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(参考译文) 休闲文化历史演变

Historical Development of Leisure Culture

随着人民生活水准的日益提高,休闲已经成为家喻户晓人尽皆知的一个概念。With the improvement of people’s living standard, “Leisure” has become a widely known concept.从随处可见的休闲场所,到男女老少的着装变化,从各种媒体的宣传广告到大众休闲意识的普遍提高,等等,这一切不仅标志着我国经济发展模型的大转变,而且反映了休闲在当代中国人生活中所占有的比重正在越来越大。Scattered recreational spots, changing dressing styles of people of all ages, advertisements through various media and the uplift of people’s awareness of leisure——all these mark the dramatic transformation of China’s economic mode(economic growth pattern) and the increasingly important role leisure plays in the contemporary life of Chinese people.当休闲成为人们广泛追求与普遍关注的对象时,休闲文化也就随之产生。When leisure becomes a common pursuit and focus among the people, leisure culture emerges accordingly.在这种背景下,如何通过休闲文化的讨论来引导与丰富大众的精神生活,树立健康有益的休闲观念,是我国甚至是整个人类在新的世纪所要面对的一个十分重要的问题。 Under these circumstances, how to enrich the spiritual life and cultivate a healthy leisure concept through discussions of leisure culture, is a vital issue to be confronted by people of China and even of the whole world in the new century.

这是因为,人类的整个进化史已经使我们养成了为生存而斗争的本能和习惯,这种本能和习惯被定位于解决经济问题的传统目标上。The reason for this is that the whole/long process of man’s evolution has enabled us to form the instinct and habit of struggling/competing for survival, which are set on the traditional target-- solving economic problems.拥有财富和权利成为拥有成功的主要象征。As a result, wealth and power are taken as important symbols of success.可是,如果经济问题不再成为主要的奋斗目标,甚至有朝一日有希望得到解决,那么,人类自古以来的传统目标将会被逐渐地淡化甚至会消失,这时,人们将会面临着重新调整和定位世世代代承袭下来的习惯和本能,以适应解除经济压力之后的自由的新问题。However, if economic problems are no longer people’s major concern and if solutions to them can be found someday, the age-old/time-honoured traditional goal will fade away and may eventually disappear. At this time, people will have to readjust and redefine their instinct and habit passed down from generation to generation so as to face the new problems of freedom after the economic pressure is relived.换言之,人们将必须解决如何休闲,以使自己更明智、更舒适、更充实和更幸福地生活的问题,或者说,人们必须通过对自我人性的彻底感悟,确立崭新的价值观、生存观和发展观。In other words, to live a wiser, happier, more comfortable and more fulfilling life, people have to know how to live a leisure life. Or rather, people have to develop a thorough understanding of their own nature before establishing their new outlooks of value, existence and development.经济越发达,这些问题会变得越突出。The further the economy develops, the more prominent these problems will become.因此,如果说,人类拥有生存的能力是对人类文明的首次考验,那么,利用休闲的能力则可能是对人类文明的更严峻和更深层的一种考验。

Therefore, if the surviving ability is the first test of human civilization, the ability to make use of leisure time will be a severer and deeper one.

西方的休闲学家通常把这个以追求休闲为主要目标的社会称之为休闲社会、后工业社会后劳动社会甚至是普遍受教育社会他们认为,这是一个以休闲文化与休闲伦理超越劳动文化与劳动伦理的社会,是一个真正意义上追求以人为本的多元化发展的社会Leisure experts in the West usually call this leisure-oriented society a leisure society, post-industrial society, post-labour society or even a society where universal education is implemented, which, according to them, is in its real sense a human-cantered one with multi-dimensional developments, where ethics and culture of leisure exceed those of labour.问题在于,这个理想化的社会能不能到来?我们现在离它究竟还有多远?它将是一个什么样的社会?在这个社会里,应该如何更合理地处理劳动或工作与休闲的关系?应该确立什么样的教育观念?是以发展经济为目标?还是以培养生活情趣为方向?这个社会能够以经济发展的零增长来维持吗?Here come the questions: will the idealized society arrive/become reality/come true? How far away is it from us? What will it be like? In such kind of society, how to deal with the relation between labour or work and leisure properly? What kind of educational concept should we establish?——Economy oriented or life interest oriented?——Can the society be sustained with zero economic growth?闲学家对诸如此类问题的回答仍未达成共识。No consensus among leisure experts has been reached in those regards.休闲哲学家通常站在反思人性的立场上,把休闲社会理解为是以人的全面发展与人的自律为前提的社会休闲社会学家基于对劳动文化的考察,把休闲社会理解为是劳动与休闲高度融合的社会……Generally, leisure philosophers, in their reflections of human nature, regard leisure society as one with people’s comprehensive development and self-discipline as/being the premise; leisure sociologists, based on their investigations of labour culture, interpret leisure society as a deep integration of labour and leisure…当然,社会的发展有

