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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日》,欢迎阅读!
1. 中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。新年的庆祝活动从除夕

开始一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festival,即从农历(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。为驱厄运、迎好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets,对联的主题为健康、发财和好运。其他的活动还有放鞭炮、发红包和探亲访友等。

Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to bring in good luck. And doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck. Other activities include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.

2. 中国人使用筷子已经有3000多年的历史了。中国的筷子夹菜的一端是圆的,象征着


There has been a history of more than 3 000 years for the Chinese to have meals with chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks are round on the eating end which symbolizes the heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes the earth. It is because maintaining an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between the heaven and the earth. There is an old custom in the past in China, that chopsticks should be a part of a girl’s dowry. Kuaizi (chopsticks) is pronounced the same as “kuai zi”. The latter symbolized “quick” and “son”. According to the Chinese traditional table manners, it is impolite to hold the chopsticks all the time over the meal. As soon as one person sends a bite into his mouth, he should put down the chopsticks. It would offend others to point at them with chopsticks over the meal.

3. 在漫长的发展过程中,中国建筑逐渐形成了以木结构(timberwork)结合石雕、夯

土结构(rammed earth construction)以及其他技巧为特色的风格。一般来讲,中国的传统建筑风格可分为几个类别:皇家宫殿、宅居厅室、寺庙佛塔(pagoda、墓园陵寝及园林建筑。然而,中国不同地区和不同民族的建筑风格可能在特色和功能上有所不同。从中国北方到南方,从黄河到长江,一路上你会被中国建筑师们的杰作所感动。勤劳的中国劳动人民创造了很多建筑奇迹,如:长城、故宫。

During its long evolution, Chinese architecture gradually developed a style which featured timberwork combining stone carving, rammed earth construction, and many other techniques. Generally speaking, traditional Chinese architectural style can be classified into several categories: royal palaces, residential houses, religious temples and pagodas, tombs and garden architectures. However, the architectural styles of

different regions and ethnic groups in China may vary in characteristics and functions. Traveling all the way from the Northern China to the South, from the Yellow River down to the Yangtze River, you will be moved by the works of Chinese architects. Industrious Chinese labouring people created many architectural miracles such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.

4. 汉语是中国各民族共同使用的语言,也是世界上历史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言

之一。无论过去还是现在,汉语在国内外都有很大的影响,具有很重要的地位。当今世界出现汉语热,一是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化,对人类进步作出过巨大贡献;更是因为30年来中国实行改革开放,综合国力overall national strength)大幅提升,与中国打交道、对中国文化感兴趣的国家、国际组织和人员日益增多。学习汉语也就成为他们深入了解中国的必由之路。

Chinese is a language used by people of all ethnic groups in China, and it is also among the world’s most highly developed languages with the longest history. Whether in the past or at present, the Chinese language has had a great influence both at home and abroad and occupied a prominent position. The current global Chinese fever is attributed to the long history of the Chinese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture and its tremendous contribution to human progress; more importantly, as China’s overall national strength has grown in the course of reform and opening-up over the last three decades, more and more countries, international organizations and people come into contact with China and take interest in Chinese culture. For them, learning the Chinese languages has become the only road to a profound understanding of China.

5. 中国是最早生产丝绸的国家。考古学家们认为,中国的桑蚕丝技术,至少有4,000


China is the earliest country to have produced silk. Archaeologists believe the technology of silk weaving has at least a history of more than 4,000 years. Silk had been the main materials to make clothes for the noblemen and their families as well as an important commodity for export since long ago. There are various kinds of ancient Chinese silk. Westerners were very fond of Chinese silk. It is said that during the first century AD, a Roman emperor went to the theatre wearing silk, which made a great stir in the audience. Since then, people wished to wear clothes made of Chinese silk. China, therefore, was called the “Silk Country”. Silk has made people’s life beautiful and promoted friendly exchanges between China and other countries.

