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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《雅思作文题》,欢迎阅读!
1. In the past, people spent their entire lives doing one job. But nowadays, they change their jobs frequently. Please give the reasons and your suggestions.


学习conventional reasons people give for _job hopping_ include lousy bosses, miserable salaries and hostile work environments. Yet the fundamental reason has always been hidden and ignored by the general public. 第二段:写原因

原因的主题句:the ____ can be attributed mainly to _______. (头脑风暴:跳槽是现代社会产物,今昔对比不同之处,就能找出原因所在,跳槽热的主要原因:社会态度及价值观的转变,人们对工作忠诚度定义的改变。

The job hopping frenzy can be attributed mainly to the remarkable social changes taking place nowadays. The 21st century is characterized by the rapid rate of change. Nations aruond the world are experiencing dramatic shifts in their political, economic and social structures.these shifts have radically changed how people view job hopping. (解释法, 社会结构改变对人们看待跳槽态度的影响)

the days when +句子 are long gone. (今昔对比法)

The days when being on a progressive career meant staying at the same company for life are long gone.

Neither employers nor employees directly link long service with loyalty now. (link A with B )

进一步解释:老板不再认为员工的雇主数目是衡量其忠诚度的最好方法。employers no longer think that the number of employers an individual has worked for provided the best measure of loyalty.

Insteadthey now place more emphasis on ensuring that employees are engaged and committed during the time they spend with them, believing this is more likely to deliver results. 最后总结 this means that

This means that there is scope (余地,范围,空间)for employees to switch jobs with relative ease and take charge of their own progression and development at their own pace.


(头脑风暴: 当事人法,找工作这件事,不仅涉及到求职者,也涉及到人力资源部的人。求职者有跳槽的自由,这方面下不了手,就从人力资源方面来说,要求信息公平公正,不要给予求职者过高期许)

Despite the irresistable and irretrivable social change, there are things that HR managers can do to improve the current situation. It should be noticed that sometimes employees choose to leave because they find that the jobs or the workplace are far from what they have expected. The working hours are not as promised, training or promotions dont come through (明显表现出来), and managers may have misrepresented pay offers. To narrow expectations, HR managers should sample job exeperiences before the the interview to give job candidates a more complete picture about working in the company.

2. what are the main tasks of universities: to offer students knowledge and skills essential for their future career, or to provide students with access to knowledge itself? What do you think university education should contain?

大学的主要功能是什么 :


Universities around the world are facing the problem of how to effectively use their resources to serve a larger population of students who are more culturally and socially diversified. 第二句话:表明自我观点,直接回答第一个问题

To solve the problem , universities should be perfectly aware of their main tasks: providing students with easy access to knowledge and, at the same time, encouraging them to make active contribution to the advancement of human knowledge. (选择了前者)



Universities should, first of all, be learning communities where knowledge is not only disseminated but also advanced.


支持句: 解释法+卖关子法instead[内容:not only---but also, 专门解释but also 即知识如何能够得到发展。鼓励学生自主学习,解决问题,独立思考的能力]

As full-fledged members of their community, students should not be information recipients who learn the knowledge in a passive way. Instead, they should be challeged to achieve their


总结 so, therefore, in fact, actually, indeed换句话说主题句的内容

Therefore, rather than focus merely on knowledge dissemination and transfer, universities should contrive to provide learning conditions that encourage students to remain curious , to value diversity in opinions and perspectives, and to think critically and indepently. In this way, students can gain problem-solving experience and confidence.


主题句: Furthermore, universities will never attain their goals if they tailor all their course or programs to meet the needs of specific employers or occupational sectors. Todays social environment is more dynamic and turbulent than ever before. Only those graduates who possess certain personality traits and can do well in diversified situations can distinguish themselves from other job candidates. [only those who--- can ---] 总结

In order to fulfill the main tasks of universities, university

education should contain amply opportunities for independent learning which can cultivate students who are more likely adapt to the changing society. Students can also learn to exericise their autonomy more effectively, and they may clarify their own professional interests while learning in an independent way.

3.should government pay for medical care and education? Why? 政府类考题

政府的钱:tax Revenue


那就中立,政府和个人共同承担,具体措施不涉及。 引言段:1)问题

State officials and general public have been for years pondering the pros and cons of relying solely on the government for the funding of medical care and education without reaching any definite conclusion. 2) 表明我的观点

As far as I am concerned, we should contrive to achieve an appropriate balance of government and personal funding for medical care and educaiton.

主题段 :回答why

1)如果医疗费用单独由政府负担,会造成严重负担 2)公民得到良好教育,是有利于社会和公民本人的。成本自然也要由双方负责。

First of all, funding of medical care solely by the government can lead to adverse consequences.

