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【期刊名称】《东北石油大学学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(036)003
【摘 要】By the study of oil and gas distribution and relation between it and oil and gas accumulation conditions, formation causes and main controlling factors of oil and gas accumulation were studied, it is
considered that there are two forms of oil distribution in Ki n2, one is oil of Kj n2 which is together with oil of Kirf, another is oil only distributing in Kin2, the former was formed by reversion, it was formed in faulted traps of Kxn2 by oil of Kin1 migrating through long-period developing faults because of tectonic reversion in the Kiq sedimentary period. The latter is formed by lateral touch, it was formed in faulted traps of Kin2 by oil of r^n, migrating into opposite block because of lateral touch of Kins sourcerock and Kin2 reservoir in the end of Ki;y sedimentary period. Oil and gas accumulation formed by reversion in later period was controlled by following factors;①Distribution of sourcerock controls oil and gas
accumulation and distribution of oil reservoirs formed by reversion in later period.② Reversion structures and their surrounding areas are favorable places for oil and gas accumulation formed by reversion in later period.③ Long-period developing faults provide transporting pathways for oil and gas accumulation formed by reversion in later period. Oil and gas
accumulation by lateral touch in early period was controlled by following factors: ①Distribution of sourcerock controlled oil and accumulation and distribution by lateral touch in early period.② Upper blocks of transoid faults are favorable places for oil and gas accumulation by lateral touch in early period.③ Early-expanding faults provide sealing condition for oil and gas accumulation by lateral touch in early period.%分析海塔盆地中部主要断陷带南二段油气分布及其与成藏条件之间时空匹配关系,研究油气富集成因及主控因素.结果表明:南二段油气分布存在2种形式:一种与上覆大磨拐河组伴生;另一种仅分布在南二段.前者为晚期反转成因,在青元岗组沉积时期,由于构造反转形成于下伏南一段源岩生成的油气沿长期断裂向南二段运移并聚集;后者为早期侧接成因,形成于早期伸展断裂使其上盘南二段与下盘南一段源岩侧接,南一段源岩生成的油气在伊敏组沉积末期向对盘南二段运移聚集.晚期反转成因油气的形成受到3方面因素控制:①源岩区控制晚期反转成因油气聚集与分布;②反转构造及其附近是反转成因油气聚集的有利部位;③长期发育断裂为晚期反转成因油气形成提供输导通道.南二段侧接成因油气聚集受到3方面因素控制:①源岩区控制早期侧接成因油气聚集与分布;②反向断裂上盘是早期侧接成因油气聚集的有利部位;③早期伸展断裂为早期侧接成因油气聚集提供遮挡条件. 【总页数】6页(P41-45,85)
【作 者】高宁;钱永强;张楠;孙慧黠;陈旭峰;王广
【作者单位】东北石油大学地球科学学院,黑龙江大庆 163318;东北石油大学电气信息工程学院,黑龙江大庆163318;大庆油田有限责任公司第十采油厂,黑龙江大庆166405;大庆油田有限责任公司第四采油厂,黑龙江大庆163511;中国石油长庆油
田公司第二采油厂,甘肃庆阳745100;大庆油田有限责任公司第四采油厂,黑龙江大庆163511 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】TE122.3 【相关文献】