) that smoking does harm to our health. Last month I received some cigarettes,

but I wouldn’t __________(接受) them.

5. He can have/gain ________ (进入) to the library with the ID card. Those books are easily _____________(接近的、可进入的). 6. On __________ (由于) of what you said, I am determined to go abroad to a__________(完成) my further study. 7. It is very difficult to get a(n) _____________ (准确的) answer. 8. His illness _________(导致) for his absence .

9. I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum, it was an _______ (意外). It _______(意外地) slipped from my hands. 10. He is _________(能够) to run the company very well. His ________(能力) is beyond me.

根据提示完成下列句子(accuse admire)

Day 2

1. I was ______________ (指责) stealing her money , but in fact it was the other way around .

2. You will _______________ (一事无成) if you don’t put your heart into your study.

3. What you did is ____________ (令人钦佩的) and we __________(羡慕)your ___________ (成就)..

4. Effective _________(措施)should be taken to _______ (适应) ourselves to the new surroundings.

5. Tom takes an _____________(积极) part in class _______________(活动).

6. The number of ____________(男演员) and ___________(女演员) ________________(总计) exactly 100 .

7. Students nowadays are ____________(习惯于) to taking all sorts of examinations. In __________( 此外), sometimes they are __________(沉溺于) to playing game through mobile phones.

8. The manager delivered an ________ (演讲) on TV to share his experience in ____________(管理). 9. This letter was wrongly ____________(写上地址). Please __________() your friend’s _________(真实的) __________(地址) to the envelope.

10. ___________(事实上), the man ____________(担任) manager of the company.

Day 3

根据提示完成下列句子(admission agreement)

1. He ___________(建议) me to book the tickets ____________(预先) and I followed his __________ (建议).

2. She had a(n) ____________ (优势) of a good education, making him feel calm when she meets _________(冒险).

3. I’m ________ (担心) I can’t _______ (支付) the money to buy the book. But that’s my own _________(私事). 4. I can’t _________(同意) to the ___________ (协定) which was reached by you.

5. You were greatly __________(影响) by the trouble but finally made it ____________ (终究). 6. I have no a______________(喜欢、爱) for all kinds of ___________(广告) on TV.

7. We can be concerned about ___________ (大事) of state through CCTV News 30 Minutes.


8. Although he was __________ (反对) the opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with it himself. 9. The house ________(代理人) has been _________(追求) the beautiful girl for _________(很久).

10. I’m fond of _________(非洲). I often turn to my teacher for more ___________(非洲的) stories.

Day 4

根据提示完成下列句子(agricultural already)

1. These measures _________________(旨在)preventing smoking in public places like restaurants, hospitals. But ____________________(在户外) people are free. 2. This job would be impossible without the ________( ) of a computer. Besides, you can __________________(给予援助) to her. 3. These kids are _______________(几乎一样), so try to treat them ________ (一样地).

4. His parents won’ t ___________ (允许他待在外面) very late. Besides, they don’t ________(吸烟) at home.

5. I saw my wife off at the __________ (在机场). She is going to the U.S.A. on business _________(乘飞机). Again I began to live _______(独居). 6. All ______________ (总的来说), she was always well _____________(遥遥领先) the rest of the class. 7. The party has been planned weeks _______________ (提前). We can _____________(开始).

8. She’s asked __________________(别打扰她)but the press photographers follow her everywhere.

9. She lost her job when the factory closed, _______________ (…..一起)hundreds of others. ____________(重要的是), she was still ____________(活着).

10. Our plans of banning the sale of the ____________( ) are still___________( ),

___________________(更不用说) the sale of cigarettes.

Day 5

根据提示完成下列句子(also anniversary)

1. Caught in the act, he ____________________________ (除了……别无选择) tell the truth. 2. He looked at me __________ (惊愕地). I was ________(吃惊) by his ____________(令人吃惊的) strange look. 3. We’ve had __________________________(很大的 amount…) help from the local people. 4. ________(尽管)he had only entered the Competition for fun, he won the first prize.

5. _________(在……中)those present were ___________(大使) and his wife. 6. What you said _______________ ( 等于 ) great encouragement. From then on, he became a man of


7. I heard ______________ (生气地) that___________(动物)were treated in a cruel way.

8. I was ____________________( ) myself for making such a stupid mistake. I broke my pen a_____________(生气地).

9. This hotel offers its guests different kinds of _______________(娱乐活动). We can also ___________(娱乐) ourselves by holding a party.

10. He _______________________(总是抱怨)the endless boring work.

Day 6

根据提示完成下列句子(announce apply)


1. They ___________ their engagement _____ the family (……宣布).

2. He ____________________ me_____ my carelessness(……生气 annoy…).

3. In _________(再、另) two weeks, the job will be finished. 4. Parents are naturally a________________ (……而担心) their children when they leave home. 5. __________(……)their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. 6. Please let me know how many are coming,_______________(如果有的话).

7. I_____________ Jane_____________________(……缺席而道歉)her party.

8. The police ___________(呼吁)the public to remain calm. 9. It’s __________ (显而易见) that she was really upset, and then she paused, _________ (显然)lost in thought. 10. The new technology _________________ (应用) farming. 11. She had never been greatly concerned about __________ (外貌)

12. ____________________ (看起来) there has been a mistake. 13. I’m afraid we can’t come, but thanks for the invitation a_________(无论如何). 14. The public ________________________ (爱好) scandals.

Day 7

根据提示完成下列句子(appoint art)

1. I would ________________ (不胜感激) if you can _____________________(约会)with me.

2. It was the _____________ (建筑/设计) who designed the building, which _____________ (占地) about 600 square hectares.

3. Jane often ____________ her friends ________/_________ little things(在……上争论)___________(……

引起) their different opinions.

4.The Eighth Route Army ________________________(……武装)enough guns and before long many enemies were ___________________.(被捕)

5. All families are busy making ___________ (准备) for the _________ (到来) of the new year.

6.The government has ____________ (任命) some experts to find out an ______________ (方法) to the serious problem. 7. Jim ________________ ( 做出决定 ) that he will enter an _______( 美术 ) school, which still hasn’t

__________________ (没有得到同意) of his parents.

8. Please use an _______ (箭头)to match the information with the festivals in _________ (四月)

9. Mary ________________________________ for (表感谢) what the neighbors has _________(安排) for her when she was ill and stayed in the ___________ (轮椅).

10. It always takes me _____________ (大约)1 hour to finish the _____________ (算数) work.

Day 8

根据提示完成下列句子(article attach)

1. I __________________________ (很惭愧) my _____________________ (睡着了) during the class.

2. The floor is covered by _______ (), ______ (因为) she always _________________ (……放到一边) her housework.


3. _______________/_______________( ) the book deserves well reading, which treats all

_______________(方面) of health care. 4. Whisky is usually __________________(联系) with Scotland.

5. ______________(运动) tend to _____________(依附) themselves to all kinds of sports.

6. I was __________________________( …… 感到惊讶 ) the news that the man travelled across the

_______________ Ocean (大西洋) alone.

7. His parents would like him to be an _____________ (艺术), but he wants to be an ______________ (文学), because he is keen on _______________ (文学).

8. All the shop ________________(店员) work together in a very friendly ________________ (氛围). 9. How many ___________ (亚洲) countries have taken part in the sports meeting? 10. ________________ (只要) we take action, the pollution will be reduced.

Day 9

根据提示完成下列句子(attack awkward)

1. My ________(姑母) ________________________________ (尝试) get close to the dog, but unfortunately she was ________ (攻击) by it, so she went to see the doctor ________ (马上). 2. The reference books are _____________ (可以借到的) for you in the library on the third ____________ (大街).

3. The ________ (作家) wrote many __________(有吸引力的) stories happening in ___________ (澳大利亚).

4. All the ____________(观众) were ________________ (吸引) by his superior performance.

5. We ____________ ( ) a meeting, where the speaker talked about the global warming, which


6. The meeting was held to make people ________ (意识到的)of the _________(可怕的)environmental problems.

7. I was so surprised that I was __________ (授予) the first prize in English speech contest. But soon I was

_____________ (叫醒) by my desk mate, only to find that I just had a day dream. But from then on, I decided to work hard to be a student above the ___________(平均水平).

8. You should _______________ (收拾好) your books to ______________ (避免) your house being in a mass.

9. After summer vocation, we students are required to return school in ___________ (八月)nearly one month ahead of time.

10. We should ___________________________________________(抱持积极的态度) our life.

Day 10

根据提示完成下列句子(baby base)

1. In summer, foods and vegetables are often put in fridges, otherwise they will _______________(变质) easily. As a result, they __________________________(……有害) health with _______________(细菌).

2. The man with a ________ (羽毛球) in his hand is a friend of my brother. He is a b________ because he is not married. But he is well-educated with a ________________ (学士学位).

3. According to the law, it is ______(禁止) to carry illegal objects among one’s ________(行李).

4. Yesterday when I __________________ (去理发), I saw __________________ (一伙盗贼) caught by the police

because of breaking into a ____________ (银行) and taking a large amount of money away. 5. As we know, pandas live mainly on b__________________.

6. Whoever gets a ticket will be admitted to the _____(舞会) regardless of their _______(背景).

7. Stopping to look up a new word while reading is actually a _____________ (障碍) to understand the whole passage.


8. We human beings must try our best to ____________________(保持自然平衡), or else we will destroy its ecosystem.

9. While buying something, don’t be ashamed of ________________________ the salesmen ___________ the prices (……进行讨价还价). In fact, it is a kind of art __________________ (……为基础) your speech.

10. Jack ___________________(失去平衡) and fell off the __________(阳台). Although he was sent to the

hospital in time, his parents walked_______________ (来回地)with anxiety.

Day 11

根据提示完成下列句子(baseball beef)

1. Nowadays, lots of people tend to have __________________________ (日光浴)on the ____________ (海边) during holidays in summer.

2. The ________ (棒球) match this afternoon will be put off ___________(因为) the heavy rain. 3. The letters NBA stand for National __________________ Association. 4. A group of _____________ (蝙蝠) _____________ (拍动) their wings and flew into the air.

5. The painting ___________________________________ (以大自然的美为基础)is attractive.

6. Some videos have been banned ____________(基于……对的考虑) that they are too violent.

7. The man _______________________ ( ) is a chairman of a committee and he is

__________________________ (极忙碌) and has no time to have a rest. Last week he broke down and had to stay _____________ (卧床) for two days.

8. So we should _____________ (记住) that health is the __________ (基本的) thing we need to work and live on.

So let us treasure our lives as we don’t know what will __________________ (发生 become…) us tomorrow.

9. Jenny was a ____________( 漂亮) girl, but she suffered from a serious disease. She was brave enough to

________________________ (……作斗争) the disease although she __________________________ (承受很大的负担). She said when she was going to have an operation, she felt her heart b____________ faster than before. Fortunately, she got well soon.

10. This toy car needs three _________ (电池). There are some in my ______________ (卧室).

Day 12

根据提示完成下列句子(beer bid)

1. China is a developing country ____________________ (属于)the third world. 2. Physical exercise is _______________________________(对……有好处)health.

3. She has certainly ____________________________(充分利用)time to study hard. 4. The scientist ______________________ (专心致志于)the research into the causes of cancer. 5. Water can change into ice __________________________(零下,冰点之下).

6. We must mind our ___________(行为)in our daily life and sure enough we can ___________(从中受益)it.

7. Li Ping ________________________________(坚信)that if he _____________________ (尽最大的努力) in his study, he will not ______________________(落后于)others. 8. The boy ______________ his mother ______________ her forgiveness because he ____________________(表现不好)in the party. 9. The universe ___________________________ 20 billion years ago, which is


10. Hello, everyone. I am glad to be here to make a speech about how to protect our environment



__________________ (代表)my company. ________________(首先), we must reduce the pollution. 11. Don’t worry. It won’t be _______________________ the plane arrives. It is

_______________________(晚点)due to the weather.

12. The composition had many mistakes. __________(而且), it was _______________(离题).

Day 13

根据提示完成下列句子(big born)

1. My friend Mary ____________________() a boy on her 25th ___________(生日). She was ___________() nearly to death. Bless me! The news was a ________(打击) to us all. 2. God bless me! When I was ________(出生), both my mother and I were in peace. Everything has gone smoothly _____________(生来). I’m __________________(不是一点点) lucky.

3. I often treat my friends to restaurants and all the _______(账单) are on me. _____________(渐渐地), my wife

_________(责怪) me for it. Sometimes she feels _________(有点) too _________(闷闷不乐).

4. He was ________( ) by a dog yesterday. When we went to the hospital, we saw him in bed

___________________( 青一块紫一块 ) in the leg. It was a _______________( 害群之马 ). Who is _____________(该受责备) for it. 5. __________(填写) the blank on this cheque. Do _____ leave anything ________(一点也不).

6. He is __________( 失明 ) in both the eyes, so he has to live a ________( 痛苦的 ) life. We should not _________________________( ……视而不见) them.

7. It’s said that two _________(街区) were ______________(爆炸), which _________(阻塞) the traffic for hours.

8. The ________(董事会) is having an important meeting, so I have to _______() the plane right away.

9. These ________(靴子) are popular. I’d like to _________(预订) a pair.

10. That lecture was so ___________(乏味的) that I was ___________(厌烦) to death.

Day 14

根据提示完成下列句子(borrow brief)

1. He wanted to _________() another from me, but I didn’t __________() him because he had ___________(借、留) the first book for more than one year.