解释:the advent of the ageing society has been accompanied by an increasing demand for medical care. () 结构: apparently ,--- . As a matter of fact,---

Apparently (表面上来讲) the government alone can shoulder the onerous burden imposed by the medical care of the elderly. As a matter of fact, the balance of cost sharing will inevitably shift dramatically toward the young tax payers, as the government will definitely resort to tax revenue. (背,常识) 总结thus, the sole funding system of government translates into more taxes paid to the government.

Second, the cost of education should be balanced between the individual and the government, as education drives out progress toward a better life both personally and collectively. (主题句,育有利于社会及个人)

支持句:进一步解释, 用细节做补充

Well-educated individuals are not only prepared for well-paid jobs, but they are also able to cope with changes.(教育对个人的)

When a country undergoes change and growth, it relies on its people to adapt and prepare themselves for new opportunities. Every country counts on the existence of a pool of civilized citizens to lead the social and economic development. () Without a large number of well-educated people in a country, the collective capacity to grow would be severely diminished. 总结

To sum up, the cost of medical care and education should be distributed between the government and the citizens. What is of ultimate importance is that the government make this decision thoughtfully and ensure that the proportion is appropriate. ()

句式:what is of ultimate importance is that ---

4. What is it in the mass media that has negative effects on teenagers and what measures should governments take to solve this problem?



The 20th century has witnessed unprecedented advancement in virtually all fields of daily life, and the mass media is no exception. (背, 媒体是现代社会产物,可以用这句话) However, everything comes at a price. While we enjoy all the conveniences brought by new ways of disseminating information, our teenagers are adversely affected. There is too much in the media that is harmful to young people.

To begin with, the mass media has become a source of violent scenes and gruesome reports. (主题句,缺点1 暴力及恐怖信息的发布源).

举例法:电视节目 是媒体中的一员

Todays television programs, for example, are filled with violence and gory sights in order to intensify dramatic effect. Crimes and criminals are often glorified; the victims and sufferings are usually ignored in those program.

Also, the availability of adult-only videos and sexually explicit pictures on magazines and various websites contributes greatly

to the rise in teenage sexual activities.


Impulsive and easily influenced, young people are constantly tricked by the above-mentioned negativities spreaded on various media.


Prompt measures should be taken to minimize the harmful effects of the media. Stricter censorship code should be implemented regarding the content of television programs. More importantly, governments should conduct massive educational programs to inform teenagers of the correct life values and lifestyle. Children need to be taught how to distinguish realities from illusions.

1) 审查内容 2 教育节目

5. Nowadays computers are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Invented less than a hundred years ago, computers are now used everywhere, even inside classrooms. While teachers remain more or less the same, computers are doubling in both speed and capability frequently. In light of the increasing presence and importance of computers in classrooms, people cant help wondering whether teachers are as important as they once were. As far as I am concerned, teachers still plays a major role and are still of great importance.

原因:1电脑的弱点:不能实行创新性活动 2)教师的优:互动 ; 精神鼓励

It is well known that computers are better at repetitive work but incapable of creative thinking. [电脑擅长重复性工作,不能处理创造性工作]

However advanced they may be, computers are nothing more than human contrivances, programmed to perform certain tasks.[]

They are unable to deal with students with different background. Needless to say, a classroom is a place where creativity matters

most. Therefore, computers are no better than other tools used by teachers and couldnt possibly undermine the roles played by them.

Besides, the interaction between students and teachers is vital for learning. (主题句)

According to most education authorities, real learning occurs during the discussion and sharing of ideas with ones teacher and classmates, which is a task beyond the power of computers. Moreover, a teacher is there to monitor every slight change in students atttitude, to respond to and encourage them whenever they show signs of frustration and impatience. Without this kind of interaction, education is unimaginable.


It might be argued that in terms of accuracy and amount of information, computers outshine humans; but to make a good teacher means far more than being an encyclopedia where one can access all relevant information. Indeed, a good teacher organizes and inspires the students. Instead of being a source of

knowledge, a teacher is more like a guide who shows students the right path towards their destination.

In conclusion, despite the increasing presence of computers inside classroom, teacher are just as essential, if not more so (过之而无不及), as instructors were in the past. Some inherent drawbacks make it impossible for computers to replace teachers in classrooms where creative thinking and interpersonal skills are vital to ensure success.

6. universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree? 女性话题

典型同意与否题型,题中所给观点是有逻辑错误的。 反驳的时候,可以纠正这种逻辑错误,1)专业入选的标准跟男女比例无关,必须按照实力及个人兴趣而定 2 如果按照所给观点,会产生的恶果

Since the feminist movement, females have been enjoying increasingly equal opportunities as males do. They account for nearly half of college student population. Some people thus demand complete equality in all subjects in terms of student

number. I am, however, strongly against this proposal.

