感恩母亲节英语手抄报 有关母亲节的传说

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感恩母亲节英语手抄报 有关母亲节的传说


In the plains of southern Liaoning, a 2000 years old city -- Bayuquan xiongyue. In the east of the green meadow Yuecheng bear fruit in the sea, there is a mountain, the

butte. The summit has a green Guta, from afar, like a mother, looking into the distance, hope children early return. This mountain is called Wangershan, it has a copy from rolia legend.


Legend has it that long ago, Xiongyue suburbs is a beach. The beach a poor family, only the mother of two people, each other. The mother is very loving son, hoping that her son to study hard, the future academic success. For his son to

school, she farms during the day, night, spinning and weaving, hard work. Son also listen to mother's words, determined to study hard. The mother for ten years. This year, the court held exams, selection of personnel, the son decided to

Beijing exam. Prior to departure, the mother said to the son "child, you feel at ease to go test, exam does not test, should be back early, don't let mother worry ah!" the son said "mother, rest assured, I have a good test, finished the one on the back, you wait for my good news."

儿子乘海船赴京赶考去了。母亲昼耕夜织,等待儿子归来。但是,一直没有儿子的音讯。母亲着急了,就天天到海边眺望。一年,两年,三年... ...南飞的大雁秋天去了,春天又回了。母亲的头发都花白了,却不见儿子的身影。七年,八年,九年... ...夏天的烈日火辣辣,冬天的寒风呼呼吹,母亲的脸上布满了皱纹,可她每天望见的仍然是烟波浩淼的大海,来去匆匆的船帆。可怜的母亲,一次又一次地对着大海呼唤:“孩子呀,回来吧!娘想你,想你呀......”十年,二十年,三十年... ...年迈的母亲倒下了,化成了一尊石像,也没有盼到儿子归来。原来,他的儿子早在赴京赶考的途中,不幸翻船落海身亡了。上天被伟大的母爱感动了,在母亲伫立盼儿的地方,兀地矗立起一座高山;大地被伟大的母爱感动了,让母亲洒下的泪珠,化作了一股股地下温泉,滋润出无数红艳艳的苹果;乡亲们被伟大的母爱感动了,把那拔地而起的独秀峰叫做“望儿山”,在山顶建了慈母塔,在山下修了慈母馆,好让子孙后代缅怀母亲的平凡而伟大的恩情。

Son take the ship to Beijing exam to go. Mother's day and night farming organizations, waiting for her son to return. However, there has been no word of my son. Mother was worried, overlooking to the beach every day. One year, two years,

three years... The geese flying south to the fall, spring and back. Mother's hair is gray, but could not see son figure. Seven years, eight years, nine years... The summer sun

burning, the winter wind blowing, the mother's face full of wrinkles, she saw every day is still the vastness of the sea, in a hurry. The poor mother, again and again to the call "children ah, come back! Mother want you, want you..." ten

years, twenty years, thirty years... Elderly mother fell, and turned it into a stone, there is no hope the son to return. In fact, his son, as early as the way to Beijing exam,

unfortunately died in a shipwreck into the sea. God was moved by the great maternal love, hope children where the mother stands, Wu stands a mountain; the earth is moved by the great maternal love, let mother shed tears, turned into a unit of underground hot springs, the moisture out of countless red apples; the villagers moved by the great maternal love the rise of the Duxiu Peak, called "mountains", at the top of the tower was built in the Yamashita Shu mother, the mother house, so that future generations remember mother's ordinary and great kindness.


So far, Bayuquan people still respect maternal mother of antiquity. In the year May "mother's Day" that day, must carry out various respect maternal mother activities. Many people are still loving mother Museum for his own mother to inscription Chi, to express reverence to the mother.