2. I have to _________( 打扰 ) you for my bike. Its __________( 刹车 ) _____________( 出故障 ). You are

___________(一定) to repair it.

3. ____________(简而言之), I want to give my gratitude to you ________________________ (从心底里), for you helped me find a good job to __________________(谋生). 4. Don’t be afraid to ____________________( ) hard, in other words, you must do things ______________________(从头到尾).

5. ______________________( ) in the _______________( ). You are sure to


6. When the fire ____________(突然发生), the firemen were _______(勇敢) to _____________ (破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their _________(勇敢). 7. Bank of China is in Beijing, but it has _____________(分部) all over the country.

8. The boat ______________(撞碎) on the rocks, people on board were _______________ (喘不过气来) with fear. 9. Before diving into water, he took a deep ________(呼吸) and then ____________(屏住呼吸). 10. The __________(新郎) and _________(新娘) got married in _________(鲜艳的) dresses.


Day 15

根据提示完成下列句子(bring bye)

1. Why so many Chinese have accidents in _________(不列颠) is that __________(英国人) people drive on the left while we drive on the right. Different traffic rules ______________ (导致) our failure. 2. We are ___________(扶养) in China and we should __________________(担负重担) of supporting my family. 3. My younger _________( ) often gets up at 11:00 for _________( ), but he _________________________(增强体质) by playing basketball every afternoon.

4. Something in the house __________( 爆炸 ), and it was ______________________( 被烧成灰烬 ), with a _________(烧焦的) body. The owner of the house _______________(放声大哭).

5. He is ________(埋头 bury…) in his work and only _______________________(只管自己的事) it , so he becomes a successful _______________(商人). 6. Every day he _________________( 上下车 ) the bus and was _____________( 忙于 ) doing three jobs

______________(按小时). He ________________________(只好) work hard.

7. _____________(顺便说), I wanted nothing but _________() in the playground after school.

8. ______________(以这种方式), he had saved enough to buy an apartment ______________(……时候为止) last year.

9. Jack worked very hard, but he was still ___________________(倒数第二).

10. He was able to collect so many _________________(束花) _____________(独自一人). He was ________() the best worker.

Day 16

根据提示完成下列句子(cab careful)

1. The government _________________(号召) us young people to teach the children in the poor areas and it is our duty to _______________(关爱) children.

2. He is good at __________________(计算) and ________________(喜欢) doing business.

3. My English teacher often tells us to be ___________________( ) spelling, but I show

________________________( ) it. He often criticizes me for my doing exercises so

_________________(粗心). I should have been so __________(粗心).

4. Originally I had planned to go to his office to ________________(拜访) him, but he went home, so I had to

___________________(拜访) his house instead.

5. The photos taken with this ________(照相机) ___________(使回忆起) memories of my teaching life in school.

6. Being one of the ______________( ) to be president of the Students Union, he

______________________________________(忍不住打我电话), telling me the news.

7. I have many _____________(加拿大) friends, but not all of them were born in ___________(加拿大). 8. Jack was made ________(队长) of the football team. We all respected _____________(队长).


When we write U.K, we should write it ________________(用大些字母). 10. I smoked a lot and doubted whether I had a lung ___________( 癌症 ), but the doctor told me to




Day 17

根据提示完成下列句子(carpenter centre)

1. Every teacher should ________________(履行) their duty. When students have trouble, they should help them to

__________________(使渡过难关) it. It is important for the teachers to ________________________(坚持下) the teaching plan until they succeed.

2. It is 10 __________________(摄氏度). _________________(万一) rain, put on more clothes. 3. ____________________(绝不) will I cause trouble to others.

4. _______________________(这是常见的事), we ___________________(举行庆祝会) when we win the game. 5. ____________________(无论如何), we should ___________________(赶上) others.

6. ___________________(为了庆祝) the famous poet’s birthday, I was invited to the _____________(庆祝会) and honored to meet with so many ______________(名人).

7. Mother ____________________________(抓住我的手臂), saying, “The hay ________________(着火). We

should play _______________(慎重).”

8. Do you know the __________( 原因) of the fire? 9. The cowboy raises ________________(十匹马) and _________________________(十头牛). 10. China ____________(中央) Television Station lie in the _________(中心) of Beijing.

Day 18

根据提示完成下列句子(century cheek)

1. Young people should do their best ___________________________________( 21 世纪中).

2. On June 10, _______________________ (毕业典礼) of our school ________________(被举行) in our school. 3. I’m _________(确定) that he is _________ (诚实的), that is, I’m ______________(确定) his ________(诚实).

4. Can you clearly ___________________(确定) that he is hardworking?

I think he works hard __________________(确定地). He will be ___________(确定地) successful one day. You needn’t have any _______________(不确定性).

5. Generally speaking, in summer ______________________(一系列的…chain...) disasters will take place in

China, so we Chinese have to _______________________( 迎接挑战) fighting against them. Droughts, floods or landslides are really _________________(具有挑战性的). 6. Can you fetch me some _________(粉笔)? Here are only ___________________(两段粉笔).

7. Li Na was the _________________(冠军) in the French Open. She was worth the _____________(冠军称号). 8. There is ________________( 可能 chance) that everybody will be admitted into a key university. Don’t

_______________________(投机) and never _____________(作弊) in the exams. Instead, just work hard.

Even you fail _________________(), you can stand up and do it again. That will ____________________(培养品性). I hope all of you can be _________________________(品质优良的人).

9. While travelling, visitors often buy something in particular. If you are not satisfied, you can

_________________________________(把它们换成) some others. Prepare some ___________(零钱) for tips.

Besides, the weather in the mountainous areas in Yunnan is _______________(易变的). So _____________() if you bring a raincoat with you.

10. ________________________(网络聊天) is __________(便宜的), or nearly ____________________(免费的).

But you are ___________________(在掌管之下) the government. Don’t paste(粘贴) some _____________() information. Otherwise, you will be __________________() what you have done.



Day 19

根据提示完成下列句子(cheer classify)

1. These football fans have been___________________(……加油) China Football Team. When a game is lost, they still try to _________________ (使振作起来) the team members.

2. As someone says, one ___________( 中国人 ) is powerful like a ___________( 中国 ) dragon, while two

______________(中国人) together are more powerless like a worm. Actually, ________________________(国人) are a hardworking and brave people.

3. Finally, the Japanese army couldn’t _________________( ) give up. Once they

____________________(作出选择) to start the war, they were sure to fail. They had ________________(别无选择只能) to feel guilty for what they had done to the whole world.

4. Today it’s __________________________( 圣诞节). I’ll ___________________( 去做礼拜) soon. Are you

____________________(在教堂) now?

5. Many smokers smoke one and a half _____________() cigarette a day. What’s worse, they often throw away ___________________(烟蒂) carelessly. 6. __________________________(决不) will I quit class. I ______________(上课) every day.

7. ________________(在任何情况下) all the __________(公民) have their _________(公民的) rights and duties.

8. The plane was _____________(盘旋) for an hour before receiving permission to land. 9. After the speech, all the ______________(孩子) __________________________(拍手). 10. We enjoy our __________________(文明) and have a really ______________(快活的) life.

Day 20

根据提示完成下列句子(classmate collision)

1. All the classmates are _____________________________( 大扫除) in the classroom. They are required to ________________(整理书桌) their desks and to _____________(归类) all the books according to subject.

2. Some ___________(职员) are _______________(擅长于) _____________(收集) papers

3. I’ll go on a business trip. What’s the ____________(天气) like today? Cathy, what’s the ______________(气候) in your hometown?

4. Nowadays, __________() industry brings me a lot while the __________(服装) industry is earning less. It’s

___________________(渐渐变冷). Please put on more___________(衣服).

5. Try to ____________________(靠近) the guy and ________________________(严密监视). 6. _____________________________________________(凡事都有两面 coin…).

7. __________(咖啡) or _________(可乐)? Two black ___________(清咖啡).

8. I met him ____________________(碰巧) in a ship ____________________(在近海的海上).

9. Some ______________(同事) are so ______________(冷淡) me that I’m ______________________ (……

冲突) them sometimes. 10. I _____________________________( 医学 ) in 2006. ______________( 在大学期间 ), I had a

_____________(收集) of medical cases from __________(诊所) and hospitals.

Day 21

根据提示完成下列句子(color composition)

1. We should note important changes that have already ____________________(发生 come…).


2. When he ____________________( 偶然遇见 ) a spring of clear water in the desert, he helped his sick

_____________( ) _____________________________ ( ). Finally a new plan to survive


3. The ______________ (委员会) consisting of 12 members _________________________ (……作出评价) ______________________(商业竞争), and _______________________ (提出) several proposals to improve it.

4. Some minority people in Hetian, Xinjiang ___________________(犯了些罪) by killing policemen and making

_____________(通讯) stop for several hours.

5. __________________________(……的陪同下) some officials, our Premier Wenjiabao inspected the train crash site. He urged the victims _______________(被赔偿) without delay.

6. ______________________(……相比) the first-round talk, the railway company agreed to give 915 thousand yuan to each victim.

7. The swimming athletes from around the world were ___________________________ (……竞争) one another in Shanghai in 2011. 8. Mobile phones are much more _____________(普遍) in high schools now than before.

9. When _______________________________( ) _________________( ), almost all the ___________________(共产党员) have confidence in the future.

10. The teacher has a ______________________(精通) of five foreign languages.

Day 22

根据提示完成下列句子(comprehension consensus)

1. Though I always _____________________________(全神贯注) what the teacher says in class, some sentences

are ________________________________(难以理解).

2. ______________________________ ( …… concern…), the man _________________________

(……无关 concern…) the conflict

3. I __________________________(得出结论) that he is _______________________(身体健康), which results from the good living ______________________(条件).

4. My English teacher often says that he has ____________________(有信心) my English. First of all, I should be first______________________(有信心) myself.

5. Why do so many anti-government soldiers ______________________________(……冲突) the government?

6. If the teacher’s explanation is ____________(含糊不清), the students will get _____________(弄糊涂).

7. I’ve __________(祝贺) on his winning the match. Do you offer your _____________(祝贺)?

8. Nobody can __________________________(把他同……联系起来) the crime.

9. Five people were arrested on March 21 _______________________(……有关) the attack.

10. “I don't need your advice on how to _________( 指导) myself, thank you,” said Dora through her teeth.

Day 23

根据提示完成下列句子(consequence controversial)


_______________________( consequence…) lack of conservation, a lot of rich soil is _______________________(在建设中).

2. _________________(考虑到) that she has lost both her parents, we ____________________ (考虑送) her to a suitable family.

3. A week ____________(……组成 consist of) seven days equals one __________________(……组成 make


up…) seven days.

4. The meat we __________(消费) is often too fatty. But my energy ____________(消费) is decreasing year by year. The doctors expect me to be a good _____________(消费者) either in food or in energy. 5. There are many things in the basket, a drink _________(包括) that _________() no alcohol. 6. I’m _________________(对满意) the ___________(内容) of this book.

7. It was raining heavily. The workers didn’t quit. ________________________( ), they

__________________________(继续做) the work.

8. Many people ________________() money, ______________(促使) to many children returning to school. 9. Frontier soldiers make __________________________(做贡献) the safety of our motherland.

10. The latter train was ______________(失去控制). Obviously, the pilot _______________ (失去控制) the train.

Day 24

根据提示完成下列句子(convenience cover)

1. If __________________________( 便 ) to you, I’ll visit you tonight. Anyway, it is ____________________________(在你方便的时候).

2. While waiting for the bus, I ____________________________________( 和某人攀谈 ) a girl nearby, _____________(表达) my complaint about the delay of the bus.

3. What I said was _____________(令人信服的), so I _________________________ (使人他相信) my honesty. 4. Please buy me __________________(一份) today’s newspaper at the stand ___________________(在拐角处).

5. My birthday is ______________________(即将来临). But my home is in the ____________(乡下), so if you

can’t come, that _________________________(无关紧要).

6. Don’t _____________(指望) me, for I don’t ______________________________(有勇气) to speak in public. 7. ___________________(鼓起勇气), you can do it well __________________(勇敢地).

8. ___________________(在过程中) _________________________(起诉他), you should depend on the lawyer.

9. Roads and roofs are ___________________(覆盖) by thick snow, really hard to go on.

10. Will 100 yuan _______________(够付费用) the cost in this week?

Day 25

根据提示完成下列句子(cow cyclist

1. He went black in the face when I told him I ___________________(撞毁) his car.

2. I am ___________________(非常迷恋) travelling, but I’m doing a job that needs extra hours on weekends, which

__________________________( 使我发疯 drive…). One day when I told my boss I would quit, he ____________________(气疯了 go crazy).

3. Can I pay by check or _______________(信用卡)? Sorry, we only take cash.

4. Mr. Yee is a man of _________________(很有声望). His good performance __________________________

(带来极大的荣誉) to his school.