开头段:引出1男女平等的话题 2题中所给观点的改写 3 自己的观点

To begin with, the enrolment of men or women in each major should be dependent upon their respective academic performances and overall abilities, rather than some unrealistic percentage quota. (定量,定额)--- /原因1. 按照学生的成绩及综合能力录取。 支持句:解释法

Girls usually dont do well in science and thus have little chance of competing against boys in the math department. Similarly, it is hard to find boys studying education, for many of them just dont have the verbal skills or patience to become qualified teachers. Given the differecen in their inherent abilities, it is right to expect girls and boys to have separate academic pursuits.

Besides, the natural interests of both sexes should be taken into consideration when we approach this issue. 举例For example, By compelling some girls to study engineering merely to increase the female percentage, universities are forcing them to work against their natural inclination while denying (拒绝把--

--)other boys the chance of pursuing their real interests. 总结 Therefore, students should be given the freedom as to what subjects they would like to learn.

总结 it is neither realistic nor necessary to recruit the same number of male and female students. It is not an issue of equality but a matter of choice. Given the difference in abilities and preferences, students shall be given the right to choose for themselves rather than be subject to (受支配) certain arbitary quotas stipulating the number of students for each sex.

句式:it is neither -- nor -- to do sth

It is not an issue of --- but a matter of ---

7.some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to cooperate so that they could become more useful adults. State some reasons for both views and give your opinion. 儿童类话题:竞争 or 合作 双边讨论

Growing up in the world with ever-increasing population, many

children are taught to compete with each other from their earliest memory so as to surpass others. (阐述一方观点) although this pratice is embraced by many, others remain unconvinced of its merits.they insist that for children to achieve greater things in their adulthood they should learn how to cooperate with others. (阐述另一方观点)

Those in favour of the competition approach argue that competition skills have to be instilled into the children from an early age if they are to merely survive in their future life. (主题)

解释法:indeed, fierece competition starts from primary school where all students vie to get better grades in order to enter a prestigious universitiy later on. This is followed by constant pressure to outshine ones co-workers if career advancement is to be achieved. (竞争不可避免,从升学到职业发展) Moreover, instead of being an avoiable nuisance, competition should be embraced, for it is the driving force behind all our progress. Understandably, people tend to perform better when they strive to beat their opponents.

On the other hand, opponents of this view also have their

reasons. To begin with, to survive and prosper, either at school or in society, cooperation is essential. 理由1细节说明,学校,职场No one can solely rely one his own talents to achieve academic success. In fact, many key factors that contribute to ones scholastic achievement such as the instruction from teachers and the exchange of ideas with classmates require cooperation and interpersonal skills. The need to work with and assist each other is also reflected in every organization, be it a company or laboratory, where teamwork is a prerequisite for all job seekers.

Personally, I encourage kids to cooperate with each other. In a world where people become increasingly interdependent, it is imperative to teach our children how to work with rather than against each other. 亮出自己的观点。

8.The culture of different countries are becoming increasingly similar, so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have the same experience at home. Do you agree or disagree?

Granted () that cultures in various countries start to

resemble one another , which is by no mean to a large extent, it is still worthwhile to travel to another countries to appreciate what can only be obtained on a foreign soil. 起承转

To travel is to know the local people. (旅行的意义是人) people may wear the same kind of clothes, eat the same kind of food and do similar jobs, but they are different from country to country. Media reports and second-hand information can never compare with personal interaction with the local peple.

Apart from knowing the people, travelling affords travelers incomparable opportunities to appreciate the natural beauties of a foreign country. (旅行的意义在自然风景)

9.Some people think that people will forget their own tradition and history because they no longer wear their traditional costumes. Do you agree or disagree? 文化话题


1) 穿现代服饰的必要性 2不穿传统服饰不会导致一个人忘记自己的传统和历史

Nowadays, people can barely judge a persons nationality based on what he wears. ---

理由:1. peoples preference to certain kinds of apparel has little to do with their attachment to their history and tradition. 解释:consumerschoices to purchase pr wear some certain clothes are often influenced by fashion or occasion.

2.traditional costume is only one reminder of ones tradition, nothing more. Education plays a far more important role in enhancing ones understanding of ones history and culture.

结尾:history and tradition should be borne in mind rather than merely put on our body.

10.traditional food is undergoing great changes and being replaced by new diets. What do you think are the reasons and what do you think about this phenomenon?


Para 1 : 描述这个趋势

People in different countries have quite different traditional food. Even for people in the same region, the food they enjoy today is far from the same as those consumed by their grandparents. The

trend is accelerating.

