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[1] G..C. Wei. The History of Animation[J]. Enginnering Structure, 2005, 67(7):809-815. [2] Li Xiao tao. Chinese Animation production: Splendid Past, Bitter Present. 2006. 5. 21, http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/film/84974.htm.
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Animated Cartoons in the Cultures of America, Japan
and China
英语专业 02400208 周莹 指导教师 Ms. Martha Ello
Animation is an international culture. China’s animation is a vital part in the world animation industry, which shines with unique brilliance. Through 70 years’ of development, China’s animation has reached a high level of art. However, because of a large number of foreign animations introduced into China, China’s animation industry is confronted with huge challenges. Meanwhile, the animation industry of America and Japan continues to boom vigorously. Therefore, it is an urgent affair for Chinese animators to seek a better development way to occupy the markets both at home and abroad. This thesis starts with the history of animation, describes the role of technology and lists some outstanding animated cartoons. Next, there is a comparison of basic country characteristics and the main features of China, Japan and the United States of America. Furthermore, it analyzes the actualities of China’s animation industries, listing the major problems. And with the successful cases from American and Japanese animation, opinions and suggestions are given on how to revive China’s animation industry from interior reasons to exterior causes. Finally, it expresses confidence in China’s animation future, and reaches the conclusion that China’s animation industry has a promising future, though the way to the success may not be smooth.
Key words: animation; China; America; Japan; revival
摘 要
1 Introduction
Animation, as a special form of art, exists in many international cultures. From its birth, the communication of animation has become increasingly extensive. China’s animation plays a vital role in the world’s animation industry, which shines with unique brilliance. Through 70 years’ of development in animation, China has made many excellent works, such as Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy, Uproar in Heaven, Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, Three Monks, and Calabash Brothers, etc. (see Figure 1–5 below)
Picture excerpts from: (1) Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy; (2) Uproar in Heaven; (3)
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King; (4) Three Monks and (5) Calabash Brothers.
However, because of the reform and opening-up policy, a large number of foreign animations are being introduced into China. Thus, China’s animation industry is being confronted with huge challenges. Meanwhile, the animation industry of America and Japan continues to boom vigorously.
(1)小蝌蚪找妈妈 (2)大闹天宫 (3)哪吒闹海
(4)三个和尚 (5)葫芦兄弟
Therefore, it is an urgent affair for Chinese animators to seek a better way to develop their art in order to occupy the markets both at home and abroad. Especially in this stage of development for world’s economy globalization, it is important to advocate intensive localization of animation, create more animated images with Chinese characteristics and
carve out a new market as a part of the cultural strategy. It is possible for China to improve its history and compare with the U.S and Japan — some of the great animation powers in the world, and combine its national condition to find a way leading to a new renaissance as well.
2 History of Animated Cartoons
Animation has a long and illustrious history. The earliest forms of animation date back a couple centuries before the advent of film. Its roots come from a desire to tell stories to an audience through the illusion of motion. The motion alone conveys more than just a narrative. It conveys emotion. When used with cartoon characters, animation can bring out much stronger emotions in an audience than even a normal film or theatrical performance. 2.1 What is animation?
Animation refers to a simulation of movement created by displaying a serious of pictures, or frames. The major goals of animation aim at amusing and educating people by presenting a fantastic, humorous and vivid artistic appeal to special forms of expressions. Recently, the animation industry has been nicknamed the “Sunrise Industry of the 21st Century”. 2.2 Origination and development of animation
The origins and history of animation is well explained by Ken Baer in his article. He divided the history into several periods: The Magic Lantern, Persistence of Vision, Early Photography, The Invention of Cinema, Animation Evolves, Animation Technology Advances, Early Animation Studios, Disney Enters Picture, Oswald and Mickey, Disney Dominates, 3D Animation, Animated Features, Animation’s Golden Age, UPA’s New Look, The Decline of the Studios, Television Takes Off, World Wide Animation and The late 1980’s to now. Each period illustrates the developmental process of animation.
3 Comparison of Basic Country Characteristics
America was one of the earliest countries to make animation. Today, it has become a huge animation industry which is best represented by Disney animations. On the other hand, Japan began its animation late, but developed rapidly. Nowadays, Japan also has owned a highly advanced and prosperous animation industry of a world reputation.
In contrast, China's cartoon industry has long been regarded as educational and artistic with a focus only for children. Although China’s cartoon industry had a splendid history, it began to lagging behind overseas markets after the mid-1980s. As stated, obviously, the animation of these three countries has each own characteristics and features, which makes each of them differ from others. 3.1 American animation
While the origins of motion pictures can be traced to Europe as well as to the United States, the history of modern animated films is almost entirely an American accomplishment. The Golden Age of American Animation is a period that began with the advent of sound cartoons in 1928 and lasted into the 1960’s. 3.2 Japanese animation
Japanese animation, known as anime, blossomed after World War II (1939-1945) and today is immensely popular both within Japan and worldwide. 3.3 Chinese animation
China has a long history in the art of animation. In the period between the 1950s and
1980s, a golden era of animation was entered. Roughly estimated, since the country’s animation made its debut on the world movie circle, it has won 57 international awards and more than 200 local prizes. Its unique artistic style is known as the "Chinese School" worldwide.
3.4 Japanese animation vs. American animation — cultural differences
Animation is part of general culture, so it represents the background of the culture it belongs to. Therefore, animations produced in the US with American background and those of Japan are quite different from each other.
4 Measures and Suggestions to Revitalize China’s Industry
This section analyzes what are the main obstacles for the development of China’s animation industry today from interior reasons to exterior causes, and offers some suggestions on how to revitalize the country’s animation industry by illustrating or highlighting some successful case studies of Japan and the US references. 4.1 Analysis of the actualities
This part analyzes actualities of China’s animation industries, discussing the major problems:
There is a lack of individual characteristics both in story and characters.
The animation’s dryness of content and persistent focus only for education
often causes one to consider Chinese animation media with a frown. There is a totally mistaken idea about animation in China.
Shortage of funds corners the industry into vicious and weird circle. There is not a proper national policy to support China’s industry. Chinese animation creation is usually not a business operation.
4.2 How to revitalize China’s industry
This part puts forward some useful suggestions on how to resolve matters in the animation industry. Substantial materials are quoted from China’s successful history, Japan and the United States. The followings are the potential solutions that are discussed:
Return to China’s traditional roots
Enrich plots with Chinese characteristics
Remove the long-standing mistaken idea to extend audiences’ age groups Train more domestic professional animators Gain support from government
Pay attention to markets, forming an integrated industrial chain Avoid use of slang and improper mannerisms
5 Conclusion
In conclusion, it is not easy for China’s current crop of animators and cartoon filmmakers to keep their heads above the flood of overseas animations which have swamped the home market since the early 1990s. However, there is still a promising future for China’s animation industry, which is struggling to stand up to the foreign pressures energetically. In spite of this, the way to success may not always be smooth. There are still many difficulties and troublesome problems in the industry, such as mentioned above, including a lack of individual characteristics both in story and characters, a totally mistaken idea about animation,
and loss of enough attention on business operation, etc. In the following years, Chinese animators should try their best to solve these problems, and create their own animation world. In addition, they should also follow their ancestors’ heritage and developmental orientation, so as to carry forward the splendid history.
[1] G..C. Wei. The History of Animation[J]. Enginnering Structure, 2005, 67(7):809-815. [2] Li, Xiao. 2004. Chinese Animation: Splendid Past, Bitter Present. 2006. 5. 21.