
2022-05-10 17:03:29   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高三英语早读任务6月25号》,欢迎阅读!

品味复原美文 熟读语感出

Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all traditional places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want lies somewhere else instead. I had the chance of seeing this first hand on a weekend.

My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did very well this season and so entered a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some painful experiences on Saturday as they played against teams better trained. Through the first two games, her team did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I hated seeing my daughter playing her best, but still defeated.

It seemed that something clicked with the girls between Saturday and Sunday. When they showed up for their Sunday game, they were completely different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had seen the day before into their game. They played aggressively and even scored a goal.

It struck me that playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. Experience is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be different from what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.

复现表达词汇 写作词汇储备

1. traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的 tradition n.传统;惯例

by tradition 按照传统风俗 It is a tradition that ... ...是一个传统。 [背诵] (2015·天津高考写作佳句)

Actually, to help you learn Chinese well, we will donate to your class 300 books which are all about traditional Chinese history.

实际上,为了帮助你们学好汉语,我们将捐赠给你们班300本关于中国传统历史的书籍。 2. lie v.躺,卧;平放;位于;说谎 n. 谎言

a white lie 善意的谎言 tell a lie 说谎 【比较】tell the truth _______ lie down 躺下休息或养病 lie in 在于 【比较】consist in _________ lie [背诵] She told me that happiness lies in helping others to be happy. 她告诉我快乐的真谛在于帮助他人获得快乐。 lie on ones side\ 3. chance n.机会;可能性;碰巧v. 碰巧,偶然发生 back\stomach\ face ___ by chance 偶然地; 意外地 take ones chance 碰运气 stand\rise\struggle\jump The chances are that.... ____________ 【比较】be likely to do ... to ones feet _________ [背诵] (2016·全国卷Ⅱ写作佳句) Chances are that.... kneel on ones knees___ This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. 这无疑是让许多人看到它们的机会。

4. lead to导致;通向 leading adj. __________ leadership _________ cheer leader_______ lead a ...life 过着生活 in the lead 处于领先地位 take the lead 居领先地位 [背诵] (2015·湖北高考写作佳句)

Questioning can lead to searching for an answer. 质疑可以导致寻找答案。

复现阅读词汇 博学多识

1. skilled adj. 熟练的;有技能的 【比较】expert _______; experienced _________ skill n.技能;技巧 skillful adj. 熟练的; 精湛的

2. painful adj. 痛的; 令人痛苦的 【比较】miserable _________ pain n. (精神或肉体上的) 疼痛; in pain 疼痛,痛苦

spare no pains =spare no effort to do...)不遗余力; 全力以赴

take pains 尽力 【比较】(take the trouble to do sth______; (not) bother to do sth.________ 3. aggressively adv. 侵略地;有进取心地; aggressive adj.侵略的;好斗的;有进取心的 4. score n.得分; 分数; 二十 V. 得分

dozen ______ score _________ scores of许多; 大量

decade________ fortnight______ 5. principle n.原理;原则;观念; 信条

century _______ quarter _______ in principle 原则上;大体上

on principle 根据原则

6. may well很可能 may\might as well 不妨; 还是 7. play against ……比赛 play with 玩,玩弄 8. show up 暴露; 显露; 出现; 露面 【比较】turn up on show 在展出 【比较】on display/ exhibition

show off 炫耀;卖弄 【比较】distinguish oneself show sb.around 带领某人参观 show sb.in/out 领某人进来/出去


It seemed that something clicked with the girls between Saturday and Sunday. It seems that ...“似乎…”


语法填空。 A

Human beings love the world of nature that 1 (surround) us, and we enjoy seeing the wild world up close. When people wish to interact with a wild creature, an easy method is to attract it with some food. 2 , feeding wild animals is dangerous and unwise. The first problem is that animals are not meant 3 (eat) the same foods as people do. Many cheap human snacks, like fries and bread, are just not good for animals. Also, animals 4 are fed by humans will lose their fear of people. This makes them easy targets for hunters, 5 it’s also possible that they could someday attack people.


Bob was sorting through some of his old stuff. During the process, he came across a box 6 (fill) old toys and journals, as well as some old photos from his childhood. 7 (hold) one of the photos, Bob started to look back upon the very day this photo 8 (take) 30 years ago, and he got really emotional. It was the day he first learned how to ride a bike. In the park, his father patiently pushed his bike from behind as Bob had trouble 9 (ride) on his own. Bob kept falling from the bike, but his father was always there, encouraging him. 10 (eventual), he got the hang of it. Bob thought it was the best day of his life at the time.


