
2022-06-12 19:04:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《谚语类作文》,欢迎阅读!
谚语类:全英文提示+评论谚语 1)写作框架:三段式


首先应该对给出的谚语进行简单的分析与理解,并由此引出下文。 第二步:观点+举例(或分析重要性、原因 此为主体段落 可以正反论证

分析这一问题 可举成功的实例进行论证 也可分析原因重要性 第三步:点题收尾+提出劝诫




Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying, "Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it hundreds of time.“ You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

第一部分 点评谚语+引出话题

It is universally acknowledged that people cannot succeed to achieve their targets without a strong will and persistence. One of the most typical examples is that in present-day society, a growing number of people give up or fail to quit smoking just because of their poor willpower during the process. 以下词组加强记忆:

1)achieve their targets/dreams/goals完成目标 2)意志、坚持:will willpower

persistence perseverance determination

第一部分 描述现象


It is universally acknowledged that…众所周知… 其他可以替代使用的句型有

1)It can not be denied that…毫无疑问…

2)It has been wildly proved that…事实证明… 3)There is no denying that…毫无疑问…

4)There is a growing agreement/ awareness that




第二部分 分析原因 第二部分 分析原因

A variety of factors may account for this 主题句注意套用句型,表明本段是要论述坚强意志重要的phenomenon as follows. For one thing, no one can 原因。 deny the fact that persistence is the key point in A 1) A variety of factors may account for this phenomenon accomplishing one’s task. It is of importance for as follows有很多的原因可以解释这一现象 people to stick to their original aim. A great number of 2Several reasons, in my opinion, can be identified to dragsters would stop smoking a couple of days after account for this phenomenon. they have made their determination, but only a few of 原因一:意志是成功的关键

them may succeed in the end. For another, the 1accomplishing ones task:完成任务

people who cannot quit smoking may easily be 2stick to their original aim:坚持最初的目标 affected by his circumstance and surroundings. In that 3made their determination:下定决心 case, people tend to fail to resist various temptations 原因二:受周围环境影响、难以抵制诱惑 around them. 1circumstance and surroundings:环境

2) resist various temptations:抵制各种诱惑 第三段 点题收尾+提出劝诫

From what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that only by concentrating on the object and strong self-discipline can we obtain our goals successfully in the futurejust as the old popular saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

第三段 总结评述


strong self-discipline:严格的自律 discipline:纪律、训练



Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Practice makes perfect You'd write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

第一部分 点评谚语+引出话题

The well-known proverb Practice makes

perfect has long been accepted by all of us.It tells us that we have to practice again and again whenever we want to be an expert in a special field.

第一部分 描述现象


The well-known proverb has long been accepted by all of us.

这句广为人知的谚语。。早已经被很多人接受了。 其他可以替代使用的句型有 1) As we all know

2) 众所周知

3) As it is known to all that 众所周知的是 阐述谚语意义

第二部分 举例论证


Lets take as an example. 让我举个例子。


1) Let me give another example to illustrate this



2) Consider several examples that demonstrate this



3I will exemplify this proverb with a true story

about something that happened to me.

用一个发生在我身上的真实故事为例来说明这句谚语。 注:在进行举例时,使用illustrate/exemplify/demonstrate三个词“说明一个观点”



Another good case in point is ··· 另一个有关的例子是····

第三部分 总结评述 承上启下

Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that······.

综上所述,我们可以得出……的结论。 其他可以替代使用的句型有

1) From what has been discussed above ,we should

understand the meaning of …… more clearly. 经过上面的讨论,我们应当对……有了更清晰的理解. 2) In a word ,we can draw the conclusion that …… 总而言之,我们可以得出结论…… 倡议或呼吁

So why not…… I am sure you will become …… if you …… 所以为什么不……我确信你会变得……如果你……

第二部分 举例论证

Lets take English study as an example. If you want to enlarge your vocabulary, you have to understand English words in the context and then learn them by heart. It is also true with English writing. Listening to teachers attentively in class and reciting sample articles are far from necessaryyou should practice writing every week and then ask teachers to go over it.

Another good case in point is skating. Nobody is born a good skater, and one can only become a skilled skater after countless falls and injuries. Every Chinese was excited when Yang Yang won the first Winter Olympics gold medal in Salt Lake City, but who knew what difficulties and hardships the girl had been through?


Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that practice makes perfect. So why not put what you are learning into practice? I am sure you will become experienced and skillful if you keep on doing it.

The well-known proverb has long been accepted by all of us. It tells us that Lets take as an example

Another good case in point is

Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that So why not

1. 怎样理解“熟能生巧”? 2. 例如:在英语学习…… 3. 又如……


There is a famous saying, , which means If you want to be successful, you should A case in point is

When it comes to , it is also the case

From what has been discussed above, we should understand the meaning of more clearly. On the one hand, On the other hand, The best way is to


Practice Makes Perfect

The well-known proverb Practice makes perfect has long been accepted by all of us. It tells us that we have to practise again and again whenever we want to be an expert in a special field.

Lets take English study as an example. If you want to enlarge your vocabulary, you have to understand English words in the context and then learn them by heart. It is also true with English writing. Listening to teachers attentively in class and reciting sample articles are far from necessaryyou should practice writing every week and then ask teachers to go over it.

Another good case in point is skating. Nobody is born a good skater, and one can only become a skilled skater after countless falls and injuries. Every Chinese was excited when Yang Yang won the first Winter Olympics gold medal in Salt Lake City, but who knew what difficulties and hardships the girl had been through?

Judging from the examples given above, we may safely come to the conclusion that practice makes perfect. So why not put what you are learning into practice? I am sure you will become experienced and skillful if you keep on doing it.

