【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《大数据分析 A 教学大纲》,欢迎阅读!
公共必修课课程 数据分析学(I) Data Analytics (I)
授课教师: 黎波、张楠、郑路、庞珣、苏毓淞、罗昊、王程韡 (暂定) 教学目的:
Data Analytics (I) is a graduate level course mainly designed for students with social sciences and management background. The objective of the course to give students a broad overview of the basic principles and applications of data analytics. Students will also be familiar with the various aspects of data analytics such as exploring, managing, modeling and interpreting data. Students’ learning will also be enhanced by their exposure to real life applications of data analytics in social science research, business analysis and public management.
Mining and Business Analytics with R> by Johannes Ledolter, 2013, Wiley Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R> by Gareth James et al, 2013, Springer
by Stephen Borgatti et al, 2013, SAGE
by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh and Anders Skrondal, 2008, Stata 教学软件:R, Stata, UCINET 教学内容: 一、统计分析 1. 数据分析简介 2. 概率论基础 3. 数理统计基础
4. R软件简介,使用R进行探索性数据分析 5. 线性回归模型
6. 多层次、纵贯性数据分析 (Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling)
7. 非参数回归 二、机器学习
8. 正则化监督学习(Supervised learning with regularization) 9. 在抽样统计学(Resampling methods)
10. 树状模型方法、支持向量机(Tree-based methods, Support vector machines) 11. 非监督学习:聚类、降维(Unsupervised learning: clustering, dimension
reduction) 三、综合应用
12. 文本挖掘和情感分析(Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis) 13. 社会网络分析(Social Network Analysis) 14. 政策信息学简介(Policy Informatics) 成绩构成: 平时作业 20% 期中考试 20% 期末考试 30% 学期论文 30%