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运河用英文怎么说 运河英文怎么说
运河的英文: canal 参考例句:
To deepen the canal
加深运河Canalize:To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.
开掘运河,改建运河:开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河.The canal has been chocked up with silt
运河淤寒The excavation of canals is difficult.
运河的开凿是很困难的事。At evening by the sour canals 黄昏时傍着酸臭的运河 Ship canal
能供海船航行的运河A ship was denied entry to the canal
一艘船未获准进入运河。The canal bank has been shored up with timbers. 运河的堤岸己经用木头撑。Digging the canal was a Herculean task.
开凿运河是项极其艰巨的工程。The canal can transit a total of 50 ships daily. 这条运河每天可通过50艘船。canal是什么意思: n. 运河;水道;管道;气管;食道 v. 在…开凿运河;疏导
Canalize:To furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.
开掘运河,改建运河:开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河.At evening by the sour canals
黄昏时傍着酸臭的运河 The chamber formed by a canal lock. 这个房间有通道保险装置。The excavation of canals is difficult.
运河的开凿是很困难的事。The canal was built and operated by the people of Panama.