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唱歌跳舞的英文 singing and dancing
singing and dancing例句 1. one could hear them singing and dancing merrily out in the street. 人们在外面的街道上都能听到他们欢快的歌舞声.
2. they were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.
3. the young man alternated singing and dancing. 那年轻人一会儿唱,一会儿跳.
4. some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.
我们中有些喜欢唱歌跳舞, 而另一些人则喜爱运动. 5. singing and dancing, people celebrated the national day.
6. one could hear them singing and dancing merrily. 人们可以听到他们欢快的歌舞声.
7. mathews and tyler are singing and dancing. 马修斯和泰勒在唱歌跳舞.
8. on her wedding day, the daughter hired an all - female
singing and dancing group to perform.
婚礼当天, 裁缝师的女儿请了一个女歌舞团到场表演. 9. we enjoyed ourselves around the fire by singing and dancing.
10. thousands of people are singing and dancing in the street today.
sing的常见用法 vt.& vi.唱,歌唱,吟诵; vi.(鸟)鸣; 嗡嗡叫; 呜呜作响; 发嗖嗖声
v.耳鸣; 〈诗〉作诗; 歌颂,赞美,称赞; 唱着使… n.呜呜声,嗖嗖声; 〈美口〉歌唱会;
1. she didn't know anything about music but she liked to sing.
2. you can sing along to your favourite elvis hits. 你可以跟着一起唱你最喜爱的“猫王”的热门歌曲。 3. some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away.
一些人试图唱歌,但他们的声音很快就陆续消失了。 4. he started to speak in a nasal sing-song voice. 他开始用一种带有鼻音的、抑扬顿挫的声调说话。 5. we heard a voice sing out in a clear, sharp tone. 我们听到了一阵清脆嘹亮的歌声。