
2022-03-23 06:36:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《易听英语听力高一电子版》,欢迎阅读!


M: Lxnk: nut nf the: wimlow. Tr seems it' s gaing tn rain spun. W: I quite agree. lt's hecn tine for two wecks. I'm1 s0 glad it'llfinally rain.


W: Who is your hest fricnd, 'Tim or Duvid. Ted!

M: Titu anud David are just my roommiales. My besl friend isSam. Wc vc hccn tiriendh tior ower

tan ycars.


M: I1's prelly lut today, What ibout going sw isuning toruiglhl?W:I'd likc tn, lvut I can't. l've al

important cxam tnmarrow. Ithavett prepared well for il.


W: .lim. you dann t lcok all right. Wlhar happened?

.M: I've been lobing fur my dog everywhere, but 1 caшul findhar. Cnuld yon help mc?


.M: Mr BIvwn will give a letur this Iriday. Whal aboul goingtnit?

w: l've heurd ubout il and thalt's whal T 'm going to de the dayafter tomowrow, I am really

interested in protecting the eath.Tcxtr. M: m. Sna. Ikive ywowg 'a uain úcketw, New York?w No.1was, alwoul tobaya uainviket when Jcdn

sopemeM: Why!

w: You may DoNbeleve i. bulhe is goingo New York thisSunday.'on. Hc"1l give malil.

M: lt's rall a long rip.. I'm aiaid Jehn, will ieel uired on theway, w: Don't womry.. Ican dre,tn Wcantatalk and isicn t music.l'm sue i'lbefun.


M: Jcnny 'whsre are yonu from?

w: rm frou Laglad.bul Iwasa'l bon uene.1 wa bert inChina, where my, moaher and tather met.

M:' wna wer they; dhing dere!

w: My f:uher wasuectingLnglisthuhere nd mymober»asnenensn One day. my nthre wentmn

watcha showand they tel.

y: Wia il frst-igui luve?

w: You het. Thcy gonmaricdin theriolowig year. One ycaralter theygou maried. Iwas borm.

M:Solow lon did yousdayin China?w For alou dhve ycar.'What ahout you?

M: I m froш Australia. I came to tlhe US to visit a friend. But ife1l in love with New York and

deicdked to woark here. So farT'vebeen working here fior almcst tive years.

Tes! 8

W: (harlck. do you Invc playing ontball .M: Yes. l play it every Wednesday and Suturday.

Bu1 it's not my favorite sport, W: What spourt do you like hcst thon'? .Ml: 1 love paying busketbal best. w: Bul T ve uever seen you play basketibll

M: Wcll. 1 otin play lxskstetul wvitdh i11y fricnds in s gym1 I playil every Mundaly, Thursday iunud


W: Yon rcally spand a lkor of time playing spnrts. Nn wonder yoalook so tit.

.M: Thiunks. Dv you like doing spurts?

W: Nat exactly. I spond mosr nf my fn:c timc watching TV andlistening to tusic.

.M: 1t senis yuu're at vouch putilu. Yuu reallyl shouled spendmor time cxerci sing nutdars, or you 'l put nn wcight qnickly.W: You're right. I'll slart pluying volleybal w·ith m lriendsnext week.


W: Jack. it's ileady 5;:30 pm. Wlbal about going out to eal tnow?M: Ru don't you think it's t0o

early for supper? We usually eatat 6:3 pim. Didn"t ycu. est much at nnen'?

w: I ale al Mr, Lee's this noou. But I didu't really like the food.So 1 didn't cat much.

.M: Why didn't you like the food:! Wus it buwdly cooked'?

W. It looked very delicious. Bul it was too hut for me, You know,I don tlikc hnt food.

.Ml: Whty 1wol lell Mr. Le ubuul tLal. belure le sliutul couking?w: I don't thtunk. it's polile. I

wasn't the only one that was inviled,aftcr all.

.M: Who else wus there?

W: Sara and L.ily. Diana was therc, tno. Wc. Tr: all Anna's closctricnds, you know.

.v1: W hy didn'! Anni lell her f:her yuu don't lilbe hul fuoul?W: She dncsn"t know it. Wc:' vc ncver

talkcd alxout ir. Thoughwe 're close, we dlun' 't wflen eul tugether. .Ml: W ell. tell Auni abuul tlil nen! litwe, vr you' ll slarve aigalinncxt time: you g0 tn cat at her


Text 10.

Hello, everyone, My name is Amy. Now T'll tell your how Tsp:nd my day at schnnl.

I usually arrire il school at 8:20 an. Wile we are waiting forclass 10 hegin, my friend. <1 1 c:hat al:wa[ w dicl the idayhefore. We begin our tirsit lesson ut K:40 sm. T'here are threeclasses in the moruing before snack titte Each class lasls fouyiit. Moming snack tilmce begins at 11:01 am. I usually Ibringa piece of white pizx. It' 's topedl with cheese insteud of tomutosauce. I usually gel a few minutes to play afler snack time, Classlegins againn at 1:311 ai1l. There arc twn lcsson aiter wc haves1:1:ks.. Lthi begions i! 1:30 pa. Ûn Monlays.Weduesdays aud Fridays, my grandpai picks me up annd takes uehome to lhavc. lunch. 01 Tucsday and Thurdays, I cat at schcol.Aier lunct., I usually w:»k torne wiuh my lriends.

