
2023-04-28 13:05:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《定语从句例句》,欢迎阅读!



The room whose window faces south is mine.=The room of which the window faces south is mine.

1. 整座城市躺在废墟中,其中百分子75的工厂和大楼消失不见了。 The whole city, 75% of whose factories and buildings were gone, lay in ruins. 2. 我们公司有2000工人,三分之二是女工。

Our company has 2000 workers, of whom two thirds/ two thirds of whom are women. 3. 那些被困在废墟里的人已经得救了。

Those who were trapped under the ruins finally got rescued. 4. 你们刚才谈论的那场地震好可怕呀!

The earthquake that you were talking about sounded frightening/shocking.=The earthquake about which you were talking sounded frightening. 5. 我的家人都是音乐爱好者,今晚将去看电影。

My family, all of whom are music lovers, are going to the movie tonight. 6. 我们正在看的这幢大楼过去曾经是一家医院。

The building which we are looking at used to be a hospital. 7. 约翰向母亲说起过把他在国外见过的人和城市。

John once talked to his mom about the people and cities that he had visited abroad. 8. 他是去过伦敦的一位以观光者之一。

He is one of the tourists who have been to London. 9. 他是这些观光者当中唯一去过伦敦的。

He is the only one of the visitors that/who has been to London. 10. 这就是你们上个礼拜参观过的学校吗? Is this the school that you visited last Sunday?

11. 这所学校就是你们上个礼拜参观过的那所吗? Is this school the one that you visited last Sunday? 12. 他们曾经居住过的是在这个地方里。 It is in this place that he once lived. 13. 这是他们曾经住过的地址。 It is the place where he once lived.

14. 他有两个儿子,每一位都看起来像他。 He has two sons, either of whom looks like him. 15. 他有连个儿子,并且每一个都看起来像他。 He has two sons, and either of them looks like him. 16. 这是一本封面是蓝色的书。

17. This is a book whose cover is blue.=This is a book,of which the cover is blue=This is a book,the cover of which is blue.

18. 他不说令她生气的话。He said nothing that made her angry. 19. 那就是他拒绝在会上发言的理由。That was the reason why/for which he refused to speak at the meeting. =That was the reason which/that he refused to speak for at the meeting.

20. 那就是前几天麦克给我的理由。

That was the reason that/which Mac gave me.



21. 正如我们大家都知道的一样,比尔盖茨创建了微软公司。 As is known to us all, Bill Gates founded Microsoft on his own. 22. 比尔盖茨创建了微软公司是我们大家都知道的。

It is known to us all that Bill Gates founded Microsoft on his own.=That Bill Gates founded his own Microsoft is known to us all.

23. 是他那夹杂着乡村音乐,布鲁斯音乐和福音的风格成就了他的名气。你是同谁一起去看的电影?

It is his voice, with his country, blues and Gospel styles, that made him famous. Who was it that you went to the movie together with?=With whom was it that you went to the movie together..

24. 他不像是那种把工作留下一半的那种人。

He isnt such a man as would leave his work half done. 25. 我要用与你们工厂里用过相同的那种工具。

I prefer to use the same tools as were used in your factory. 26. 我丢了一本书,书名我一时记不起来了。

I have lost a book whose title escapes me at the moment.=I lost a book,of which the title escapes me at the moment.

27. 像你在读的那本小说我不欣赏。

I dont enjoy such a book as you are reading.=I dont appreciate the same book as you are reading.

28. 擦黑板的那一位应该受到表扬

The one who cleans the blackboard should be praised. 29. 我在初中度过的那三年我永远不会忘记。

I will never forget the three years that I spent in the junior middle school 30. 那不是我做事情的方法。

That isnt the way( in which/that) I do it.

31. 他们能用不同的方法拼写单词,这是你们发现有趣的方法。

They could spell words in different ways which/that you might find interesting.=They could spell words by different means that /which you might find interesting. 32. 照现在的样子抄写这个表达词语,不要有任何更改。 Copy this expression as it is; dont make any change.

33. 我们将尝试着帮助家长改善他们与孩子交谈的方式。

We will try to help parents improve the ways (that/in which) they talk with their children.

34. 只有用这种方法才会停止比尔盖茨的快速成功。

Only in this way/by this means can Bill Gates quick success be stopped.=Only in this way/By this means can they stop Bill Gates quick success 35. 这位在救援中左脚受伤的士兵,年仅二十岁。

The soldier whose left foot got wounded during the rescue is only twenty years old. 36. 他们破坏法律的方式开始的时候是和平的。

At first the ways that/in which they broke the laws were peaceful.


