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Unit Four
International Conference
As chairperson of this conference, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you on behalf of the organizing committee.
2. 本次会议的目的是就土木工程两项技术的理论、新发展和实际应用进行交流。 The purpose of this conference is to exchange information with regard to the theories, new developments and practical applications of two techniques of civil engineering.
3. 我想今天上午所有与会者都与我有着相同的想法,我们都认为您的报告信息量大、有启发性。
I think all the participants present this morning will agree with me that your presentation is very informative and enlightening.
4. 我相信我们大家都从您的报告中受益良多。
I believe that all of us have benefited a lot from your speech/presentation. 5. 我宣布全体会议休会到十点钟。
I declare the plenary session adjourned until 10 o’clock. 6. 我很荣幸地代表组委会宣布会议开幕。
On behalf of the organizing committee, I feel honored to declare the conference open. 7. 女士们,先生们,请大家注意,会议马上开始。
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? The meeting will come to order very soon.
8. 我们今天上午要做的是回顾一下学生的学习策略和学习成绩之间的关系。
What we are going to do this morning is to review the relation between students’ learning strategies and performance.
9. 2000到2004年,他在哈佛大学的社会与经济政策研究所工作。
From 2000 to 2004, he was affiliated with the Institute for Social and Economic Policy at Harvard University.
10. 请大家和我一起欢迎今天的主旨报告人史密斯教授,他报告的题目是“全球化的未来”。 Please join me in welcoming our keynote speaker today ― Professor Smith, whose speech is entitled “The Future of Globalization”.
11. 非常感谢您精彩的报告。下面我们用热烈的掌声欢迎下一位报告人史密斯教授。
Thank you very much for your wonderful presentation. Let’s welcome the next speaker Professor Smith with warm applause.
12. 我们今天上午第一部分就到此结束。下面我们进行20分钟的茶歇。请大家十点前回到会场。
We have now come to the end of the first section of this morning. Next let’s have a 20-minute tea break. Please come back before 10:00.
13. 首先,感谢主席先生的介绍。我很高兴利用这个机会和大家分享一下我们在全球气候变暖这个问题上的观点。
First, I would like to thank Mr. Chairman for his introduction. I am very glad to take this opportunity to share with you our view on global warming. 14. 因为时间的关系, 我只能简要地谈一下这个话题。
For the sake of time, I can only talk about this subject briefly.
Limited by the time available, I can …
15. 这就是我今天下午要谈的所有内容。如果您有问题的话尽管提问。
That’s all that I want to talk this afternoon. Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have questions. Unit Five
Presentation of Speeches
1. 首先,请允许我代表威海市政府和威海市260万人民对会议的召开表示最热烈的祝贺。 First of all, please allow me, on behalf of Weihai municipal government and 2.6 million people of Weihai, to extend our warmest congratulations on the convening of this conference.
2. 我还想对在本次会议组织中帮助、支持我们的所有朋友表示由衷的感谢。
I would like also to express our heartfelt thanks to all the friends, who have helped and supported us in organizing this conference.
3. 我很荣幸能够有机会代表威海市政府欢迎大家到威海来参加本次会议。
On behalf of Weihai municipal government, I am honored to have the opportunity to welcome you all to Weihai and participate in this conference. 4. 作为组委会主席,我向大家表示热烈的欢迎。
As chairman of the Organizing Committee, I extend a hearty welcome to you all.
5. 世界第16届计算机大会将向中外信息技术行业的专业人士提供一个加深彼此了解和寻求未来合作的良好机会。
The 16th World Computer Congress will provide professionals of the IT industry home and abroad with a good opportunity to deepen their mutual understanding and seek future cooperation.
6. 中国有句古话:“有朋自远方来,不亦说乎?”
There is an old saying in China that it is a pleasant thing that we have friends from afar.
7. 我祝愿大会圆满成功,成效显著,并祝大家在美丽的历史名城济南度过愉快而难忘的时光。
I wish the conference will be successful and productive, and wish you a pleasant and memorable experience in the beautiful historical city of Jinan.
8. 显然,我们会议的成功取决于在座各位的智慧、奉献和合作。
Clearly, the success of our conference depends on the wisdom, dedication and cooperation of everybody present here.
9. 我相信大家会发现本次会议上即将宣读的论文信息量大而且有启发性。
I am sure that you will find the papers to be presented at this conference both informative and enlightening.
10. 改革开放以来,山东省在经济文化生活的各个领域都取得了巨大的成就。
Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up to the world, Shandong Province has made great achievements in various aspects of its economic and cultural life.
11. 这次大会的独特之处在于,这是首次在亚洲发展中国家召开国际信息技术大会。
This conference is unique in that it is the first International Conference on Information
Technologies to be held in a developing Asian country.
12. 它就信息技术对社会各个领域的影响这一话题提供了一次特殊的交流机会。
It provides a special opportunity to exchange ideas on the social impacts of information technology in all areas.
13. 我祝大家返程愉快、一路平安。
I wish everybody a pleasant and safe journey home.
14. 我们下次会议将在2013年3月在纽约举行,期望在那里见到大家。
Our next conference will be held in New York in March 2013. We are looking forward to meeting you there.
15. 第七届国际环境保护大会马上就要结束了,本次会议取得了巨大成功。
We are now very close to the end of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Protection, which has achieved tremendous successes.
16. 多年来,我们在教育合作和学术交流方面建立了广泛的联系。我倍加珍惜我们两校之间的亲密关系。
Over the years, we have established extensive links in educational cooperation and academic exchanges. I greatly cherish the close relationship between our two universities.