5. The _____________(机组人员) ____________(be) made up of two pilots and ten others from Air China. It was the well-drilled crew who ______(be) calm facing the trouble and managed to rescue most of the passengers. 6. Many cars and buses got stuck at _____________( 十字路口 ) for so long that almost every driver

____________________(对生气) such bad traffic.

7. The famous doctor ___________(割开) the ___________(赛车手的) broken leg immediately, which looked very

_________(残酷), but finally _____________ (治愈了) that leg.


8. People have always been ________________________(……好奇) the different ___________(文化) of the

Black in Africa. White people have also _______________________(引起他们的好奇) 9. People have formed the ____________( ) of giving presents at Christmas, so there are many ______________(顾客) in supermarkets. 10. Many ______________( 罪犯 ) are found out by ____________________( 海关人员 ) when they try to


Day 26

根据提示完成下列句子(dad declare)

1. The _____________(危险的) man _________________(不敢) go out of the room because he knew he was

_________________(处于险境). He wouldn’t __________________________(……的危险) losing his life. 2. I ________() say that she _________() to stay ___________________(在黑暗中) alone. 3. In case anything went wrong, I was prepared to ___________________(冲向) for Armstrong.

4. Colored eggs __________________(追溯到) the fourth century when it was forbidden to eat eggs during Easter.

5. Your __________(女儿) is growing up ______________(一天天). She may __________ (约会) boys, which is

thought by the young people to be _____________(时新的). Actually it will __________(毁坏) her reputation.

6. Don’t hate those who ______________________(视而不见) someone badly injured in a traffic accident 7. She works _________________( deal…) harder, but still can't ______________( ) ___________________(大量的 deal…) work. 8. He was ____________________(债台高筑), but he ___________________________(置之不理) it, so he was _____________(判处) one year in prison.

9. I’ve __________________________(决定) to be a famous teacher in two __________(十年).

10. China officially ___________________________(……宣战) the Japanese in 1937.

Day 27

根据提示完成下列句子 decline description)

1. It’s ______________(令人高兴) that the number of smokers is _____________________(在减少中), while the traffic death rate is ______________(……上升) 3 percent every year.

2. He was ____________________( 埋头工作 ) ______________________( 直到深夜 ) and was often seen

________________________(沉思) in front of the window.

3. _____________________(令我高兴的是), those lovely ______(鹿) are _________________ (保护以免) being harmed __________________(立即).

4. Our football team was ____________(打败) many times, but ___________________(从某种程度上), they didn’t lose face. 5. I’m ____________( …… ) at the _____________( ) news and it is sure to ____________(使……高兴) many people. 6. The students are demanded of _____________( 回来 ) on time and the teacher demanded that the door _____________() before going to bed. 7. Don’t _________________(指望) me too much, for I’m ___________(离开) in no time.


I liked to visit ________________________( ) when I was a student in _______________________________(英语).

9. Will you see the _________(牙医)? ________________(要看情况而定)


10. What do you think of the food?

It is so ___________(可口的) that it’s ___________________(难以形容).

Day 28

根据提示完成下列句子(desert dignity)

1. Mingshashan (鸣沙山) ___________(沙漠) in Dunhuang (敦煌)City, Gansu Province with Yueya Spring (月牙)in the middle and with a carefully _____________(设计) temple ________________________(值得一游). I

___________(渴望) to have this chance.

2. The ________________(侦探们) ________________________(陷入困境), but they were _______________() to find the ____________(被遗弃的) girl in the _____________(令人绝望的) mountain. 3. She has ____________________________(养成习惯) of ___________(致力于) himself to self study. 4. With the ____________(发展) of economy, China is quite ________________ (……不同) what it used to be. 5. I’m sorry you __________() the wrong number.

6. Every day she _____________________(记日记) and _________________() new word in the dictionary. 7. I __________________________(有困难) in _________________(节食). The diet. 8. If you put your heart into something, you can do it _____________________(没有困难). 9. I ___________(不同) a lot from him. He does things _______________(不同地).

10. He is ____________________(钻研 dig…) a book on _____________________(数码相机).

Day 29

根据提示完成下列句子(dilemma dish)

1. Hurriedly, he pulled his schoolbag and ran _____________________( 方向) the school. 2. He began to stop smoking d____________() he saw the film about lung cancer.

3. He had _________(指路) me to his office, so I knew the __________(方向) and went _________(直接地) to it. 4. If we agree, it’s ____________________ (……不利) us, but if we show our _________(不同意), they will be

________________( …… ) us. _________________________( 使 ), _______________________________________________ (有利也有弊). 5. He __________________ (阻止我) helping _______________(残疾人), which made me ____________ (泄气).

6. Scientists have ____________________________________(做出新发现) the ancient tomb.

7. Chinese doctors are _______________________________() ______ ()American doctors _______(关于) the cure of dangerous H1N1 Flu. 8. Is there any ___________(打折) on this T-shirt?

Yes, I’ll sell it _______________________(以九折).9. I have to clear away the _________(脏的) oily _________(餐具). They are really ______________(令人厌恶). 10. What’s your favorite __________()?

A __________() of ham and a fried egg.

Day 30

根据提示完成下列句子(disk downstairs)


The school is ______________________(很近就几步路) of my home.

2. Can you _________________________() between British English and American English?


3. I have never ___________________( 怀疑) that you will win in the match.

4. On arriving at the shop, the child _________________________(冲去拿) the dolls. 5. How much is 100 ___________________(除以) 3? Is it about 33.333…?

6. What I ____________(真的要说) is that I _________________________(无关) the theft.

7. Honesty ___________ (有好处) us while anger and rudeness _______________ (有害处) the society.

8. Can you _____________________(帮我一个忙) to _______________(草拟) this document. 9. I will _________________________ (捐助) the Hope Project. I won’t ________________ (使你失望). 10. _________________(毫无疑问), he is ___________________(开始学 get down…) English.

Day 31

根据提示完成下列句子(downtown dynamic)

1. ___________ (许多 dozen) clothes are tied __________(成打地) the ground. They are sold____________ (


2. ______________________ ( 六打) these ____________(饺子) are boiled ________ (期间) the new year. 3. With the New Year __________________(临近), it’s a bit dangerous to ___________________(从银行取钱).

4. All of us ____________________(干杯) him for his _________________________ (实现他的梦想). His dream of taking part in the Avenue of Stars (星光大道) has ________________ (实现). 5. _____________________ ( 穿着 ) the new clothes, we _____________________ ( 拜访 ) our school and _________________(拜访)our teachers in the Spring Festival.

6. He is _______________(喝酒醉), that is, he is a ____________(喝酒醉的) man. 7. It’s said that Bill Gates ______________________(辍学) of Harvard University.

8. ______________________( ) the high-speed railways, the train from Wuhan to Guangzhou is

____________() in half a day.

9. ____________________ (爬起来) out of bed, the soldiers began ____________(操练) on the playground.

10. People with ______________________(责任感) will _________________________(尽职).

Day 32

根据提示完成下列句子(each electronic)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Everybody is _______________________ (渴望学) English well.

Why is he always ____________________________ (置若罔闻) his teacher.

The group singers ____________________ (谋生) by singing in the underground passages. What ___________________(究竟) are you doing in the classroom? __________________________(别紧张). Tell me one by one.

What the teacher said _______________________________(对我产生很大的影响).

7. The new law will ________________________________________(生效) on next month. 8. The old laws ______________________________(无效) since last month.


We should ______________________________________________(尽一切努力) to learn English well. 10. He went into the next round without __________________________(轻松地).

11. We should ___________________________________(不遗余力地) to enter the key universities. 12. Of course, my ____________________(哥哥) is ______________(年纪大) than I.


I turned on the __________() light, and began to read some books on ___________ (电的) problems and

_________________(电子) computers.


Day 33

根据提示完成下列句子(elegant environment)

1. 2. 3. 4.

Work hard, _______________(要不然) you are sure to fall behind.

Don’t worry. I’ll ______________________________________________(让会议停下来) Another five minutes and the meeting will _____________________________(结束). The tiger is _________________(足够大) to eat ___________________(足够肉).

5. He ____________________(报名参加) the sports meet and won the second in the long jump. 6. She is _________________________(热心) all kinds of school activities.

7. I’m sorry you are _____________ (完全) wrong in saying so.

8. Only those who have passed ___________________________(高考) can understand the taste of senior high school life.

9. Collecting stamps on some old _____________(信封) will d_____________(提高) our pleasure for life.

10. Children lacking good home ______________(环境) grew up bravely in hard _____________(环境).

Day 34

根据提示完成下列句子(envy excellent)

1. he is good at arranging activities, so he is __________________________(胜任主持) the party.

2. Every classroom in our school is ________________________________(装有) a computer.

3. __________________________________________(许多设备都要) renewing(更新). 4. Children will never escape ___________________________(监控 control) from their parents.

5. Many cards, _______________(尤其) this one, are ______________(专门) sent to you.

6. ______________________(无论如何), I’ll come to se you ___________________(每隔一周).

7. ____________(每天), ____________(每个人) has many ____________(日常的) things to do. 8. _________________________________(确切地说), it was the graduation exam that you __________(参加).

9. I’ll _______ Lei Feng _________________( ), he was always helping others, so he

_____________________ (给我们树立了一个好榜样). We should _______________________ (以他为榜样).

10. Whether a child is quick or slow at their studies, they are ___________(平等地) excellent.

Day 35

根据提示完成下列句子(except eyesight)

1. We go to school every day ____________________(除了当…) there are no classes on Sundays. 2. Everything was perfect for the picnic __________________(除了) there was some rain.

3. It’s a great deal for you _____________(交换) your house ______ so much money ______ me. 4. So far, you __________________________(找借口) for your ____________(旷课). The explanation that you

__________(给)is not the one that I ____________________(期待得到).

5. _______________(除了) ________________ (眼保健操)twice a day, we have to __________________(运动) in the sports field after school and___________________ (做很多练习题) in the evening. 6.

If you are not ___________________(经验) bargaining with the boss, many _____________ (费用) will ______________________(产生). 7.

Her ____________(极其) _____________(非凡的) ______________(表达) is _______________ (出乎意料). 8. He is ___________________(内行) _________________(探索) the outer space. 9. Now ________(额外的) work must be done to protect our __________(视力).


10. ____________________(心目中) the teacher, each of you _________________ (有鉴赏力) music.

Day 36

根据提示完成下列句子(face favorite)

1. _____________ (面对) with ___________(失败), we need to _________________________ (对自己有信心). 2. The boy ____________ (没有 fail) tell the girl the _______ (事实) of his __________ (家人).

3. All happy _____________(家庭) are the same. My family _________() pleasure-makers. 4. ____________(生病 fall ill), she lay in bed, ___________ (幻想去) to some places _________ (远离) her home.

5. ___________________( 作为 而著名 ) a tourism city, Guilin is _________________( 而著名 ) its ____________(极出色的) scenery.

6. _______________________(就我而言), he is ______(更加) better than I and is __________(修饰最高级) the best in our class. 7. Everybody __________________(都有缺点), so don’t always ________________(挑我的错).

8. Just do it. I am _________________________(支持 favor) you.

9. China pandas are _____________________ (所熟知) the world, but I’m not ________________ (熟悉) their living habits

10. With darkness _____________(降临), we had to stop our journey and stay on a farm _______________ (过夜).

Day 37

根据提示完成下列句子(fear finish)

1. She used to be so shy at that time that she was in ________(害怕) of meeting others.

2. She ___________________ (饲养了 feed) _______________________ (相当多) horses for _________ (十五)

years, but she has never _________________________(感到厌烦 fed up) the job.

3. Those ___________(小伙子) feel like ______________(figure out) math prblems. 4. How do you __________ him?

Oh, I have a ____________(感觉) that he is a success ___________________________ (领域) finance.

5. Outstanding ______________(人物) should always ________________________(保持体形).

6. Please __________ (填充) these blanks first. When you have ________________(填写) this form, hand it to me.

7. Opening his eyes, he ____________________ (发现自己躺在) in the hospital.

8. He _______________(被罚款) for not paying the __________________(服务费).

9. Lily, your father is __________________(发烧), go and _______________________( fetch 一个医生来).

10. The project which is in its ____________(最后) stages is to be __________(完成) _________(最终) very soon.

Day 38

根据提示完成下列句子(fire foggy)

1. The boy _____________(生火), and was _______________(在玩火). Carelessly, he __________________(

燃了) the house. Soon the house was __________________(起火). 2.

All of us should ________________(保持健康) __________________(自始自终).

3. We should _____________________(适应) the surroundings and find a job that ___________(合适) us. 4. Let’s ______________________(确定一个日期) to ______________(去捕鱼).



5. ____________________(一刹那), the family __________ (逃离了) the burning house.

6. The river was _______________(泛滥), with damaged boats _____________(漂浮) on water. 7. _______________________(把注意力集中于) on the plane __________(飞行) in the _________(有雾的) sky. 8. After this Spring Festival, not so many people ______________( ) coastal cities. Instead, they ___________(站稳) in their hometowns.

9. You can wait to see these trees _______________(开始开花) ___________________(亲自).

10. How time __________(流逝)! He now speaks English with ____________(流利).

Day 39

根据提示完成下列句子(fold framework)

1. After the dictation, everybody is required ______________(折叠) up the exercise-book for the teacher to check. It is _________________(易被忘记的). Don’t be a _____________(健忘的) person.

2. We must __________________________________ (……为榜样) Xiao Hua to do the ______________ (

下的) exercises and to do them ______________________(如下). 3. We should ________________________( ) to produce crops so that we can avoid ______________________(食物短缺).

