
2023-01-07 22:09:51   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《走出中国式英语作文的三大误区》,欢迎阅读!

为什么我的词汇量如此丰富却仍然写不出能让阅卷老师满意的作文相信不少同学都曾有过这样的疑问。对此,英语老师分析指出,词汇量的多寡往往并不是一篇英语作文质量好或者坏的关键。许多同学即便很努力地去准备作文但最终分数仍然不理想,这很可能是因为他们陷入了某种写作的误区。本篇文章特为我们列举了比较常见的三种英语写作误区,希望能帮广大学生对号入座,并施以针对性的改进。 误区一:用中文思维串联英文词汇


When Iwas a child,my parents very love me(正确表达:When Iwas achild,my parents loved me very much) 解决之道:强化语法

要想流利的掌握一门外语,你需要能够使用该语言思考。而将中文式思维转变为英语思维的最根本的途径之一就是强化语法知识。很多同学的词汇量很丰富,但是对于怎么用,什么时候用却并不明白。而这些恰恰是语法知识所能告诉我们的。哪些词要用在句中,哪些词应该用在句尾,语法里都有相应的规定。一旦用错了位置就会写成英国人看不懂的英语作文外,对于词汇所存在的不同的形态也应该注意。 误区二:过分精雕细琢而忽视了大局

不少同学在写英语作文时,将过多的注意力放在优美的文笔上面。因此,他们不停地用电子辞典搜集华丽的词藻,并运用难度颇高的句式,以期能让自己的作文高一但事实上,多数情况下会弄巧成拙。太生僻的单词同学们运用起来并不能得心应手,而且使用太复杂的句型也常常会出错。 解决之道:用平常心表达平常事

要写作要求学生能够综合运用逻辑、词汇和语法等多种知识和技能来完成一个写作任务,并不苛求学生去做标新立异的创作。因此同学们无需力求完美地到电子辞典里去找生僻的词汇,也不需要写得多么高深莫测,而是应该抱着平常的心态去描述自己看到的东西,表达自己想到的内容,将学过的词从记忆深处调动出来,复习语法课上学到的知识。用这样的心态写出来的东西内容虽简单但不乏生活气息,语言虽稚嫩,但却准确易懂。 误区三:文章冗长细枝末节过多

不少学生在写作中的一大担心就是文章的长度不够,再加上对于可适当增减细节,不可字对字的翻译的误解,于是便充分发挥想象能力,加入了很多离题较远的细枝末节。这样的文章写出来更像是一篇大杂烩从中找不到任何主题。还有一些作文,句子和句子之间的连贯性不强,逻辑思维混乱,读起来让人摸不到头脑。 解决之道:理清思路,言之有物



The 22 Best Writing Tips Ever

These writing tips cover the basics and the most important aspects of writing.

Do it. Write.

Read as much and as often as you can. Remember, every writer is a reader


Keep a journal or notebook handy at all times so you can jot down all of your brilliant ideas.

Make sure you have a dictionary and thesaurus available whenever you are writing.

Be observant. The people and activities that surround you will provide you with great inspiration for characters, plots, and themes.

Invest in a few valuable resources starting with The Chicago Manual of Style, and The Elements of Style.

Grammar: learn the rules and then learn how to break them effectively.

Stop procrastinating. Turn off the TV, tune out the rest of the world, sit down, and write.

Read works by highly successful authors to learn what pleases publishers and earns a pretty penny.

 Read works by the canonical authors so you can understand what constitutes a respectable literary achievement.

 Join a writers’ group so you can gain support from the writing community and enjoy comradery in your craft.

 Create a space in your home especially for writing.

 Proofread everything at least three times before submitting your work for publication.

 Write every single day.

 Start a blog. Use it to talk about your own writing process, to share your ideas and experiences, or to publish your work to a reading audience.

 Subscribe to the top writing blogs on the Internet. Read them, participate, and enjoy!

 Use writing exercises to improve your skills, increase your talent, and explore different genres, styles, and techniques.

 Let go of your inner editor. When you sit down to write a draft, refrain from proofreading until that draft is complete.

 Allow yourself to write poorly, to write a weak, uninteresting story or a boring, grammatically incorrect poem. You’ll never succeed if you don’t allow yourself a few failures along the way.

 Make it your business to understand grammar and language. Do you know a

