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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《广州五年级下册英语复习资料》,欢迎阅读!
学习 -- 资料

2015 年广州教科版五年级下册英语复习资料姓名:


(一)季节( Season 1. 春天 spring 2. 夏天 summer 3. 秋天 autumn 4. 冬天 winter (二)序数词 1. 1 first st

2. 2 second nd 3. 3 rd


third 4. 4 th fourth 5. 5 th fifth 6. 6 th sixth 7. 7 th seventh 8. 8 th eighth 9. 9 th ninth 10. 10 th tenth 11. 11 eleventh th 12. 12 th twelfth 13. 13 th thirteenth 14. 14 th fourteenth 15. 15 th fifteenth 16. 16 th sixteenth 17. 17 th seventeenth 18. 18 eighteenth th 19. 19 th nineteenth 20. 20 th twentieth 21. 21 twenty-first st 22. 22 nd twenty-second 23. 23 rd

rd twenty-third 24. 24 th twenty-fourth 25. 25 th twenty-fifth 26. 26 th twenty-sixth 27. 27 th twenty-seventh 28. 28 twenty-eighth th 29. 29 th twenty-ninth 30. 30 th thirtieth

交通工具( Transport 多精品文档

1. 出租车 taxi 2. 公共汽车 bus 3. 火车 train 4. 地铁 underground 5. 飞机 plane 6. 自行车 bike 7. 摩托车 motorbike 8. 小船 boat

(四)地点 Place 1. 博物馆 museum

2. 购物中心 shopping centre 3. 超市 supermarket 4. 宾馆 hotel 5. 医院 hospital 6. 银行 bank 7. 公园 park 8. 学校 school 9. 体育 gym 10. 操场 playground 11. 警察局 police station 12. 火车站 train station 13. 邮局 post office 14. 动物 zoo 15. 饭店 restaurant 16. 电影院 cinema 17. 图书馆 library 18. 农场 farm 19. 海滩 beach 20. mountain 21. island 22. valley 23. lake

(五)国家( Country 1. 中国 China

2. 英国 England/ the UK 3. 美国 America/ the USA 4. 澳大利亚 Australia

(六)动作、活动( Activity 1. 去滑雪 go skiing 2. 种花 grow flowers 3. 种树 plant trees 4. 在户外玩

play outdoors/ play outside 5. 去露营 go camping 6. 放风筝 fly a kite

7. 吃雪糕 eat an ice-cream 8. 堆雪人 make a snowman 9. 看电影 see a film 10. 去购物 go shopping 11. 看足球比赛

watch a football match 12. 爬山 climb a mountain (七)形容词

1. 兴奋的 exciting

excited 2. 小心的 careful 3. 危险的 dangerous 4. 坏的 bad 5. 迟的 late 6. 尖的 sharp 7. 可怕的 terrible (八)其它 1. 楼梯 stairs 2. 大门 gate 3. 鹿 deer 4. palace 5. 小孩子 kid 6. 小伙子 guy 7. 手表 watch 8. 风扇 fan 9. money 10. 糖果 candy

11. 交通灯 traffic light

12. 直走 go straight ahead 13. 左转 turn left

学习-----资料 14. 右转 turn right 15. 玩得开心 have a good 二、句型 M1 Seasons 1问最喜欢的季节:

-What 'your favourite seas on? -My favourite seas on is .. 季节. 2. -What seas on do you like best? -I like ••季节best. 3. 问选择性的问题:

-Do you like summer or win ter? -I like summer / win ter./ -I like summer and win ter. /

-I don 'like summer, and I don t like win ter, either. 4. 问一年多少个季节:

-How many seas ons are there in a year? What are they? -There are four.

5. 问在相应季节做什么事:

What can you do in autu mn/wi nter? -I can fly a kite./I can make a sno wma n. M2 Pla ns

1. 问将要做什么: -What are you going to do tomorrow?

-I am going to + 动作 2. 问日期:

-What 'the date today? -It ' + 日期(几月几日) 3. 问星期:

-What day is it today? -It '+ 星期 M3 In vitatio ns 1. 邀请: -Would you like to 2. 问时间:

-What time should we go? 祈使句的用法: M4 Travel

1. - How will you get there?/

-At+ 时间


time/ have fun

1. - Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety cross ing. -OK. / All right.

2. - Don cross the road when the traffic light

is red. -OK. / All right. M6 Directio ns 1. 问路:

-Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ••?

-Yes. Go straight ahead. Turn right at the sec ond cross ing. / Take the sec ond right. 2. 选择问句:

-Is the hospital on the left or on the right? -It is on the right. 三、语法:

1. 一般现在时(经常做)

a. 标志词:often, always, never, usually, seldom, sometimes, every,

b. 形式:肯定句:一,二,复+动原;三,单+s/es 否定句:一,二,复+dont动原;

三,单+doesn t +动原

疑问句:Do 一,二,复+动原;

Does (三,单)+动原

2. 一般将来时(将要做)

a. 标志词:tomorrow, next, 将来的时间 b. 形式:① will +动原 be going to + 动原 3. 现在进行时(正在做) a. 标志词:now, look, listen, b. 形式:be+ ing 4. 一般过去时(过去做)

a. 标志词: yesterday, last, ago, 过去的时间 b. 形式:动词的过去式(+ed


-Yes, I 'love to./ That sounds great.

How are you going to get there? -By + 交通工具./ On foot. M5 Safety 更多精品文档

