
2022-03-19 11:54:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高考英语常见形容词》,欢迎阅读!


一•以al结尾的形容词和副词的变化 1.

n ati onal heroes

n atio n n ati onal n ati on ally 民族英雄

a n atio nallyk nown hero 一位全国着名的英雄 2. nature


naturally 自然资源

n atural resources

3. culture cultural culturally differe nt cultural backgrou nds

T professi onal


professi on ally

professi on alk no wledge 业知识 (国际intern ati onal

T intern ati on ally

intern ati on alcomedy characters 国际喜剧演员

T pers onal T pers on ally 个人地 T practical T practically 实际地 T occasi onal T occasi on ally


. ful结尾的形容词和副词的变化 1. care T careful T carefully


2. grate T grateful T gratefully 感激地 thank T thankful T thankfully be tha nkful/grateful

T to sb for sth


T forgetful T forgetfully 健忘地

. able结尾的形容词和副词的变化

T reliable T reliably

可依靠地 rely on sb

T admirable T reliably 羡慕地 T reason able T admirably 合情合理地 T acceptable Tacceptably 可接受地 T advisable T advisably 建议地 T comfortable T comfortably 舒适地

T forgettable T forgettably T un forgettably 难忘地 T changeable Tchangeably T unchangeable 不可改变地 T believable Tbelievably T unchangeable 难以置信地


T favorable T favorably T unfavorably


T bearable T bearably Tunbearably 不能忍受地

四•以le结尾的形容词和副词的变化 simple T simply possible possibly 可能地 probable T probably 可能地

五•以y结尾的形容词和副词的变化 easy T easily busy T busily

be busy withsth be busy in doing sth happyT happily healthy . 直接加ly的形容词

wide Twidely 广泛地 actual T actually 事实上 part T partly B分地 particular T particularly


T healthily 健康地

especial T especially 尤其地 regular T regularly 定期地 extreme T extremely 特另U precious T preciously 宝贵地 purely 完全地frequently 经常地gradually 逐渐地 (形)lovely T livelily 可爱 lively Tlivelily 友好的

equally 相等地frankly

坦率地swiftly 迅速地

活跃地生动的 friendly Tfriendlily

(形)likely 可能的constantly 不断地accurately 准确地 casually 随意地efficiently

有意义地privately 机密地

locally 本地地absolutely 绝对地normally 正常地 usually 通常地 tastelessly 无味地 breathlessly 屏息地 . some结尾的形容词

trouble Ttroublesome 令人麻烦的 tiresome 讨厌的 fearsome有点吓人的 awesome敬畏的 还有以下形容词和副词应当熟悉和掌握:

a good many; a number of; acceptable;

accide ntally; actively; adequately; already; ano ther; an xious; any way; ashamed; attentively;;; better; but; careful; changeable; cheap; comfortable; convenient; eagerly; easy; encouraging; enhancing; equal; even though; eventually; fairly; far; fewer; following; formally; frien dly; gen erously; gradually; heavily; historic; hopefully; immediately; in accessible; in dividual; in evitable; in itial; in stead; in visible; largely; n ever; n ext; no; no rmal; no wadays; obviously; ordin ary; other; otherwise; patie nt; ple nty of; practical; promoti ng; proper; quickly; readily; reas on able; remote; seldom; seriously; short; so; stimulat ing; traditi on al; un available; un avoidable; un favorable; unfortun ately; usual; various; weak; well

