
2022-09-29 08:03:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《精选英文祝福语短语》,欢迎阅读!

may you use the youth net to capture the star solution of life, and let the brilliant youth bloom bright and colorful light.


when we are happy, our friends will know us; in times of adversity, we will know our friends.

3、情谊永固,无论路途多遥远,无论天涯海角,我也要送给你这份最衷心的祝福。 the friendship is everlasting, no matter how far the road is, no matter the ends of the earth, i also want to give you this heartfelt blessing.

4、有一场音乐会,听几个同事说很棒的。我有票,一起去看看,培养情操嘛! there was a concert and i heard several colleagues say it was great. i have tickets. let's go and have a look.


the gathering is always short, but the difference is long. may our hearts be closely followed and never separated.


congratulations on your promotion. now you won't be jealous anymore. 7、我让风儿捎去我对你的思念,我让雨儿留下我对你的缠绵爱你的心,依旧不变。 i let the wind take my thoughts of you, i let the rain leave my lingering love for you, still unchanged.

8、不同的地域,一样的月光。你知道我在想你吗?祝愿你快乐,快乐,再快乐! different regions, the same moonlight. do you know that i am thinking of you i wish you joy, happiness and happiness.

9、送你一朵玫瑰,那是我心中惟一一朵。只有戴在你的胸前,它才不会枯萎。 to send you a rose is the only one in my heart. it will not wither unless you wear it on your chest.


business is a link between us. our business is flourishing and our friendship is blooming.


with you all the way, with me and with joy, i will cherish this sincere friendship. 12、为梦想,沧海桑田;为事业,风霜雨露;为生活,酸甜苦辣。

for a dream, a sea of things; for career, wind and frost, rain and dew; for life, sweet and bitter.

13、友谊是一个奇妙的等式,在得到的同时必须付出,在付出的时候也就得到。 friendship is a wonderful equation. it must be paid at the same time, and it will be gained at the time of giving.


gently greeting, do not want to worry you! i just want to know if everything is okay.

15、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼,愿你张开这双翼,展翅高飞,飞越一个又一个山巅。 ambition and perseverance are the wings of your career. may you spread your wings and soar over the mountains one after another.

16、你别时的叮咛,在我心头波动着深远的音响,散发着幽兰般素淡的清香。 your exhortation, in my mind, is a profound sound, with a faint fragrance of orchid.


are you all right now i wish you happiness in the distance and hope for a better tomorrow.

18、叠一只弯弯的纸船,载满我的祝福与思念,乘着如水的月光,漂到你的身边。 fold a curved paper boat, full of my blessing and miss, floating to your side in the moonlight like water.

19、请接受我送给您的礼物,礼轻情谊重,它带着我的思念和最美好的祝福。 please accept my gift to you. it is light and friendly. it carries my thoughts and best wishes.


no matter the ends of the earth, only wish you can remember me, let my missing have a harbor!

21、青春,阳光,欢笑,都属于你。祝你新的一年,生活在幸福、快乐的旋律之中。 youth, sunshine and laughter belong to you. i wish you a happy and happy melody

in the new year.

22、出门在外,老婆交代,少喝酒多吃菜,见了姑娘不要爱,欢欢喜喜快回来! go out, wife explain, drink less and eat more vegetables, see the girl do not love, come back joyfully!


i want you to tell me the truest idea, because today's decision may be a permanent decision.


space separates you and me, and time washes away from you and me, but the heart of care is long.

25、不要对挫折叹气,姑且把这一切看成是在你成大事之前,必须经受的准备工作 don't sigh at setbacks. think of them as preparations you must undergo before you can accomplish something big.

26、啊,这带甜味的晨风,将我甜美的梦吹走了,它可将我的梦吹到了你的心上? ah, the sweet morning breeze has blown away my sweet dreams, and it has blown them to your heart

27同学啊,让往日夕暮中那些甜蜜的低语,句子大全都埋在心底,化作美丽的记忆吧! my classmates, let the sweet whispers of the past days be buried in the bottom of my heart, and become beautiful memories.


how about playing tennis on sunday how about going to disco together waiting for your news.


a greeting, a wish, a string of blessings, may there be joy in your heart, good morning!


a day without letters is like a pile of warm wood, recalled by a memory, a thick smoke of a brain.