4. If anybody ___________________(愚弄 make fool…) those friendly _____________(外国人) in China, he is

never ___________(宽恕).

5. It’s April Fools Day, so don’t _______________(上当) into _________________(做愚蠢) things.

6. In the past, most parents __________(禁止) _____________(用武力) their children to go out alone at night.

Now children are still ___________(禁止) to hang around outside before midnight.

7. Can you _________(预见) that many cheats appear ______________________(……的形式) smiling friends.

8. ___________(幸运地), he came back home happily after a __________(两星期), ________________ (发了财).

9. The ____________(先前的) plan ________________(提出) by the professor was worth considering.

10. I’m ______________________ (期待) to ____________________________ (有好运气) ________(永远).

Day 40

根据提示完成下列句子(free future)

1. If it’s ________________(冰冷) on Sunday, you _____________(自由随意) to choose to come to school or stay home.

2. Not all the ___________(法国人) in __________(法国) speak standard ___________(法语).

3. I’m a ______________( ) in the job, where I f____________( ) make mistakes. But I’m

______________(友好) my workmates, so I am seldom ___________________(make fun of). 4. __________________(从现在开始), I’ll ________ (充当) my bedroom ______(作为) a study.

5. Every ____________( 星期五 ) evening, I go to the English Corner to practice English. Up till now I ______________________ (交了很多朋友).

6. Last Saturday, I was driving on the ___________ (高速公路). Suddenly, a ____________(令人恐惧的)

accident occurred ________________ (在前面) me. I was ____________________ (吓得要死). 7. Her life is ______________(充满) __________(友谊) and _________(幸福).

8. This flat is _______________(配备了) a piece of new ___________(家具). You’re so lucky to live here 9. He is _____________(远非) being pleased about it; she is in ____________(愤怒).

10. Here are all kinds of _________(水果) and _________() chicken. _______________(心情玩吧)!


Day 41

根据提示完成下列句子(gain get)

1. _____________________(不劳无获), in other word, you can ______________ (……中获益) working hard. 2. Which do you prefer, a ___________(汽车间), a __________(果园) or a _______________(加油站)? 3. In __________/ __________speaking (通常来说), the poor ______________________ (……大方) others. 4. We will hold _________________________(奥运会) well _____________________________ (一代代).

5. It’s said that ________(德国人) are __________(……温和) tourists in __________(德国).

6. Sometimes we can ____________________(做手势) to _____________(讲清楚) our meaning to the children. 7. It’s a pleasure to _________________________(……相处) that g_________(先生).

8. Let’s _____________________(开始 get down to) _________________(加速) in order to get there in time. 9. I’m sorry I didn’t get the __________(垃圾)____________(集拢), but I’ll ______________(干完) very soon.

10. We often _________(聚集) to talk about _________(地理) and to practice _________(德语)

Day 42

根据提示完成下列句子(gift gradual)

1. Because of _______________________(有天赋) music, the girl was given a violin as a __________ (礼物).

2. She never ___________________(放弃) practising the violin. Finally she ________________________ (举行音

乐会), which brought _________(荣誉) to her.

3. When only one child was allowed to go to school, she ___________________(让路给) her brother. But she still

_____________________(爱好 go in for) study.

4. I overslept this morning because my alarm clock didn’t _____________(). 5. He has ________________________________(赢得两块金牌) and has reached his ____________(目标). 6. On Saturday he has no penny left in his pocket, but he can _____________(没有也行).

7. ___________________________(为了……利益) the people, the ___________(政府) needs do its best.

8. Playing ________(高尔夫) ________________(……有好处) you.

9. _____________(渐渐地), children are not _____________(泡在……里面) computer games.

10. To do something to prevent _______________(全球变暖), I _____________(反对) driving cars.

Day 43

根据提示完成下列句子(graduate gymnastics)

1. After ____________(毕业) from middle school, I’ll go to _________(希腊) to learn _________(希腊语). 2. I’m ____________________(渴求 greedy) some knowledge of ___________(语法) .

3. I’m a ________________( ), so there are __________________( a great many) problems

_________________(不能理解 grasp).

4. Every day, before class we ___________________(向致敬) to our teaches.

5. There is ____________________(许多 deal) difficulty, there are ____________(没有理由) for giving up.

6. You have ____________(成长) almost adults, ___________________(……指导下) of the teachers and

parents, you are _______________(保证) to do good to the society.

7. The ____________(门卫) are _______________(站岗) with great care, so we are __________(感激的) for their devotion.

8. I ________(猜想) all the __________(客人) have a __________ (指南) to the hotel.


9. I felt ____________(内疚) for not ______________(帮助) her.

10. Many students go ________________(成群地) to learn to play __________(吉他).

Day 44

根据提示完成下列句子(habit headmistress)

1. I’m trying to break ___________________________________________________(上课迟到的习惯). Yet I’ve __________(养成) the habit of _______________________(认真听).

2. ___________________(半个小时) ago, I ________________________(理发).

3. _______________________( ), we should not _______________________( ) others.

____________________________(另一方面), some good customs should be ___________________(传下去) by our solving many ___________________(艰难) 4. As students, we should learn _______________( 应付 ) all kinds of ________( 艰难的 ) situations and ______________________ (帮助 give a hand)to others.

5. ____________________( 使我高兴的是 ), my friends bought me many gifts for my birthday, such as a

_________(手提包), two __________(手绢), and, a ________(便携式) walkman.

6. In return, I ___________ (分发) ________(火腿), ___________(汉堡) and ________________(一大把) sweets. 7. Cathy, you’re wanted on the phone.

Pick it up for me and _________________(不挂断) for a while.

8. _____________________________(非常碰巧) that I __________(不得不) go out now. 9. ____________() had I got to the school gate _________() I was caught being late by the __________(校长) 10. The couple ____________________(不愿意麻烦) others and live together __________________ (十分和谐).

Day 45

根据提示完成下列句子(health holiday)

1. Don’t _____________(犹豫) to turn to us if you have any __________(听力) problems.

2. Keep ___________(健康) by exercising regularly, for _____________(健康) is above wealth. 3. If you ____________________(用心去做) something, you’ll be highly ____________(评价).

4. What ________________(到底) are you doing?

I _________________________(禁不住去了解) the __________(高度) of the ____________(直升升飞机).

5. _________________________(在他的帮助下), I ________(租了) a car and drove _________________(到处)..

6. This ______________(历史) play is rewritten by this _____________(历史) spot, which helps us to know more

about the __________(历史). 7. In the earthquake, I ______________________(头部被打伤 hit), but it didn’t __________________(使我伤心). 8. I ____________________(坚持认为) that he _______________________(把事实瞒着我们). 9. Seeing the films of _________( 英雄 ) during ____________( 假期 ) is my __________( 嗜好 ). Avadar is _______________(极为叫座).

10. Those people in the quake-hit area ___________(坚持) until help came to save them out.

Day 46

根据提示完成下列句子(holy hydrogen)

1. I ___________________(希望听到) the news ______________________(国内外) every day.


2. If we can ________________________( ) our _____________( 祖国 ), we’ll

_________________________ (感到荣幸).

3. ___________________________(实话说), we students are required _____________________ (对人诚实)

others, and we should not _______________________(沉溺于 hook) computer games.

4. There is no need to say that we should _______________________(做家庭作业). If possible, it’s necessary for

us to ________________________(做些家务事). 5. _________________( ) he _______________________________( )? He is _________________(没希望). 6. __________________( ) do we need to take to _________________________( ) during


7. __________________(多久一次) do you _______________________(去看病).

8. The __________(女主人) and her ___________(丈夫) were ____________________________ (招待客人) in

their beautiful ___________(巨大) ____________(房子). 9. He is ______________________( 找书 hunt…) everywhere in the library, from which we know that he is _____________________________(渴望知识).

10. After we _________________________(相互拥抱), he ___________________(匆匆离去). Seeing this, I

asked him not to be _____________________(匆忙).

Day 47

根据提示完成下列句子(I injury)

1. There is a lot of evidence __________(表明) that music activities engage difference parts of the brain.

2. ______________(若有可能), ________() I get to Beijing, I’ll go to see you.

3. As an old saying goes, a friend _____________(患难) is a friend __________(真正地).

4. I can’t imagine his _______________________________(患这么重的病).

5. _____________________(要独立) is of great _________________(重要).

6. There is little ____________(可能) that our ___________(收入) is ____________________(在增长).

7. _________________________(工业革命) had _____________________________(影响很大) our life.

8. Please ________________________________(电话号码有变动告知我们).

9. If not ____________________(认真处理), the situation will get worse. 10. Everybody are required to take part in the social activities, _______________( ) you/you


Day 48

根据提示完成下列句子(ink itself)

1. Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem _____________________(discuss) at the meeting. I insisted that he _________(do) it right, in other word, I insisted on his _________(do) it. 2.

Don’t write your test paper ____________(用铅笔). ___________(相反), you must do it __________ (用墨水).

3. To tell the truth, I was _____________(受到感动) by his ___________(鼓舞人心的) speech.

4. I ______________________________(没打算 intention) getting married at present. ___________________(

隔一段时间), I go to visit _____________________ (名胜古迹). 5.

This book is ____________________(为打算) for testing ________________(智力).

6. Sorry to ____________(打断) you, but I’ll __________________________(会见) the two ______________(


译者) in order to choose a better one.

7. An expert was ____________( 邀请 ) to make an ______________( 介绍 ) to the ________( 发明 ) of the

___________(互联网) and its wide use.

8. Is it ________________(有趣) that a knife cut in the finger will heal ________(自己). But I know that nothing

will go ______________(独立地) in the nature. ____________(本质上) everything helps each other. 9. He followed the operation ______________(说明书) ________________(一就 instant) he got the iPad. 10. It’s no use _________() when you get stuck ___________________(在岛上).

Day 49

根据提示完成下列句子(jacket kindness)

1. As a __________(新闻记者) in _______(日本), he should learn to speak in _________(日语) 2. It’s still cold in __________(一月), but in ________(六月) and _________(七月), it’s __________(有几分) hot. 3. He ___________(参加) the army two year ago. That is to say, he _____________(参加) the army for two years.

4. Don’t play ________________(开玩笑) others, especially don’t make ______________(开玩笑) such a honest


No, I was only ______________(开玩笑).

5. ____________________( 使人高兴的是 ), _____________________( 来看 ) the smile on his face, he


6. Don’t ________________________(以貌取人). All need to have ______________(正义感).

7. He is ___________(年少) to me. In other words, I am ___________(年长) to him.

8. If you want to _________________(跟上) others, you must _______________(不断工作), which is always


9. I did it ______________________________(只是纯粹出于好意).

10. _______________(坚持做), and you can find the ______________(的答案) the problem.

Day 50

根据提示完成下列句子(king learn)

1. The school was moved out of downtown as _______________________( 数量) of students had grown too


2. __________________________________( ) traffic regulations, the old man was

___________________(撞倒) when he was _____________________(闲逛) in the street.

3. It was so dark inside that he ___________________(撞上) a tree and then ______________(撞翻) a vase. 4. Nowadays, _____________( 体力劳动者 ) ___________( 缺乏 ) mental ___________( 劳动 ) can probably


5. For ___________________(缺乏) strong skill at hand, he _____________(下岗) finally, so he was determined

to become ________________________(有学问的人). 6.

The ______________( ) plane came __________( ) but it was the ________________________________(最后一个安全着陆). 7. __________________________(在过去的几年里), great changes ___________________(发生了) in China. 8. By working hard, he has __________( 学会 ) three __________( 语言 ), including _________( 法语 ), ___________(德语) and ___________(俄语).

9. On ________________________________( 元宵节 ), he _____________________( 寄希望于 ) becoming a



10. When he imitated some __________(领导) saying “All citizens are equal __________________(法律面前)”,

everyone ___________________________(放声大笑).

Day 51

根据提示完成下列句子(least lip)

1. He _______________________(一点也不 not…least) like to ________________(排队等候).

2. With his driving ___________(执照) _________________(忘带), it was _____________(不合法) to drive.

3. I came here not to ____________________(教训你), but ___________________(给你上课). 4. _____________________( ), she ____________( 使 ). She can’t speak Chinese well, _________________(更不用说) English. 5. Don’t __________________(遗漏) this ___________(字母) in this word.

6. She _________( 说谎 ) to be ill and told me she was still ________( ) in bed. Actually, she was

__________________(充满活力). She was __________________(说谎). 7. The _____________(闪电) ___________(照亮) the courtyard, ____________________(将曝光) his famous car. 8. I don’t ___________(想要) keeping the secret. Instead, I ____________(愿意) to share it with you. 9. It’s _________(可能的) to __________(限制) myself to three cups of beer a day.

10. The reason ____________(存在于) two aspects, but personally, this kind of light is closely _____________(

联系) skin cancer.

Day 52

根据提示完成下列句子(liquid lung)

1. If you drop __________(垃圾) in the No _________(乱丢杂物) area, there will be fine. 2. I’m _________________(不是一点点) tired, but I’m _______________(一点也不) hungry.

3. He is so ______________(有生气的) that he never _____________________(辜负) his parents’ expectation.

4. ________________(大量的 load) pictures can be _________(上传) or _________(下载) from the Internet.

5. I _______________( long) ___________() others as my best friends and to be

________________(赞赏 look up to).

6. I _______________________(期望) _________() good __________________(生活条件).

7. He is always ____________________(沉湎于 lose) playing computer games _______________(终日地),

making him ___________________________(遭受重大损失).

