【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《稀疏的反义词是什么》,欢迎阅读!
稀疏 相关的反义词:
稠密 繁密 密集 茂密 茂盛 浓密 中文解释
亦作“ 稀疎 ”。不稠密。
《后汉书·庞参传》:“ 三辅 山原旷远,民庶稀疏,故县丘城,可居者多。” 五代 齐己 《寒节日寄乡友》诗:“原野稀疏雨,江天冷澹霞。” 郭沫若 《行路难》上篇一:“浅黄的沙地上长着些发一样的稀疏的青草。” 犹言冷落,疏远。
元 季子安 《粉蝶儿·题情》套曲:“这些时稀疎了诗宾和这酒朋,闷来时与谁同。” 英文解释
few and scattered;few and far between;thin;sparse;sparseness ; 例句
你头发越来越稀疏了? "You're losing your hair"?
This is partly out of practical necessity: it is indeed thin and lank. 最重要的是,十多岁的克隆孩子将如何应对这样的状况-看着头发稀疏,逐渐年老的我,想着这就是他的将来吗?
Above all, how would a teenager cope with looking at me, a balding, aging man, and seeing the physical future ahead of him?
Two years of drought conditions in the areas in the us where they are grown have dramatically reduced the quality of peanuts usedin snacks and
confectionery as plants have withered before maturity or produced a sparse crop.
A banker showed me two photos not long ago. One was the subway map of a large foreign city which is as dense as a cobweb andthe other was the subway map of beijing which is quite sparse.