【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《price的用法和短语例句》,欢迎阅读!

price有价格;代价;价值等意思,那么你知道price的用法吗?下面跟着小编一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! price的用法大全:
price的用法2:价格的上涨用动词go up或 rise,价格的下跌用fall或drop。
price的用法4:price只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常用于被动结构。 price的常用短语: 用作名词 (n.) a price on sbs head at a price at any price
beyond〔above,without〕 price cheap at the price pay a〔the〕 price put a price on
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What price...? 用作动词 (v.) price at (v.+prep.)
price out of (v.+adv.+prep.) price up (v.+adv.) price的用法例句:
1. He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
2. He responded positively and accepted the fee of 1,000 I had offered.
他作出了肯定的答复,并接受了我给的1,000英镑的费用。 3. Sometimes theres a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.
4. A higher fee does not necessarily mean a better course. 收费更高并不意味着课程就一定更好。 5. He threatens to dock her fee. 他威胁要扣掉她的服务费。
6. Sellers pay a fixed commission fee. 卖方支付固定的服务费。
7. They charge a66.10 fee for reconnecting cut-off
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