8. He decided to _____________________(弥补损失) _____________________(逐渐地). 9. He __________________(爱上) a beautiful girl, but he ___________________(不走运). 10. When _____________( 失意), be patient; when ____________(孤独), be happy.

Day 53

根据提示完成下列句子(machine match)

1. The ________(太太) with _____________(没有礼貌) almost _______________(使我发狂). 2.

Luckily, _______________________( majority) survived in the traffic accident, which was ______________(不可思议的).

3. If you ________________________(下决心), you can _______________(达到目的).


4. What ___________(牌子) of the __________(经理) car? Hongqi. It was _____________(在中国制造) China.

5. __________(许多 many a ) _______(主要的) problem _____________(已设法) to be solved.

6. A stop ________(标志) at the crossroads fell down, leaving a ________(痕迹) on the ground. Can you ________ them ________(辨认出)? 7. Her tie _________(搭配) her dress, __________(标志) his ability in selecting proper clothing.

8. He _________________( 与结婚 ) the beautiful girl long time ago and it seems that up till now they ___________________(结婚) for ten years. Their ___________(婚姻) is happy.

9. Can you ___________________(弄清楚 make sense…) what he said? If not, go and ask him because he has _________(掌握) several foreign languages.

10. China ________________(由组成) 1.36 billion people, ___________(占据) one sixth of the world population.

Day 54

根据提示完成下列句子(material metre)

1. I forgot to __________________________( ) her. _______________________( …matters…), I ________________________________(吃错了药).

2. _________________________( matter), I ______________( ) make some clothes

____________________________(按她的尺寸), but I was _____________(一团糟). 3. _________________________(什么意思) of the word “due”?

_________(也许) it _________(意为) “be coming”, and it ________(也许) be an easy job.

4. ______________________( 无论如何 …means), the government should _________________ ( 采取措施 )

__________________ (满足人民的需要).

5. The news of his ___________________(赢得两块金牌) was reported by the _______(媒体).

6. __________________(决不) could I think yesterday that I would ___________(遇到) that __________(商人)

___________________(中等身材) five times.

7. I am ________(仅仅) an ordinary worker, so sometimes I can’t ________________________ (使收支平衡), ___________________________(更不用说…mention) having enough money to buy such an expensive flat.

8. Don’t ____________(提及) his _________(精神) problem. He has __________________( 记忆力很差). I

___________________(怜悯) him. 9. _____________________(为了纪念) the old time, he learned to use traditional ______________(方法) to __________(修理) broken windows 10. On a cold Christmas Day, the hopeless little girl was ____________________(任由摆布) some older boys


Day 55

根据提示完成下列句子(microscope monument)

1. Once someone tells you to _________________(记住某些事时), you’d better _________________(别管闲事). 2. Many people ____________________( ) to look for gold _______( ), but unluckily only ____________________________(少数人) can find some. 3.

If you can’t find a suitable school bus, you _______________(不妨) use a __________(小型公共汽车).

4. The __________(最小) fare on buses is 1 yuan. _____________(等一下), I’ll give you a coin. You can’t _________( 错过) it.


5. Oh, you __________(错当成) _________(显微镜) for _______ (望远镜).How __________(错误) you are!

6. As a ___________(模特), you should be __________(时髦) and have __________(谦逊). 7. The __________() I see myself in the ________(镜子), I find myself aging.

8. Any thief can’t _______________(逃脱被抓). Don’t _________________(迷路).

9. You two _________(班长) ___________(误解) me, i.e., you had a __________(误解) of me.

10. I have to put away your _________( 移动 ) phone ____________( 一会儿 ), but your mother can get it


Day 56

根据提示完成下列句子(moon myself)

1. Everybody should _________________(按道德标准行事) to return the lost things to the owner. We should

observe _____________________(社会公德). 2. ________________(越来起多) students learn by ________________________(充分利用) their spare time.

3. __________(越多) music you listen to, ____________(越多) chances you’ll have to be a __________(音乐).

4. Every day we should ____________________(或多或少) do some reading, and learn to use __________(至少)

30 words, especially their collocations.

5. From Monday to Saturday, we do morning reading _______________(在早上), but ____________________(

星期天早上), we have a good rest at home. Sometimes we go ____________________(爬山).

6. Young people like ___________________(到处走动), that is to say, they are _____________(在活动中).

7. He _______________(离开 move…) ______________(骑摩托) in a hurry, ___________________(看电影).

8. He was accused of a _________(杀人犯), because he _________________(犯杀人罪).

9. You __________(必须) do these exercises ___________________(独自).

10. ____________(又一次), a __________(音乐) was held in the ______________(博物馆).

Day 57

根据提示完成下列句子(nail next)

1. _________________(中华民族) is ______________(远非) _________________(心胸狭窄的), n________(

就是说), a peace-loving one ______________(天性).

2. My _____________(国籍) is Chinese, so my __________(本国) language is also Chinese.

3. ___________________(如果有必要), we must buy some ______________(必需品) at home.

4. She needs ______________________________(的名命名) her mother, which needs ___________(考虑). As for me, I needn’t _____________(think of) this matter. 5. I have ______________________________________(针线都没有).

6. I was ___________________________(陷入的困难) putting ________________(国内外消息) into English. 7. But __________________(不要紧), my __________(侄子) who is good at English will come to my help. 8. My next-door ___________(邻居) often read news ______________(在报纸上) to me. 9. Do you need some _______________(项链)?

No, but some _______________(钉子) are ____________(需要).

10. The happiest people don’t ________________(必要) have the best of everything.


Day 58

根据提示完成下列句子(nice nutrition)

1. Basketball is ____________(某些东西) I like best. ______________________( 没有什么东西) like it as a means of keeping fit.

2. Last night I really had a _________(吵闹的) one because all my nephews and _________(侄女们) were singing at home ________________________________(直到深夜). They ___________________(弄出太多的声音了).

3. The boss asked us to work ____________________(夜以继日). One the ________(第九) day, all of us broke down. We were __________________(不是一点点) tired. After a couple of days’ rest and some __________(营养的) food, we ____________________ (恢复正常). 4. After graduating from _______________________________( 东北师范大学 ), he didn’t find a good job.

_______________________(直到现在), he is still sharing a small flat with others. ________________(无理由) on the way home after work.

5. __________________________( …number… ) ________________________( )

6. What they received __________________________( ) of the officials of the hospital. ___________________(从现在起), they are _______________(一点也不) afraid.

7. Have you ____________________(注意到) the safety of ____________________ (核电站).

8. Can you ___________________________(做笔记) what the teachers say in the class.

9. If you don’t go there, ________________________(我也不去).

10. ____________________(数量) the birds is growing up. ________________(没有任何地方) can I find to listen to their beautiful singing.

Day 59

根据提示完成下列句子(obey opening)

1. It’s __________(明显的) that every citizen should __________________(遵守法律), and every rule should be strictly _________(遵守 observe).

2. High school students are _______________(反对) taking motorbikes, for it’s an _________(违法行为).

3. In __________(九月) and __________(十月), students ______________________________ (忙于 occupy) Teachers’ Day and National Day. 4. It _______________(突然想起) that my mother will come to _________(正式) see me today. 5. ________________(隔多久) do you help do housework?

I seldom _______________________(主动提出做) it, for I hate oily dishes

6. The _________ (官员的) speech of ________________(就职) is _______________(不切题).

7. ___________________(突然…sudden), the long sleeping patient ____________________(苏醒), with his eyes


8. We classmates help ___________________( ), but most of the time we do exercises ____________________(独自).

9. _____________(要是就好了) we had one hour a day in the afternoon in having sports!

10. _______________(总之), _______(一旦) I have time, I’ll visit you ______________(亲自).

Day 60

根据提示完成下列句子(opera oxygen)

1. I _______________________(对有好印象) the doctor who ___________(动手术) my father.


2. Many people say I’m _____________( ). Much ______________( ) their opinion, I’m __________________________(……悲观) my study.

3. We ________________________(建立一个组织) for travelling by car, and ______________ (确切地说), we ____________________(出去郊游) ______________________(每隔一周).

4. ___________________(为了) we can have good meals, we should _____________________ (预定) from the dining hall in advance.

5. ________________(前几天), the _____________(起初的) computer in our classroom was _______________(


6. You ought to ________________(克服) these difficulties yourself, but you _________(没有). 7. This book ________(给出) a brief __________(概述) of the history of the castle.

8. He is __________( 超重), but he is _________(坦率) and __________(杰出).

9. The writer did most of the writing ____________________(独自 on…own), but he still __________(归功) his achievements ________() his teacher.

10. ______________(由于 owing…) ______________________(过户外生活), he was sun burnt.

Day 61

根据提示完成下列句子(pace partly)

1. We should ______________________(不遗余力) to _______________________(与时俱进).

2. When shopping was done in the supermarket, the food items ___________(包装) with plastic was carefully


3. Yesterday I ____________________(费力) to climb to the top of the 15-storeyed building. When I was going

downstairs, I fell, hurting my legs _______________(疼痛地). I did __________________(感觉疼痛) in my left leg. It was really ______________(痛苦的) to come to the ground. ______________________(颐和园). These _______________(油画) sell well.

4. Most ___________(画家) _______________(特别) like ___________(油画) ___________

5. At the sight of the test ___________(试卷), I __________________________(进入恐慌状态) and my mind went blank, but I tried to force myself not to _____________(惊慌).

6. Please ______________________________( …… ) getting a ticket, for I couldn’t find a

_____________________(停车场) to ___________() my car. I had to choose a corner of the street, but I had no good luck.

7. On holidays, I took my ____________(父母亲) to __________(巴黎). We visited ___________(公园), had a talk to some ______________(鹦鹉) and ___________________________(参加) some interesting games.

8. I ____________________________(扮演很多重要角色) in many _____________(联欢会). 9. She was ____________________(对挑剔) almost everything, so I _____________(分手) her. 10. I chose these ____________(伙伴) ____________(部分) because they were honest and able.

Day 62

根据提示完成下列句子(pass perfume)

1. He __________() a precious painting ___________() his son, hoping he could ___________(把传给) after

he _____________________(去世). 2. The _______________(游客的) _____________(护照) was picked up by a ______________(过路人) in the ___________________(走廊). He thanked a lot.

3. _____________________(以前), people seldom __________________________(申请专利).


4. Be ____________________(对某人有耐心) ___________(病人). Nurses can’t _______________________(

去耐心). ______________(不耐烦) does great harm.

5. Be ___________________(和平相处) between classmates, making a ______________(和平的)world.

6. If you ___________________________________(提前支付这台个人电脑), you can have ______________(

分之二十) off the price. 7. All your hard work will __________________(得到回报) in the future.

8. 80 percent of the books __________(已经) sold, and 10 percent of the money ____() yours.

9. A large ___________(比例) of the farmer-workers live in the coastal cities. They _____________________(

行职责) well and are _____________(完全适合) their jobs.

10. As ____________________(常言所说), _____________________________(熟能生巧).

Day 63

根据提示完成下列句子(perhaps pity)

1. If you want to ________________(照相) here, you should _____________________(请求允许). Nobody is

____________________(允许做) anything __________________(未经允许).

2. I want to give him a __________(电话) ______________(亲自), but he didn’t ___________________(接电话).

3. _______________( 就我而言 ), ___________( 内科医生们 ) and ____________( 理学家们 ) also need a

_________________(体检) once a year and _______________(体操) every day, which are good to their health.

4. I have learned to __________________() for two years, but I still can’t

_________________________(在钢琴的伴奏下演唱) as beautifully as the _____________(钢琴家).

5. I have _______________(学习 pick…) some knowledge of the computer by watching others.

6. Last Sunday we ________________________(去野餐). We _______________(野餐) in a mountainous village. It was _____________(遗憾) that I carelessly ________(摔碎) the bowls ________________(成为碎片) in the


7. I ______________________(同情) her because someone __________________________(扒窃) while shopping.


8. We should _____________(挑出) some useful things from __________________(这堆垃圾). 9. ____________________(吃了这片药), and find a ___________(枕头) to lie on, then you will be all right. 10. There is no pity for these _____________(先锋) ____________(飞行员). They are great.

Day 64

根据提示完成下列句子(place pollution)

1. ____________________________( ),

we should ________________________( )

________________________________________________(降低环境污染的程度). 2. Something terrible _________________(发生) yesterday, as two ______________________

(化工) gave out _____________(有毒的) gases, which greatly ___________(污染) the air.

3. ________(塑料) ___________________________________(起重要的作用) in our daily life.

4. On ____________________(植树节), _________________(大量的 plenty…) trees were __________(种植).

The result was ________________(令人满意). 5. My parents are ___________________( …… ) my ______________( ). I think it’s a ____________(乐事) to help others.

6. He was ________________________________________(就要偷) my purse from my _________(口袋) when

he was caught by a ________________(警察).


7. As people often _______(指出), it’s the people whom the ______(警察) serve heart and soul. 8. Birth Control and Protecting the Nature are our __________________(国策).

9. Here are 5 _________(盘子). Please _________(增加) another two. That is 7. Em, five ______() two is seven. 10. Don’t be ___________________(偏题), or rather, be _________________(切题).