Para2:起因1 科学技术

Scientific and technological development is the driving force behind this change.

解释法:our ancestors used to produce and preserve food without the benefit of modern technology, which often results in some ingenious (奇特的) ways of handling food. But with the demise of those special skills and the advance of food technology, food is produced quite differently nowadays. (今昔对比)

举例法:for example, whereas we now put a premium on (强调) fresh vegetables, people in the past often ate pickles because it was otherwise impossible to preserve vegetables for a long time.

Para 3:起因2 生活方式的改变

The chane in lifestyle also contributes to the change in traditional food. 解释:The fast-pacing modern life allows employees little time to cook meals. Thus, many choose fast food for breakfast and lunch and eat a full meal for supper. As a result, those time-consuming traditional food is replaced by ready made, easy-to-cook conveninent food.

Para 4: 总结:表明观点

While it is a pity to lose some traditional foods, it is too sentimental if we hang on blindly to traditional food just for the sake of keeping the tradition. Change often means improvement. It is hardly wise to always eat the same food regardless of the changing lifestyle and technology.

11.Some people think the olympic games will no longer play an important role in the 21st century, and the 2004 game should be the last one. Do you agree or disagree?

Para 1 : 描述olympic games ; 个人立场

The olympic games has been with us for centuries. It was only interrupted by the world wars. Despite all its imperfection, it never fails to catch the heart and imagination of millions around the globe. It will and should last for centuries to come.

Para 2:理由 了解彼此的平台

People get to know each other through the Olympic games. There is a saying, if people can meet on the field of sports they wont want to meet on the battle field. Every four years, athletes from five continents get together to participate in the summer

games. Billions around the world tune in to watch those athletes compete more against themselves than against their rivals in their unrelenting drive towards personal best. It is one of the rare occasions when people from different nations and backgrounds are engaged in the same activities and able to form genuine friendship.

Para 3: 第二个理由:经济效益

In addition, enormous economic benefits are generated by the olympic games, not only for the host nations but other countries as well. A countrys tourism, international trade and global status can get a tremendous boost by hosting the Olympic games, which partly explains the intensity of the competition as countries vie for the right to host the olympic games. For the world at large, the game also serves to promote business in related fields, such as advertising, sports wears and soft drinks.

Para 4: 让步段 存在的问题:贿赂,兴奋剂,不公平竞争 Admittedly, critics may be upset by the problems related to these international events, bribery, drug abuse, unfair competition, to name but a few. However, these are by no means inherent, and can be remedied. There is nothing wrong with the game itself; it

is the management that leaves much to be desired.

Para 5: 总结

In short, the olympic games is going to play even greater roles in the coming century. We shall have the games as long as we play sports. There is, of course, no end to the improvement of the olympic games.

13. The world of work is changing rapidly. People today no longer take one job for life. Discuss the causes of these changes. What suggestions would you make for young people to prepare themselves for the work in future?

Para 1: 现象描述:跳槽

Job hopping is more common in developed countries like America. But even in countries traditionally renowned for job security or life-long employment, people are getting used to employment change. The causes are manifold. (多种多样的)

Para 2: cause 1: 雇主方面: 不再视忠诚度为工作年限 On the employers side, many of them no longer associate loyalty with how many years an employee has been working for

them. Many companies prefer a change of blood from time to time to maintain their competitiveness and vitality. Older workers are replaced because they long lost their enthusiasm for work and hamper innovation by always doing things the old way.

Para3 : 从员工角度出发

However, employees also have their reasons to seek new employment. Most of them would leave a job when they feel there is nothing to learn doing that job. Due to intense competitions, people see the need to improve their abilities and competitiveness by acquiring as much work experience as possible. The promise of better thingis to come keep them hopping from one job to another.

Para 4:建议

My advice to young people would be to try different works. Life is very long, there is no point of sticking to one job unless one really enjoys it. Try until we get the job where our real interest lies.

14. as science and technology contribute most to the

development of society, science students should get more financial support from government than students in other fields(eg.Business, language, etcto what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?



Never in the history was science and technology so emphasized as in the modern society.

One is most likely to get a scholarship for graduate study overseas if he or she majors in science or technology. However, this lopsided emphasis seems ungrounded.

理由:抓关键词:奖学金;贡献1. 科学技术不能解决所有的问题 2.经济援助应该由学业成绩来决定。


It is quite debatable that science and technology contribute more to human progress.notwithstanding the achievements and miracles made possible by science, numerous issues cannot be solved by science or technology. Social issues such as juvenile

delinquency, racial discrimination and moral degradationare all beyond of scope of science. (举例)

