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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中国经典历史故事[中国经典历史故事多篇]》,欢迎阅读!


中国经典历史故事三篇 中国经典历史故事:天花乱坠 In the Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589), in the reign of king Wu of Liang, there was a monk called Master Yun Guang who was a very accomplished(技巧) preacher. Once he explained the sutra(佛经,箴言) so proformdly and subtly that the God of Flowers was moved and sent divine(神圣的) flowers down to earth. Soon the land was covered with flowers. This idiom was later used metaphorically to describe talking in a vivid and eloquent way(mostly in an exaggerated and impartical manner). 中国历史故事翻译:

南朝梁国的开国皇帝梁武帝萧衍特别笃信佛教,他请云光法师宣讲佛 法,在讲《涅槃经》时,梁武帝从早到晚认真听讲,没有丝毫倦意。云光法师说 得绘声绘色,竟感动了上天,香花从空中纷纷落下。梁武帝从此更加信佛,后来 干脆出家。

传说梁武帝时有个和尚讲经,感动了上天,天上纷纷落下花来。形容 说话有声有色,极其动听(多指夸张而不符合实际)

At the end of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.) the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control for the country. Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged() at a place called Gaixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation, with little food and only a few soliders. At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs. Xiang Yu was very surprised at this, and said:“Has Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army“ Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces. This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical

situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides. 中国历史故事翻译: 项羽和刘邦原来约定以鸿沟(在今河南荣县境贾鲁河)东西边作为界限,互不侵犯。后来刘邦听从张良和陈平的规劝,觉得应该趁项羽衰弱的时候消 灭他,就又和韩信、彭越、刘贾会合兵力追击正在向东开往彭城(即今江苏徐州) 的项羽部队。终于布置了几层兵力,把项羽紧紧围在垓下(在今安徽灵璧县东南)

这时,项羽手下的兵士已经很少,粮食又没有了。夜里听见四面围住他的军队都 唱起楚地的民歌,不禁非常吃惊地说:刘邦已经得到了楚地了吗为什么他的部 队里面楚人这么多呢说看,心里已丧失了斗志,便从床上爬起来,在营帐里面 喝酒,并和他最宠爱的妃子虞姬一同唱歌。唱完,直掉眼泪,在一旁的人也非常 难过,都觉得抬不起头来。虞姬自刎于项羽的马前,项羽英雄末路,带了仅剩兵 至乌江,最终自刎于江边。

以后人们就用四面楚歌这个词,形容人们遭受各方面攻击或逼迫, 而陷于孤立窘迫的境地。凡是陷于此种境地者,其命运往往是很悲惨的。例如某 人因经常与坏人为伍,不事生产,游手好闲,但后来却被那些坏人逼迫得无以为 生,而求助于别人时,别人又因他平日行为太坏,绝不同情理睬,这人所处的境 地便是四面楚歌 中国经典历史故事:甚嚣尘上 Once in the Warring States Period, the State of Jin was at war with the State of Chu. Duke Gong of Chu stood on a high platform built on chariot(二轮战车) and watched the movements of the Jin army. After watching for a while, he said ,"It"s quite noisy over there and cloud of dust has been stirred up." His aide answered, "The enemy are filling up wells and destroying their cooking stoves. They are preparring to fight." This idiom is now used to mean a lot of commotion(骚动,暴乱) over hearsay(传闻,谣言) . 中国历史故事翻译:

春秋时期,晋国袭击郑国,郑国向楚国求援,楚共王亲率大军援郑, 楚军趁晋军毫无防备逼近晋军前阵,想迫使晋军投降,晋厉王