Day 65

根据提示完成下列句子(pond powerful)

1. I’m _________________(富有) vocabulary, but I’m _______________(贫乏) pronunciation. 2. ___________(流行) singer Jay Chou is __________________(……所喜欢) young people.

3. ________(多少) is the _____________(人口) of Quanzhou?

Sorry, but I know that Shishi ______________________________(有人口) 300,000.

4. He ________________________(对采取积极的态度) his job, so he ____________________ (担任职务) of manager. Two years later, he _______________________( ) because he

______________________________(占有) a large sum of public money.

5. Nowadays, the ___________(地位) of women has become much _________() than before.

6. Everybody should _____________________(坚守岗位), for _____________________(有可能…possibility) for anything urgent to happen any time.

7. Before Christmas, I went to the _______________( 邮局 ) and sent quite a few ____________( 明信片 )

__________________(通过邮寄). The __________(邮费) was free. 8. I __________________(推迟去) to the town, for a heavy rain _____________(倾盆而下) and flooded the roads. 9. Tears of ___________(幸福) _________________(流下来) Susan’s cheeks.

10. Everybody _____________________________(对有控制权) to control himself while natural disasters are


Day 66

根据提示完成下列句子(practical pride)

1. Mother often said, “_____________________________(熟能生巧)”, and I __________________(练习弹) the piano a lot. She ______________________(高度赞扬我).

2. To tell you the truth, I ___________________________(更喜欢) science subjects. I _______(宁愿) to do a lot of math exercises _______________(而不愿) recite Chinese texts.

3. Several days ago, the teachers __________________( 在准备 ) the reviewing exercises while the students

__________________________(在作准备) the College Entrance Examination. Now, the Exam is over and they say they _____________________________(已经有准备) to make a choice among their favorite universities. 4. The leaders _____________(出席) Boao Economy Forum are talking about the _________(当前的) economic situation. Each of them is given Chinese paintings as __________(礼物).

5._____________________(至今为止), much wet land hasn’t been ________________________(保护免受破坏). 6. He was elected _________(总裁) of Fujian Education __________(出版社). _____________(总裁) is learned and kindhearted. 7. Nowadays we are ____________________________(在压力下) the rising _________(价格). 8. I don’t __________________(逼迫你回答), but don’t ____________(假装) know the answer. 9. We must _________( ) these poisonous drinks from ____________( ) the market _________________________(不惜任何代价).

10. Don’t be too _______________(骄傲) yourself, for nobody likes ___________(骄傲).


Day 67

根据提示完成下列句子(primary psychology)

1. _________________(原则上), newspapers are ________________(印刷中) at night.

2. Parents again ____________________(到监狱) to see their son yesterday because he was ___________________

(被投进监狱). He ______________________(在坐牢) for two years.

3. He ____________________(被奖励) for _________(解决) some difficult __________(行业) _________(问题).

4. The company ___________________________(已经获利) of 0.5 billion yuan by ____________(生产) many favorite ____________(产品).

5. I’ve ____________________(遵守诺言) for I’ve _________________________(取得很快进步) in English.

6. He _________(有可能 promise) to be a mayor, for he never _________________(不守诺言).

7. Pandas are under __________(在保护下) of the government. They are _________________(提供足够的食物).

8. His experience _____________________(证明有用), which _________(证明) his ability.

9. The southeastern ____________( ) are divided into several zones for quick development. They are


10. Some sounds should be ___________________(适当地发音). Good __________(发音) makes good English.

Day 68

根据提示完成下列句子(pub quiz)

1. Don’t ___________________________(跟某人争吵) others ______() small things _____________(公开地).

2. First he had to _________________(排队) in front of the __________________(出版社). When it was his turn, he took out his _________( ) and ____________________( ) 500 yuan and bought

_______________________(相当多) books.

3. He couldn’t _____________(使停下) his car when the light turned red, so he was __________(惩罚) for breaking the traffic the law. I know he would not do it _____________(故意). 4. __________________________________( 带着 的目的 ) attracting the girl’s attention, the young man ___________________(挂起) a sign reading “I Love You”. But the girl couldn’t ________________(忍受) it.

5. He was still ___________(迷惑) when he was ________________(推倒) to the roadside 6. It is _________(质量) not ________(数量) that matters most.

7. It is _____________________(不可能…question) to ______________________(重归于好).

8. He was __________(十分) tired, so he _____________________(辞职) ____________________(毫无疑问地).

9. I’m sorry the meeting had to _______________(推迟) for somebody ________________(提出) a new proposal. 10. The __________(震动) caused much damage to the _____________(金字塔) in Egypt.

Day 69

根据提示完成下列句子(rabbit real)

1. I ___________________________(听广播) and got the news that there was too much rain in Zhejiang. The ___________(降雨量) _______________(范围包括) from 300mm to 600mm. Many ___________(铁路) were 2.

____________(困住) in the floods.

EveryMondaymorning,alltheteachersandstudentsstandontheplayground ____________________________________________(看着国旗升起).

3. Li Na has made ____________________(很快进步). Now she ____________(排名) the fourth in tennis.


4. Rarely ___________________________________________(不真实的东西对她有影响). 5. _________________(无论如何), you should run your car _______________(….速度) 80 kilometers an hour. 6. I’ll meet him, __________________( 更确切地说), I’ll meet him at 3:00 this afternoon. 7. You can’t learn English well __________________(除了…than) by doing more reading

8. I would cook the fish for long _______________________(而不是吃) raw fish. 9. Poisonous things should be put where they are _________________( 够不着) of the children. 10. __________________________(准备) to tell me the _____________(读数) of the machine.

Day 70

根据提示完成下列句子(reality regardless)

1. ________________________(由于某种原因), he didn’t _________(实现) his dream, but it doesn’t mean that his dream will not __________________(实现) one day.

2. The reason why he was __________(拒绝) is t________ he didn’t ______________(谈及) the present situation.

3. They suggested that the professor ________(所指的) just now ___________(被选为) president of the university.

4. _________________( ), after he ___________________( ) his illness, he

_______________________(重新安排他的生活) completely.

5. I _______________________________(把他当作) my best friend and give my best __________(问候) to him.

6. I often recommend that he ___________________________(记录下) what the teacher said in class, but in vain.

7. __________________________(……) preserving the earth, ______________() can ___________(减少) pollution. 8. The ______________(反射影像) in the mirror _______________________(唤起他的记忆).

9. The system of education should be _______________(改革) ______________(合理地).

10. This school accepts all disabled students, ___________________(不管) educational level and background.

Day 71

根据提示完成下列句子(register reputation)

1. I ____________________________( 遗憾要告诉 ) you that you failed in the writing exam, but I don’t

_______________________________(后悔要求) you to recite some beautiful essays.

2. ______________________(令我遗憾的是), somebody doesn’t __________________________ (遵守交通规). What’s worse, some accidents __________________ (……有关) drunk driving.

3. Law Today is a ___________________(固定节目) in CCTV, which ___________(提醒) us to do things by law. 4. Going to church on Sunday is __________(放松的). Actually everybody need to be _____________(放松).

5. Don’t ___________________(指望) me too much, for I won’t _________________________ (发表评论) your learning method. 6. The old man ____________(留下) in the seat and ____________(保持) quiet, but kept smoking, with a lot of _______________(剩余物) in the ashtray. 7. Please ______________________________(代我向你父母问好) your parents. 8. How much ____________(租金) do I pay for this room? Sorry, but all the rooms are _________________(在修理中).

9. It is ____________(报道) that a dove _______________(象征) peace.

10. Good _________________(名声) can’t be ______________________(替换) anything else.

Day 72


根据提示完成下列句子(request ring)

1. Jenny did too much shopping. __________________(结果) she nearly missed the flight. Jenny nearly missed the flight ___________________(由于) doing too much shopping.

2. Don’t respond to any emails that ___________( …… ) personal information from you. If you do that

_______________________( 应某人之请求 ), you’ll get into trouble. I ____________( 请求 ) that you

_____________(拒绝) his ___________(请求).

3. The classroom requires _____________(打扫). Besides, the floor is required to ________________(清洗) with water. I require everybody __________(be) present.

4. My parents ___________(奖赏) me for _________(排名 rank) the tenth in the class. We had a big meal in a

___________(饭馆), which __________________________(满足了我的需求).

5. Mr. Yee is ___________(……丰富) teaching. He often asks us to _________________ (去掉) some bad habits and do well ________________(在各方面). _____________(作为回报), we have been admitted into universities. All of us ________________(表达尊敬) for him. 6. The firemen __________(营救) an old woman. They said it was their ______________(责任) and they would ___________________________(……负有责任) for the people’s lives.

7. Only four____________(预订) in the hotel while ___________(剩余的) had to put up tents.

8. I couldn’t ________(忍受) the ___________(限制), so I _________(辞职) from the company. 9. ____________(关于) the ________(复习), we’d better _______(复述) what we have learned. 10. I’m about to ________() a bicycle to my office and I’ll ____________(给你打电话) later.

Day 73

根据提示完成下列句子(ripe Russian)

1. Hearing that the food price was ____________________(在上涨), the old man _______(起身) to his feet and began to convey his anger to the society.

2. She describe it ________________(粗略地). While a young men was ___________________ (抢夺) her handbag, she ran the _______(冒险) of injuring herself to hold it firmly. 3. Don’t risk ________ (作弊) in the exam. You will ______________________________(搬起石头砸自己的脚).

4. What __________(角色) did you play in the film?

A ________________(俄罗斯统治者) who was _____________(对人无礼) many people. 5. The _______(屋顶) of these _______() of famous houses ___________________(毁灭了). 6. He _______________(翻身) and ______________________(给腾地方) me.

7. My ______________( 日常事务) includes _____________() the buses _______________________ (旋转不

息地) and receiving telephones.

8. I ________________(踫见) an old friend, telling me that the city was _______________(成了废墟) after the earthquake, with a lot of ___________(垃圾) _____________(遍及四周).

9. I _________________________(总是) to get up early, but sometimes I _____________(撞上) my boss when I was late for work. 10.

__________________________( ), we’d better save for the future instead of ________________(用完) all the income.

Day 74

根据提示完成下列句子(sacrifice scenery)


1. She was ________(难过) for her mother’s being very ill suddenly. __________________(使她悲伤的是), her father was out.

2. She was _________________(惊恐得要死) at first, but she managed to send her mother to the hospital and

_______________________(救了她的命). She came back home ____________(平安地).

3. Those ___________(水手) will ______________(起航) for Sydney on __________(星期六). Have you ever


4. These ______________( 男售货员 ) are putting up some second-hand cars ____________( 待售 ). Their

__________(工资) are paid by the cars they’ve sold while policemen receive their _____________(工资) every month from the government.

5. Every Monday we are gathering to ________(敬礼) the national flag __________(行注目礼).

6. I was __________________(对满意) those ___________(三明治) with _________(色拉) you had prepared. I ate them _________________(满意地).

7. ______________________(俗话说), it’s better _______() than done.

8. The thief was caught _______________(在现场), _________________(也就是说), he failed.

9. Sorry to lose your watch. I have to buy ____________one ______ (……一样) you lent me. Maybe I lost it


10. Your job is not very _____________(令人满意的), but thank you _____________ (还是).

Day 75

根据提示完成下列句子(schedule seed)

1. Schools in China include _______________(小学), _______________(中学) and ___________(大学). Most are ________(公立) schools while many are _______(私立) ones.

2. Some _____________(同校同学) are top students who win _______________(奖学金) every year and want to be _____________(科学) on ______________________(自然科学).

3. The ___________(学者) didn’t come to the lecture ________________(按时间表) and was __________(斥责) for keeping so many people waiting.

4. Football fans rushed ________________(大量地…score) to watch the football game. The Japanese Women Football Team _____________________(得了五分) and finally ______________________(获得成功 score…).

5. Look at the __________(屏幕). ________________(大量的 a sea of) seagulls are flying _____________(在海中)

____________________(寻找) fish for food.

6. The Customs were ____________________(寻找) drugs and were ____________(搜查) everybody’s luggage.

7. He asked me to _____________(就座 seat), so I went over and took _______________(就座). While __________() there, a stranger came to have a talk with me. 8. The _____________(秘书) ____________(负责 see to) everything in this __________(部门).

9. ____________(…… the second) you tell me the exact task I’ll do it _________________(马上 in a second). 10. I _______(看了) these papers but I promised to ______________________(保密).

Day 76

根据提示完成下列句子(seek shadow)


The thief ___________(企图 seek) to run away, but the policeman ______________________ (抓住他的手臂). 2. He ________(好象) to be _____________(对事认真) his job. Actually he takes everything _________(认真地).


3. __________(自私的) people are ____________________(……敏感) everything. __________(很少) will they think of others. 4. In ___________( 九月 ), reference books _________________( 很畅销 ). Students say some books are

_________________(卖光) easily.

5. John is __________________________(比我年长) only two years, but ________________ (在某种意义上), he


6. She had no _________________(方向感). What she said didn’t ________________(有意义).

7. He once ________(服役) in the army, but one day he injured a man and was ____________(判处) seven years in prison. Five years later, he was ____________( 释放).

8. The twins didn’t want to ______________(分开), but they sleep in _________(各自的) beds.

9. The government officials should ________________________(为人民服务) heart and soul. 10. He was studying ________________(在阴凉处) a tree. He failed in an exam and wanted to get rid of the ______(阴影) quickly.

