初中英语《Unit 8 Reading Rethink, Reuse, Recycle!》优质课教案、教学设计

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Unit 8 Reading

Rethink, Reuse, Recycle!教学设计

Learning objectives:

1. Students can predict and guess the main idea according to and pictures. 2. Students can summary the main idea by using the reading strategies and try to retell the passage with the help of the mind map.

3. Students can realize the importance of protecting the earth and be more creative in daily life and try to make contributions to our environment. Teaching aids and methods: Aids: Blackboard, textbook.

Methods: task-based questions, group work.

评价设计:通过提问学生猜测,根据mind map 复述三个人物回收再利用的经历,来检测学生是否能掌握文章大体意思。通过检查小组起 汇报环保倡议书,来检测学生口语表达能力与情感教育 Learning procedure Step 1 Leading-in

Free talk. Listen to a song The Earth Song by Michael Jackson, watch the video carefully and answer the question: What problems does the video show about?设计意图:运用视频导入直观性强,激起学生口语表 达的欲望,很自然过渡到新课.

Step 2 Fast-reading

1) Look at the title and the pictures. Can you guess what the passage is about? 2)

Fast Reading Paragraph2,3,4 (设计意图:渗透阅读策略,引导学生 主动思维组织问题,并回答。)

Rethink, RHeuoswe,many?

peWho….?What…? Recycle!


Step 3 Careful-reeading

1. Read Para2 carefully about Amy Hayes’ reusing.

1) What do you think of Amy Hayes?

2) Where does she live? How did she build her house?

3)What did she recently win?

4)What does the president think of Amy? 设计意图:由问题引导, 学生 比较容易理解文本 ,得到重要信息,并且锻炼了学生组织问题以及口语表达能力。)

Amy Hayes

a most unusual woman a house in the UK

3.Read Paragraph3 carefully about Jessica’s creativity.

buiultsouttobish bags? aeof rubmake1) What materials does Jessic ciety

She uses old clothes . She espizaylikeoldeannaepcriellfromthesHtelpuSsaeveoOur jPlaest .So

2)What does she use old jeans to make ?

do? 4. Pairwork Read Para 3 carefully.

1) Where is Jessica from? What does she use old clothes to 2)Where does she sell her bags?

3)What does she plan to do? by using the mind map. 设计意图:运用 mind map 来介绍人物经历,学生 一目了然,思路清晰。)

Jessica Wong

Hong Kong Bags made of old clothes A small shop and a website

Write a book about new ways to use old clothes

5. Read paragraph 4 about Wang Tao’s recycling. 1)Wang Tao a small business in Shanghai. He making beautiful art pieces. Some large pieces animals or humans. Some smaller pieces you can put at home. The more popular works _ in art shops. Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” to show people environmental protection.

Students try to find the answers and fill in the blanks, then correct them. 2)T: Answer my another question.

W hat’s the importance of Wang Tao's art works?

Not only can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. Students try to translate the sentences.设计意图:三个段落任务设 恰当多样,能很好地引领学生理解文章并锻炼他们的口语表达能 力。)

6. Pairwork. Let ’s say something about Wang Tao.

Wang Tao


using iron and other materials from old cars to make beautiful art pieces

“metal art ” theme park

1) Where is Wang Tao from? What is he known for? 2) What does he hope to set up? 3) What’s the importance of Wang Tao's art works? Step 4 Summary

Fill in the mind map. Read the details.

T shows a nice art work that her daughter and she made. Lead students to summarize: Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. Let’s try our best to make the world better and better.( 设计意图:总结再一次运用 mind map,文章脉络清晰易懂。)

Step 5 Group work Enjoy reading . 1. T:Follow the tape first, pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 2. Pratice reading in groups then check it. 1)Choose one paragraph to read.

2)Each student must read one sentence or more. (设计意图:大声朗读

可以提高学生口语,听录音再一次纠正不正确的发音与语调。小组合 作,培养学生认真倾听,可充分检测出出现的口误。) Step 6 Group work Try to make a proposal. 要求:运用丰富的句式口头组织环保倡议书。

Hello, everyone. Today we are talking about….(problems on the earth, your feelings, solutions… (Show some pictures to help students to express different good ways.


多说多得分,加油 吧!(设计意图:通过小组讨论进行口头组织环保倡议书增强了进一步学生的环保意识,主题升华,并渗透如何用不同的英语句式来表达自己的观点想法。)

Step 7 Homework

Rewrite the article to make it shorter by using your own words. Write down the proposal(倡议书)on protecting the environment . 温馨小贴士:

1. 试运用丰富的句式,词语来进行话题具体阐述,尽量做到不重复。 2. 用适当的逻辑连接词能使文章更加连贯。 3. 果能运用适当的谚语俗语会令主题进一步升华。

今日谚语:Many hands make light work.(人多力量大)

T: If everyone takes actions, it will lead to a good future. Let’s go for it. 设计意图:在作业设计上充分发挥学生积极思维的能力,老师提供的写作提示对学生的写作有帮助,整节课体现了听说读写的综合语言运用能力。)

