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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《古典诗词中的30种“美女”雅称》,欢迎阅读!

古典诗词中的30种“美女”雅称 1.佳人

《古诗十九首》 “燕赵多佳人,美者颜如玉。 So

many beauties are in the Yan and Zhao landSo

shiny are their faces same as jade. 2.丽人

杜甫《丽人行》 “三月三日天气新,长安水边多丽人。 On

the third day of the Third-month in the freshening

weatherMany beauties take the air by

the Changan waterfront. 3.玉人

杜牧《寄扬州韩绰判官》“二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹箫。 24 Bridge moon night, where the partner in education Chuixiao. 4.美人

高适《燕歌行》 “战士军前半死生,美人帐下犹歌舞。 5.仙子

白居易《长恨歌》 “楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。 With pavilions and fine towers in the five-

coloured air, And of exquisite immortals moving to and fro. 6.碧玉

郭茂倩《乐府诗集》 “碧玉小家女,不敢贵德攀。 a

daughter of a humble family; a pretty girl of humble birth“小家碧玉”的英语译文) 7.娇娥

唐寅《美人对月》 “斜髻娇娥夜卧迟,梨花风静鸟栖枝。 8.红颜

吴伟业《圆圆曲》 “痛哭六军皆缟素,冲冠一怒为红颜。 In great fury with hair standing on end be beautiful woman.“冲冠一怒为红颜”英语译文) 9.红玉

李贺《贵主·征行状》 “春营骑将如红玉,走马捎鞭上空绿。 10.红袖

杜牧《南陵道中》 “正是客心孤迥处,谁家红袖倚江楼。

when the traveller is lonelysee a beautyful lady stand by the river tower. 11.红裙

万楚《五日观妓》 “眉黛夺将萱草色,红裙妒杀石榴花。 12.红妆

苏轼《海棠》 “只恐夜深花睡去,更烧高烛照红妆。 13.海棠

陈允平《清平乐》 “误了海棠时候,不成直待花残。 (唐玄宗戏称杨贵妃醉态为“睡海棠”,因此,后人多用 “海棠”喻美女。 14.红粉

李商隐《马嵬》 “冀马燕犀动地来,自埋红粉自成灰。 bosom

friendclose friend“红粉知己”的英语 文) 15.红楼

李白《侍从谊春苑奉诏赋》“长安春色本无主,古来尽属红楼女。 16.倾国

白居易《长恨歌》 “汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得。 China's Emperor, craving beauty that might shake an empire, Was on the throne for many years, searching, never finding. 17.倾城

李商隐《北齐》 “巧笑知堪敌万机,倾城最在著戎衣。 Her smiles are bright and her eyes are limpid . “巧笑倩兮美目盼兮”的英语译文)A girl's

comeliness overwhelmed the people of a country or a city.“倾国倾城”的英语译文) 18.惊鸿

陆游《沈园》 “伤心桥下春波绿,曾是惊鸿照影来。 Walking across the bridge where I had broken my heart, I saw the spring water was still green, in which it seemed that I could still find your beautiful

shadow as I had enjoyed before. 19.娇娆

温庭筠《怀真珠亭》 “珠箔金钩对彩桥,昔年于此见娇娆。 20.娇娘

李贺《唐儿歌》 “东家娇娘求对值,浓笑书空作唐字。 21.萧娘

周邦彦《四园竹》 “奈向灯前堕泪,肠断萧娘,旧日书辞。 How can I not shed tears by candlelight To think with broken heart of youAnd read


oldened billet-doux? 22.姝丽

柳永《玉女摇仙佩》 “有得许多姝丽,拟把名花比。 23.佳丽

白居易《长恨歌》 “后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。 There

were other ladies in his court, three

thousand of rare beauty, But his favours to three thousand were concentered in one body. 24.佳侠

《汉书·孝武李夫人传》“佳侠函光,陨先荣兮。 25.佳冶

《楚辞·九章》 “妒佳冶之芬芳兮,嫫母姣而自好。 (嫫母:传说中的古代丑妇) 26.徐娘

刘禹锡《梦扬州乐妓和诗》 “花作婵娟玉作妆,风流争似旧徐娘。 Xuniang

in middle age, attractive all the

damean attractive middle-aged woman.“徐娘半 老”的英语译文) 27.谢娘

纳兰性德《采桑子》 “谢娘别后谁能惜?飘泊天涯。 (注释:晋王凝之妻 谢道韫美貌且很有才,于是后世称有 才有貌的女子为谢娘或谢女。 28.罗敷

古乐府《孔雀东南飞》“东家有贤女,自名秦罗敷,可怜体无比。 29.茜袖

纳兰性德《秋千索》 “茜袖谁招曲栏边,弄一缕,秋千索。 30.桃花人面

蔡伸《苏武慢》词:“忆旧游,邃馆朱扉,小园香径,尚想桃花人面。 (桃花人面:用唐代崔护“人面不知何处去,桃花依旧 笑东风”诗意,指年轻貌美的女子。)