Day 77

根据提示完成下列句子(shake shout)

1. When people greet each other, they _____________________(握手) or just say hi.

2. Before an exam, students __________(必须) remain in their seats and not ____________(……大声叫) teachers, which is ____________(不体面的). 3. You didn’t _________(分享) your book with your classmates. ________________(真丢人)! 4. He _________(刮脸) himself every day, so he is ______________________(处于良好状态). 5. She has one ____________(缺点), that is, she is too __________________(对人苛刻) others.

6. On the ____________(架子) is _______________(一张) paper with some _____________ (绵羊) painted on it. 7. A lot of ___________(衬衫), ___________(短裤) and __________(鞋子) will be _______________ (运走)

_____________(不久) after they are made.

8. I’m ____________( 缺少 ) some daily necessities, so I have to _____________( 买东西 ) in the nearby _________(商店).

9. Wal-Mart is often so crowded that customers have to ____________________( 用肩推挤往前走). But the

___________________(店主) is satisfied.

10. Everybody __________(应该) __________________(寻求庇护) in time of trouble.

Day 78

根据提示完成下列句子(show situation)

1. Don’t worry, I’ll ____________(出现 show up) on time and _________________(领你参观) our new school.

2. I was ___________________________(被雨淋), so I had to ____________________(淋浴).

3. Mother ________________(生病) in bed. Because of her __________(生病), she couldn’t do the housework. She


4. It’s ______________(你太傻) to ______________________(站在一边) your parents. Actually they are wrong.

5. Two cars were running ____________________(并排地) on the road. Then they ran __________(斜向一边地). Very soon, they were ________________________(不见了).

6. __________(签名) this agreement and you will soon __________________(去观光). Your ____________(签名)

is of great _________________(重要).


7. He _________________________(打破沉默) by _____________________________(颂扬 sing high praise for) what the teacher had done for us. 8. When the first three prize winners are given ________(), ________() and bronze medals, they seldom

____________________(保持沉默). Instead they ____________( 真诚地) give thanks to many people and _______________(炫耀) their medals.

9. All happy families are _____________(单纯地) _____________(相似) while all misfortunes are quite different.

10. The boy felt that he had _____________________(失明) and ________(消沉) for some time. Finally he went to see a doctor. He has got into a good ______________(情况) ____________(此后).

Day 79

根据提示完成下列句子(six sneeze)

1. Which do you prefer, ___________(滑冰) or __________(滑雪)?

Skating. I’m ____________________( 使 ) my skateboards. Meanwhile, I’m learning the

______________(技巧) with snow games.

2. After a day’s hard work, I _______________( 犯困 ), and ___________________( 去睡 ) early. Soon I

_____________________( 入睡 ). While I was __________( 睡着 ), I didn’t even have a dream. I really _________________________(酣睡). 3. There is a crossroads ahead. Please _______________(放慢) your car.

4. Yesterday I ________________(滑倒) on the road and now there is still a __________(轻微的) pain in my leg.

5. Mr. Wang, would you please speak a bit __________(慢些)? I am ________________ (……迟钝) listening. 6. The food _________(闻起来) delicious. Did you ____________(闻到) it? 7. ____________________(冲着人笑) others. That will bring you happiness. Yes, I often greet people _________________(带着微笑).

8. You _________________(烟瘾很大), so I can call you a _______________(烟瘾很大的人). 9. But here it is a “__________________”(禁止吸烟) area. You have to be a ____________(不吸烟的人).

10. The way to success being not __________(顺利), we have to ____________________(清除) difficulties

Day 80

根据提示完成下列句子(snow soul)

1. Now it’s weather broadcast time. Today it’s ______(晴朗的). Tomorrow it’s _________(多云) and ________(

) in the morning. In the afternoon there is much ________(雨水). It’s ________(下雨的) even __________(风雨的) for some time.

2. ____________(到目前), I haven’t grasped a good way of learning English. 3. _______________(只要) we make good use of ________________(太阳能), we can live a happy life. 4. In the socialist __________(社会), unemployment is still a __________(社会) problem. 5. Matters have three states ___________(固体), __________(液体) and __________(气体).


Though these exercises are ___________(某东西) difficult, I’ll finish them ___________(不管怎样). 7. I _____________________________(……没有关系) this __________(软件). Don’t ask me, please.


_______________________(使我们悲伤的是), so many people died in the expressway accident. We were ______________________(处于悲痛中).

9. Having _____________( sort…) ___________________( sort…) books, we felt _____________(有几分 sort…) tired.

10. All the teachers will serve their students ___________________________(全心全意).


Day 81

根据提示完成下列句子(sound spoonful)

1. He had a ____________(充分的) sleep. When I called him, his voice __________(听起来) clear and energetic on the phone.

2. Fujian is in the ___________( 东南 ) of China while Yunnan lies in the ____________( 西南 ). Fujian and Guangdong are ___________(南方的) provinces. 3. Can you _______(抽出) me half an hour in fixing a ________(备用) tire for me in your _______(业余的) time? 4. ___________________(一般说来), I seldom ________________( 说坏话) others at the back. If I want to _____________(提及) someone’s faults, I’ll ______________(大胆说出).

5. I often practice __________() to my classmates to improve my __________(口语) English.

6. Pay ____________(特别) attention to your English __________(拼写).

7. On the highway I usually drive my car ___________________(以速度) 120 kilometers per hour. When I want to surpass (超过) another one, I have to ______________(加速).

8. We students need to develop both __________________( ) so that we can keep

______________________(情绪高涨) in our study.

9. He was fined, for he didn’t see the board “_______________(禁止吐痰)” and _________(吐痰) on the ground.

10. He has a dream to _________(花费) the rest of his life in ___________(太空).

Day 82

根据提示完成下列句子(sport steam)

1. There is going to be a ________________( 运动 ) in our school __________( 露天体育 ). We

_______________(呆在户外) and ________________ (进行体育活动) every afternoon.

2. The thief was caught _________(偸东西时). The police were ___________________(到了现场) three minutes later. 3. The __________( 全体工作人员 ) are ____________( 展开 ) a large flag with lots of signatures on the

__________(广场). It’s about 25 _________________(平方米) wide.

4. ___________________(在这个阶段), the Chinese people are _____________________(处于……状态) living a

__________(稳定的) life

5. I live ____________( 在楼上 ) while Mr. Wang lives _____________( 楼下 ). There are two flights of


6. I can’t _____________(忍受) being _______________(被盯着) and being kept ___________() long.

7. Many film or TV _______(明星) who _____________(引人注目) have _________________ (开始做) something for those African children who are ___________(挨饿).

8. _______________________(自始自终), the ________________(社会地位) of teachers is not that high. They live a _____________(稳定的) life.

9. The government ________________(发言人) ________________________(发表一份声明) to the press that people’s living _______________(标准) will soon be raised.

10. last night I _______________(熬夜) late to read an interesting novel.

Day 83

根据提示完成下列句子(steel stubborn)


1. The way to the top of the mountain was __________( ). The tour guide told us to ______________________(留心脚下). We finally reached the top ___________________ (尽全力).

2. Once I was ________________________( 遭遇了暴风雨) and fell, but I was ________( 坚强) enough to ______________________________(挣扎着站起来).

3. ___________________(采取措施 take steps) to ____________(增强) your body ______________(逐步地).

4. My foot got __________(夹住) between the two _________(石头) and I was told to ______________(不要动) until help came.

5. It’s said that a cow has two _____________(), one to ________(贮存) food and the other to digest it.

6. Just _______() a stamp on the envelope and send it _______________(立即 straight away).

7. It was __________(奇怪) that a ___________(陌生人) ____________________________(打了我的头). After a long while, I began to __________________________(恢复体力).

8. My English teacher is ______________(……严格) his work and is also _______________ (……严格) us. 9. Mr. Yu is always _________________________(强调) reading and remembering vocabulary. 10. When the clock ___________( ) eight, we begin our class. When it’s 11:45, all the classes _______________________(停下来 come to a stop).

Day 84

根据提示完成下列句子(steel stubborn)

1. Now many ___________(学生) are __________(学习) in their own ___________(书房).

2. There are several _____________(科目) in senior grade three, including ____________(数学), ____________(语文), ___________(英语), ___________(物理), __________(化学), ___________(生物), __________(政治),

__________(历史) and ___________(地理).

3. He _______________( 遭受) losses in business, but was _____________(成功的) in the end.

4. He is a ___________(成功人士) as a lawyer, for he has _______________ (……成功) winning several cases.

5. All of a ___________(突然), it began to rain, so I ____________________(建议乘坐) a taxi. 6. The teacher suggested that I _____________________(做个总结) in class but my red face suggested that I ___________________________(没有做好准备) for it. 7. ___________________(总的来说 in summary), these books are ________________(适合于) for senior three. 8. In _____________(夏天), the ____________(阳光) is so strong that you can easily get __________(晒黑). 9. She is __________(如此的) a _________(完美的) model that she has won two gold medals. 10. Your ______________(衣箱) are _____________________(过时的).

Day 85

根据提示完成下列句子(superior systematic)

1. This _________________(超市) is _________________(占优势) that one. 2.

The International red Cross is ___________________________________(提供食品和药品) the people in Libya 3. Most people are ____________(被期望) to be ___________________(支持..support…) the new government. 4.

___________________________(使我吃惊的是), only twelve people _____________(幸免于难) the fire. 5. Please ________________(确保) that you make me work in pleasant _____________(环境). 6.

He is __________(肯定) to be _______________(惊讶) at the ________________(令人吃惊的) news.

7. Finding himself ______________(被包围) by a group girls, the boy was in _________(出汗).

8. Students on duty should do several daily things such as cleaning the blackboard, ____________(扫除) the floor and ______________(关掉) the light


9. Chinese dragon is the _____________(象征) of China.

10. We ______________________(同情) the weakness of our ___________(体系) of education.

Day 86

根据提示完成下列句子(superior systematic)

1. Father doesn’t allow us to talk ________________(在吃饭时), but he allows us to talk __________________(桌旁) after meals.

2. We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all ______________( ). We managed to

_________________________________(说服老板) placing another big one for us. 3. The medicine was ______________(被当作) candy and it was not ____________________ (合乎我的口味).

4. The old China was _________________( ) by the Chinese Communist Party and by far it


5. ___________________/_____________________(别急/慢慢干). You __________________ (很有眼光) and you are sure to __________________________ (完成任务).

6. Bill’s too perfect examination paper _________(使 take) Mr. Wang ______________(吃惊) . He hated to be

________________( ). He ________________( ) his paper to have a look again and

____________________________(给了 Bill 一个教训).

7. On _____________________(教师节), all the teachers were still _______________________ (给我们上课). We were ________________________(感动得我们流泪). 8. ____________(合作) benefits us a lot, so we should learn to ________________________(与他人合作). 9. Now going to work on foot ______________________________(已经取代了) _______________(乘出租车).

10. She ____________(撕开) the letter and began to read it. While reading, she ____________________(突然放声大哭) and ________________________(把信撕成碎片).

Day 87

根据提示完成下列句子(technical that)

1. It’s agreed that ____________________________(科学技术) is the first productive force.

2. For us ______________(十几岁的青少年), it’s not good to _______________(说谎). Instead, we should

__________________________(说实话). Sometimes lies and truth are hard to __________________(区别).

3. I _________________________( 量体温 ) of my child. He did ______________________( 发高烧 ), which _____________(吓死) me greatly. He was sent to hospital and was ___________(护理) carefully. 4. _______________(十分之四) of the students have a ______________(趋势) towards fatness.

5. _________________________(从长远来看), practice is better than ____________(课本). 6. _____________________(……而言) ________________________(总统任期), Putin experienced two.

7. A sudden _______________(令人害怕的) face turned up and I was screaming ________________(惊恐地). 8. What’s the noise?

Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine __________________________(正在检测).


______________() had the exam begun _________() my brain was blank. 10. _____________(幸亏) your help, I managed it. _________________(也就是说), I got the job. I was really ____________(感谢) to you.

Day 88


根据提示完成下列句子(the thread)

1. Students are studying in a big but noisy classroom in school. At home ________(他们) have __________(他们) own studies. __________(他们的) are quiet and makes ____________(他们自己) concentrate on books.

2. _____________() and __________(强盗) are hateful and ________(偷窃行为) and _______________(强盗行为) are ________________________(被认为很不好).

3. For _______________(一方面), lots of land is ___________(缺水的), for _______________(另一方面), many people are letting water running.

4. It so happened that I was ____________________(三十几岁) ________________________ (在三十年代).

5. When we were _________(十三岁), I was the _________(第三名) in class while Jack was just ________(第十三名) and Kate was _____________(第三十名).

6. __________(虽然) tired, we gave the classroom a ______________(彻底的) cleaning.

7. It seems ______________(好像) he was ___________________________(陷入沉思). 8. _____________________(一想到) so much trouble, he changed his mind _________________(在重新考虑后). 9. ______________(即使) he is ____________(留心的), he may make mistakes.

10. Our team lost. ___________(因此), we needed to work harder. It was still a good game, _________(然而).

Day 89

根据提示完成下列句子(three together)

1. The film was not so popular that people came to buy __________() ___________________(三三两两). 2. _______________________(不时地), we can see trains passing ___________(穿过) tunnels.

