【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《考博英语口语试题》,欢迎阅读!

1. If there were no one-child policy and you could have as many children as you wanted, how many would you choose to have? And why?
Why just want one child? Children are expensive to raise. They take all of the parents’ time and energy… so more children are a greater demand on the parents. Yet, some American families choose to have more child
2. Describe yourself. (appearance, inside qualities)
Generally speaking, I am a common girl with good personalities. I am not very tall, just average level. My face is unthinkable round, so I looked younger than my appearance.
3. Describe: three GOOD qualities three BAD qualities
for each of the following people: (1). An ideal husband/ wife (2). An ideal teacher/boss/political leader (3). An ideal parent (4). An ideal friend
4. Who are your role models? Why do you choose this person as your model? What do you mean by “a friend”? And the nature of friendship?
5. What do you mean by “a friend”? And the nature of friendship?
6. Who is your best friend? Where did you meet? And, how did you meet? What is he/she (your friend) like? What is his/her(your friend’s) best qualities?
7. How is your friend similar to or different from you?
8. Do you have a lot of friends? How important are friends to you? What do you think are the top 5 personal qualities your friends should have?
9. Too much stress and pressure can cause serious health problems. What health problems do the stress cause? What causes stress for students? For most Chinese adults?
10. If you could take a trip to relax from too much work/study, where would you go? What would you do? Who would you travel with?
11. What are the most serious health problems in China today? How are these problems dealt with?
12. What are some common health problems for children? For adults? What health problems cause the most fear?
13. If an American was coming to visit China, what would you advise him about staying healthy while traveling? What should he do if he becomes ill?
14. Illness caused by/as a result of modern technology:
Ways to deal with technological illness:
15. What is an ideal or a perfect job for you? (Salary, Work, Location, Working Environment, Opportunity for)
16. What will you like (not like) about your job? How can you find such a job? What problems do you think you will have?
17. The top 3 popular occupations in China at present? What are the top ten popular occupations in China at present? And, What are the major attractions of each occupation?
18. Gun control
19. You meet a Westerner—Jeff or Anna who asks you such questions about your hometown:
1) What do you think are the special features of your hometown?
2) What is your hometown like? In two or three sentences, describe your hometown.
20. Which city would you like to work and live?
Scenario: You are working for a large company with offices in many cities. As a reward for hard work, you are being promoted a management position and your will be the manager of the office in one of those cities in the world. You get to choose which city where you live.
21. What do you think are the most important factors when you choose a place to live?
1) Job opportunities 2)Environment 3) Shopping 4) Crime rate 5) Weather 6) Cuisine 7) Historical sights 8)Cost of living 9) Nightlife 10) Architecture 11) Scenery
22. If you could live and work in any city in China, which city would you choose? And, why?
23. Which city would you like to move to, if you could afford it?
24. Explain: 1) The best thing in life is free. 2) Money talks. 3) Time is money. 4) No money, no love. 5) Save your pennies for a rainy day. 6) You can’t take it with you. 7) Money doesn’t grow on trees. 8) Until somebody puts some money on the table, all you have is talk.
25. If you could buy anything this year what is the first thing you would like to get? And, why?
26. Recent headlines in newspapers. List one positive consequence and one negative consequence for each of the following scientific development.
1). Plastic surgery better and chapter than ever
2) Pig organs save human lives
3) Prospective parents choose child’s sex
4) Sixty-year-old grandmother gives birth
27. The advantages and disadvantages of each of these modern inventions. How has each invention improved our quality of life? And 2) How has each invention created problems and stress?
Personal computer Cell phone ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) The Internet Email Virtual chat/Virtual dates ? Computer games Remote control GPS (Global Position System) MP3 player Kindle IPad
28. What do you think are some customs that a visitor to China should know about?
29. What do you think are some interesting customs from the U.S.A.?
30. What are the five biggest environmental problems in China? What should we do about these problems?