四年级下Unit3weather 说课稿

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Unit 3 Weather A. Lets learn说课稿


本次我说课的是四年级下册第三单元Part A第一课时的内容,这部分内容(句型和单词)对学生来说完全掌握有一定的难度,这是一节词汇课。 本节课的教学目标是:

1. 能听说认读表示天气的单词“cold, cool, warm, hot”并指导与这几种天气相对应的大致温度。

2. 能听懂,会读句子“This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today.”初步了解我国及格不同城市的基本气候特点。 教学重点:

1. 新单词的听说认读。

2. 句型:This is the weather report. Its warm/hot/cool/cold in …;词汇:coldcoolwarmhotweather 教学难点:

1. 单词weather的发音,字母组合th 的发音。

2. 能在创设的情境中运用新学的单词和句型模拟天气预报。 教学准备:

中国地图,单词卡,天气预报音频,城市名称卡,Amy头像图 教学过程: I. Warm-up 1. Greetings

2. Free talk. II. Task assignment

Amy, our old friend is going to China. And she wants to know the weather in China. Can you help her? Today, you’re a weather reporter. Please do a weather report for us. Let’s find out who’s the best one!

Weather head-father=weather

III. Presentation


1. FirstAmy wants to know the weather in Harbin. Beijing


TPRBrrr, it’s cold. It’s cold outside. Put on a hat. Cold, bye-bye.

2. It’s so cold in Harbin. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Warm, warm, its warm; its warm in Beijing.

3. Is it cold in Hong Kong ? How about the weather?图片上温度30℃引入hot的概念。利用自然拼读法教读单词。利用四线三格板书并带着学生手指空书。 练习单词,句型。Hot, hot, its hot; its hot in Hong Kong.

It’s too hot,. Can you give Amy some advice ? You can drink some water.

4.通过拉萨温度15图片引出cool。利用四线三格板书并带着学生手指空书。 练习单词,句型。Cool, cool, its cool; its cool in Lhasa.

IV. Practice

1. Talk about the weather in the pictures.

2. Lets play. Choose the question from ABCD and guess the weather . V. Group work.

Challenge the compare to be a weather report. Ask several groups to show their report. VI. Summary

1. 单词:warmcoolcoldhotweather 2. 句型:This is the weather report. Its in

3. TipsThough the weather changes a lot, please take care of ourselves and be in a good mood.