3. __________________(在任何时候都不 at no time) can we ______________(扔掉) waste out of the train. ________________________(同时), we should ____________(整理) our seats.

4. Every ________________( ), we ________________________( ) because we can

_______________________(从容进行) to do our own things.

5. We were ___________________(……而疲倦) _________________(聚集) for too long. It was time we


6. I was _______________( 厌烦) learning ___________________(一度). _____________( 在那时), I almost _______________(扔掉) all the books.

7. _____________________(反复地) that __________(讨厌的) boy gave me too much trouble. 8. Li Yuchun was once ___________( ) “The Top Supper Girl”. Actually she grew up ___________________(……一起) her fans. 9. Usually we leave 15% for the waitress as the ________(小费) ________________(每次).

10. Wait _________(直到) the bus comes. __________(这样) we can get to school ____________(及时).

Day 90

根据提示完成下列句子(toilet tractor)

1. I can’t _____________(忍受 tolerate) seeing littering in any ____________(洗手间), which will do harm to _____________(旅游业).

2. Many foreign _______________(观光者) can ____________________(与取得联系) the Chinese people in our _____________________(母语). They can make a __________(观光) all over China without any difficulty. 3. I had got a ____________(牙痛) and had to have two ___________(牙齿) taken out.


4. The new super girl Su Miaoling has ___________(完全地) ___________________(出人头地) by singing In Hunan TV Station. 5. We ___________________________________( …… 也不为过) careful in our study. Besides, we should

______________________(跟踪) our mistakes.

6. _____________(太多的) homework every day makes us _____________( much too) tired.

7. Everybody has five days, that is, ______________________(前天), ____________(昨天), __________(今天),

_____________(明天) and _________________________(后天).

8. I went through the article with the __________(主题) of love __________________________ (从头到时尾). It had __________________(总共) 1,000 words.

9. I’ve (been) __________________/_____________________(与某人失去联系) him for five years. It’s really a

___________(棘手的) task for me to find him again.

10. In China a ____________() has several __________() and _________() with a lot of ___________().

Day 91

根据提示完成下列句子(trade troop)

1. China is _______________(做某方面生意) oil and gas _________() Russia. 2. the Mid-Autumn Festival is our _____________( ) festival, when we have moon-cakes


3. Cars go when it comes to the green _________________(交通灯). When they turn red, cars should come to a stop. Everybody should obey the _____________(交通) rules, otherwise, ________________________(交通事) will take place.

4. Magicians can be ___________(培训) to ______________(变换) a piece of paper into a note. They need this kind of ____________(训练).

5. English workers can be divided into __________(笔译者), who _________(翻译) one language into another one, and ___________(口译者), who do the ___________(翻译) orally.

6. _____________(旅行者) are always ________________________(掉入陷阱) of the ________________(旅行) when they go ___________________(旅行). 7. ____________(运输) companies should ____________(珍惜) their customers’ goods.

8. Almost all the teachers _______(对待) their students _______(当作) their children or younger brothers or sisters.

9. You’ll soon recover ____________________________________(在医生的治疗下).

10. Old people are often _____________________(钱被骗走 trick) a lot of money by marriage.

Day 92

根据提示完成下列句子(trouble tyre)

1. Don’t ___________________(捣蛋), otherwise you’ll _____________________(自讨苦吃). 2.

I’m sorry to ________________________________( 给你 添麻烦 ) of __________( 用货车 ) these

_________(牛仔裤) and other __________(裤子) to the station.

3. I have ___________________(不辞辛劳做某事) to make my dream ______________(实现).

4. ______________________(说实话), I’ve ____________(试穿了) __________(二十件) ____________(T 恤衫). Selecting the right one is _________(真正地) __________(很讨厌). 5. In class we ________________( ) to _______________________( ) the lights,


_______________________________(把声音开大或调低) the recording. If you have no time to do it, you can _________________(求助) me for help.

6. I have _______________________( ) to be a good ____________( ), but it ______________(结果) to be a failure.

7. Keep driving on and _______________(向左转) at the __________(第十二个) ___________(拐弯处).

8. Class Two has _________(两倍) as many students as Class One. Class Two and Class Three are almost the same like _____________(双胞胎).

9. This ______________( ) is ______________( ). You can ________( ) several

_____________(类型的) words.

10. He acts as my ____________(家庭教师) on____________(星期二). I __________(反过来) bring him food

like a turkey.

Day 93

根据提示完成下列句子(ugly unless)

1. It’s _____________(不能确定) whether it will rain or not. You’d better take an _____________(雨伞).

2. Without computer, I am not ___________(能够) to work. If it doesn’t work, it’s ______________(难以置信的).

3. Sometimes I leave my mobile phone at home, making me feel _______________(不舒服的). When I want to call someone, it’s more _______________(无法忍受的). 4. ___________( 地铁 ) Line 1 is ___________________( 在建设中 ) in Fuzhou now, but many people are ______________________(未察觉到) any danger. 5. It’s _____________( 丑陋的 ) and __________( 不公平的 ) to cheat in the exam. Those names should be


6. My _________(叔叔) has a good ________________(理解) of the task he is _____________ (承担). In other words, there is no work he is __________(不适合) to do. 7. The police should be in _________(制服) at work, which is ___________________ (显而易见 under one’s eye). 8. ______________(很不幸), the ___________________(联合国) can’t settle all the arguments. 9. ____________(团结) is power, so we should ___________(团结) as one.

10. I will go to Beijing ______________(大学) _________(除非) I am not good enough.

Day 94

根据提示完成下列句子(unlike usual)

1. The _____________(不同寻常的) film didn’t begin __________(直到) 7:30. After it was over, we waited ________(直到) my friend came by car. 2. We’ll be out if we are ______________(不情愿) to __________(更新) our knowledge.

3. It’s _____________(取决于) you to decide when to go to the art exhibition.

4. Upon/On ___________(收到) your ____________(紧急的) letter, I felt _________(不安的). I __________() my parents _________________(让我去) to see you at once.

5. The flat _____________(楼上) was on fire. I __________(催促) that the firefighters __________() quickly to put it out immediately. 6.

I __________(以前常常) do something ________(没用的), but I didn’t mean to ________(使烦恼) my parents. 7.

I _________________________________( ) at 6:40 a.m., so it’s ____________( ) ___________(叫醒) me up earlier than that.

8. These bottles and cans are of _____________( 没用 )/_________________( 没用 out of use), but they can


_________________________(被用来做) into some works of art.

9. Yes, we can _____________________(……利用起来) something that is not ____________(有用的).

10. Old ___________(用户) of the broadband Internet need to pay _______________(照例) this year and the networks are much faster ________________(比平常).

Day 95

根据提示完成下列句子(vacant vinegar)

1. I _____________________(度假) in Gansu and Xinjiang this summer. The ________(风景) I saw in the desert were ______________(很有价值的). I also visited _________ /_________________/_______________(各种各样的) raw ___________(乡村) with lots of friendly and lovely _______________(村民).

2. We had planned to hike in some ____________(大山) and __________(河谷) on Teacher’s Day and the Mid-Autumn Festival, but ____________(徒劳) because there were lessons.

3. I ___________(估价) the old _________(花瓶)

for 1 million Yuan. Three years ago it was 500,000 Yuan

______________(在价值上). But love and family are of ________________ (更有价值).

4. I like _____________(蔬菜) such as ___________(马铃薯), ___________(番茄) and ___________(胡萝卜), but I don’t like _____________(洋葱).

5. This is the _________(恰好的) ____________(交通车辆) the police are looking for. 6. Some newly-made __________________(可视电话) are _____________(在展出中). We can see the images ___________(通过) their _____________(视频). 7. Many people fell/became _________________(牺牲品) the earthquake.

8. ________________(鉴于) the quality of the _________________(副班长), I think he is honest and faithful.

9. We should _______/______/______/______/_____________________(战胜) ourselves.

10. Maybe you are _________________( vague about) this __________(). It is _____________(有效) for only one year.

Day 96

根据提示完成下列句子(violate voyage)

1. It’s said that the famous singer Li Shuangjiang’s son ____________________________(向某人行凶) the guard and was caught by the police for ______________________(违反了法律).

2. Which musical instrument do you like best, ______________( 钢琴 ), _____________( 小提琴 ) or


I like _______________________(拉小提琴) and hope to be a ____________(小提琴家).3. My English teacher is a man _________(有美德). We often _______________(拜访) to him.

4. Mr. Yee often uses _____________(可视的) aids in teaching English ______________(词汇) and asks us to (极为重要 vital) English study. 5.

Some ____________(参观者) were too high and _____________________(嗓子哑了).

read them in ________________/( at _________________________)(高声地), which is _________________


She made such a __________(生动的) story that we all believed her.

7. Do you fancy __________________(打排球) or listening to __________(狂热的) music?

8. In almost every grand activity or event, university students are doing lots of ______________ (志愿的) work. They are valued as the most beautiful _________________(志愿者). 9.

If possible, I _________(志愿) to use my good English to do something with _______(签证) . 10. Last month, those sailors ____________________(环球航行) around the world.


Day 97

根据提示完成下列句子(wag wealthy)

1. Many ____________(男服务员) and _______________(女服务员) __________________ (等不及要) to get their __________(工资).

2. A sleeping traveler was ________________( 叫醒 ) in the ___________________( 候车室 ) and found his

____________(皮夹子) gone.

3. I have ___________(闲逛) on the muddy road for hours and my shoes ________________(需要 want ).

4. NATO(北约组织) _______________________(……宣战) Libya and they have been ______________(在交战中) for several months.

5. You can __________( ) your hands in the ___________( ), but don’t

______________________________ (浪费时间在洗涤上) . 6. ________________( ) _______________________( ) school. There is busy traffic _______________________(一路上).

7. ________________(决不) can you ________________________(花大量的钱在) clothing. 8. _________________(顺便问一下), did you ___________________(迷路) yesterday?

9. I’m ______________(在某方面差) _______________________(给人指路).

10. To possess ____________( 财富 ) means he is ___________( 富裕的 ), but it doesn’t mean he possesses


Day 98

根据提示完成下列句子(wear white)

1. __________________(工作), she ________(穿) work uniform while _______________ (在周末) she is well


2. What’s the __________(天气) like today?

The ____________(天气预报) says that it’s _______(多雾的) and on ________(星期三) it’s _______(下雨).__________(网站) on the Internet to find some good ways. Actually you can get ________(无论什么) you want.

3. You are _________/_______________(正在发胖). If you want to _______________(减肥), you can surf some

4. Look, you are ________________(超重). ____________(欢迎) to our center every _________() and we’ll help you to _____________________(控制体重) and give you enough _____________(每周的) exercise. 5. The teacher ___________________(以及) his students ________(喜欢) watching football. 6. _______________(怎么办) they don’t come?

_____________(无论何时) you’re there, I’ll come __________().

7. _________________________(无论成功或失败), you have to do your best and I’ll help you. 8. This is the first time I’ve sat behind the _____________(方向盘) since the accident.


__________________________(偶尔), she __________(小声议论) to me about how to be more pretty. 10. It takes ____________________(挺一会儿), _____________(无论哪条) route you take.

Day 99

根据提示完成下列句子(who woman)


1. The ___________( 整个 ) village and _____________( 所有的 村民 ) were buried in the earthquake. ______________________(总的来说), it caused a __________(分布广的) damage to the city.

2. _____________( 野生动物) _________(需要) protecting _________________(没有推迟).

3. I was not ______________( ) to ________________( ) from the bank. It was


4. Our class defeated theirs, or, we _________________(战胜 win over) them in the _________

(冬季) swim competition. We were the __________(获胜者).

5. It was _________(下雪的) with a strong ________(), but we still ____________________ (蜿蜒前进) to the village _________________________(顶风). 6. Their ___________( 妻子 ) were _________( 英明 ) to use their ___________( 智慧 ) to save the dying _________(寡妇). Their story aroused __________________(广泛的兴趣).

7. I wish I _________() a lot of money and I hope I ______________(能帮助) more people.

8. It seemed that nobody ____________(目击) the accident, but _________________(在他的帮助下), I finally found the only ____________(目击者).

9. My school is __________(在范围内) a ten-minute-walk distance

10. Beautiful _________() teachers are more welcome than _________() ones.

Day 100

根据提示完成下列句子(wonder zoom)

1. She is always _____________________( ). ____________________( ) that many people

________________________(皱起眉头 wrinkle…) when talking about her.

2. _________(树林) are the home to wild animals and human beings, so we can’t cut down too many trees to get

_________(木头) to make into ____________(木制的) furniture.

3. I ______________________(……吵嘴) my desk-mate yesterday and I hope to ____________________(与他谈一谈). ________________(换句话说), I want to ____________________(与他交朋友) .

4. I’m ______________________(……担心) such situations, for some are ______________(在业) while some are ________________(失业). Therefore, being a good worker is ______________(值得做的). 5. This old house, which is _________(值得) 1 million, is __________(值得) preserving. Meanwhile it is worthy __________________/____________________(开发) for its a long history 6. I’d rather you _______() next week because I ______________________(右手腕部受伤). 7. Song Zuying’s singing ___________(作品) have gained _____________(全球的) fame. 8. What’s __________() with you?

The teacher ____________________(冤枉了我).9. People, ________________(老老少少), are becoming healthier ________________(一年年).

10. We must improve those economic development ________() all ______________().

