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如果用英文来翻译教室的,那是要怎么翻译才完整的表达出意思呢?为此店铺为大家带来教室的英文翻译意思。 教室的英文翻译
classroom; school room; schoolroom classroom 英 [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 美 [ˈklæsru:m] 第三人称复数:classrooms
1. 课堂:环境包括教师(teacher),课堂(classroom)及其所处之社会(community). 由此可见学习的环境和语言的学习有密切关系. 而本文将讨论学习的环境和外语教学的关系. 语言的学习是一条双程路(tw. 一way street). 学习者是一方面,
2. 教师:蒙特梭利教育法的核心与精髓是2C+2T,就是儿童(Children)在有准备的环境即教师(classroom)中,在指导教师(Teachers)的引导下通过使用教学用具(Teaching tools)去自发地探索和学习.
1. classroom:我们的.教室(class room)是Mrs,Finkle老师的房间,让我告诉您我们的教室(class room)是样子的,在西边是我们老师的桌子(table),在东边是我们的地毯(carpet)还有我们的黑板( board)还有读书角(libary),我们的南边是学校的班规(rule),
2. My classroom:作文学习区欢迎您,您正在阅读的是我的教室(My Classroom)文章内容由<教育一百分教学设计网>收集, 请记住本站网址:www.jyybf.com.以便下次访问!本站将为您提供更多的精品教学资源!我的教室(My Classroom)
3. classroom n:park n. 公园 | classroom n. 教室 | factory n. 工厂
4. teaching room:System Operations Room 资讯系统中心 | Teaching Room 教室 | Technician Office 技术员办公室
1. 钟静 (1997),低年级数学教室文化的转变研究,台北师院学报,000(010),
Handbook of Research on mathematics teaching and learning,
2. 为彰化县新港国小争取台电发展协会经费,设立数位多媒体英语听力教室;争取伸港乡乡公所经费,设立挑高钢架式教师汽车停车棚暨童军活动风棚。
Assisted Shin-gang Elementary School in Changhua County to participate in Nine-Year Consecutive Curriculum -One Hundred Indictator to receive the excellence award of English teaching growing team.
3. 它们好像许多面小红旗点缀着教室。(高中英语课本Book 2,L,11
They seemed like so many little flages dotted about theschoolroom.
4. 分为教学、运动和三大区域,有布局合理的综合教学楼,功能齐全的室内体育馆,有宽敞整洁的学生食堂,有装备先进的网络教室、美术室、音乐室、图书馆、科学实验室等。
The campus is divided into three parts of teaching, sporting and living, with properly-laid integrated teaching buildings, an all-function indoor gym, a commodious and tidy student messhall, advance-equipped network classrooms, art rooms, music rooms, library, science laboratories, and so on.
5. 校园分为教学、运动和生活三大区域,有布局合理的综合教学楼,有功能齐全的室内体育馆,有宽敞整洁的学生食堂,有装备先进的网络教室、美术室、音乐室、图书馆、科学实验室等。
The campus is divided into three parts of teaching, sporting and living, with properly-laid integrated teaching buildings, an all-function indoor gym, a commodious and tidy student