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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《布迪厄》,欢迎阅读!
皮埃尔· 布迪厄 Pierre Bourdieu

皮埃尔· 布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)是当代法国著名的社会学家,思想家和文化理论评家,法兰西学院唯一的社会学教授,和英国的吉登斯(Anthony Giddens、德国的哈贝马斯(Jurgen Harbermas)被认为是当代欧洲社会学界的三杰。布迪厄横跨众多领域,打破了学科界限,从跨学科的角度入手,对人类学、社会学、教育学、语言学、哲学政治学、史学、美学、文学等都有研究,提出了一系列独到的思想范畴,建构了相当新颖的学术框架。作为法国当代最有声望的社会学家,思想家和文化理论批评家,布迪厄以其独创性的学术研究和丰裕的理论创作,在法国和整个西方人文社会科学界掀起一阵阵争论浪潮,推动着当代西方人文社会科学理论和方法论的重大变革,为人文社会科学的发展本身开辟了更加广阔的前景。

Pierre Bourdieu is a contemporary French sociologist, thinker, and cultural theory critic. He is the only one sociology professor of the French Academy, whom together with Anthony Giddens of England and Jurgen Harbermas of Germany were considered to be the three great sociologists of the contemporary Europe. Bourdieu’s study covers many fields and breaks disciplinary boundaries. Starting from the interdisciplinary perspective, he had made researches on anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, linguistics, philosophy, politics, historiography, aesthetics and literature and so on. As a most prestigious sociologist, thinker and cultural theory critic in contemporary France, Bourdieu, with his ingenious academic researches and abundant (/ wealthy? ) theory creations, has started waves of controversy in France and Western humanities and social sciences, pushing forward the great transition of the contemporary Western humanities and social science theories and methodologies, and opening up an even broader prospect for humanities and social sciences’ development itself. 在当代法国社会学界和思想界中,布迪厄占据着独一无二的特殊地位。随着布迪厄著作的英译本的大量出版,他的社会理论也逐渐进入英美国家的学术思想界。值得一提的是,二十世纪八十年代末,布迪厄在美国已经成为引用率最高的社会学家之一,排名仅次于福柯,超过了列维-斯特劳斯。场域、习性、资本是布迪厄的社会实践理论的核心概念,试图籍此超越社会科学的二元对立,探索社会生活中实践的奥秘。布迪厄的基于场域、习性、资本的社会理论为我们认识世界提供新的视角,打开了我们思维方式的另一扇大门。

In the contemporary France’s social educational world and ideology circles, Bourdieu occupies an unique position. With the numerous publications of the English translations of Bourdieu’s works, his sociological theories have gradually entered into the British and American academic circles. Notably, in the late 1980s, Bourdieu has become one of the sociologists in America whose works are most highly cited, just behind M. Foucault (Michel Foucault) and ahead of Claude Levi- Strauss. Field, habits, and capital are the core concepts of Bourdieu’s social practice theory, through these, he tries to surpass the binary opposition of the social science and explores the mysteries of practice in social life. Bourdieu, based on his sociological theories about field, habits, and capital, has offered a new angle for us to understand the world and opened another door of our thinking mode.



Since the late 1990s, translation scholars have been drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological theories to discuss the social contextualization issues of translation. They consider translation as one kind of social adjustment activities, positively explore translation’s social dimensions, and facilitate the theory construction of the translation sociology. Basing on Bourdieu’s sociological theories, translation scholars no longer think of translation as a switching behavior of the social space, but a space of possibilities, of which various power relations must be repeatedly coordinated. Translation, from its universal ideology (/ ideological level), is not neutral, but originates from social agents’ cultural and political habits and the various forms of capital they possess, which have opened up/ developed/ exploited a new research field for translation studies/ translatology and provided a broader theoretical thinking and vision, and are of far-reaching significance in the domain of translation studies.

