to doing 固定搭配

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to doing sth的常用搭配

英语中的to有时是不定式符号,后接动词原形;有时是介词,后接动词时,动词用动名词,很容易混淆。下面是介词to后接动名词的一些常见搭配: 1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事。如:

He admitted to having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱。 George would never admit to being wrong. 乔治从不认错。 2. apply to doing sth 适用于做某事。如:

These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习 有时apply为及物动词。如:

We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 我们要动动脑筋找出解决的办法来。

另外还有:apply oneself to doing sth 专心致力于做某事。如: She applied herself to learning English. 她努力学习英语 3. be [get] used to doing sth 习惯于做某事。如:

John has got used to sleeping late. 约翰已习惯很晚睡觉了。 She is used to living in the country. 她习惯于住在乡下。 4. come [be] near to doing sth 几乎做某事,差点就做某事。如: I was near to screaming. 我险些喊叫起来。

I came near to forgetting my raincoat. 我差点把雨衣给忘了。 注意,单独使用的next to(次于)也后接动名词。如:

Next to skiing her favourite sport was ice-hockey. 她最喜爱的运动是滑雪,其次是冰球。

5. devote sth to doing sth把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事。如: Charlie devotes his time to reading. 查理的时间都用于读书。 也可用于:devote oneself to doing sth 全心投入做某事。如: She devoted herself entirely to writing. 她全心投入写作。 注意其被动式。如:

This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage. 这本词典是解释词的用法。

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Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. 她一生都致力于关心照顾贫病交迫的人。

be devoted to doing sth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事

6. (be) equal to doing sth 有能力做某事,能胜任做某事,等于做某事。如: This is equal to saying that he knows her well. 这就等于说他很熟悉她。 She didn’t feel equal to receiving visitors. 她感到身体不适,不能会客。 7. fall to doing sth 开始做某事。如:

They fell to (eating) with great gusto. 他们开始津津有味地大吃起来。 She fell to brooding about what had happened to her. 她开始沉思默想自己的遭遇。

8. get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事。如:

After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of pay. 午餐之后,我们开始认真讨论报酬的问题。

9. in addition to doing sth 除做某事之外。如:

In addition to giving me some advice, he gave me some money. 他不仅给我提了些忠告,而且还给了我一些钱。 10. key to doing sth 做某事的关键。如:

The humble potato may be the key to feeding the world’s population. 这不起眼的土豆有可能是解决全世界人口温饱的关键。 11. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事。如:

I look forward to hearing from you. 盼早日收到你的来信。

I look forward to being alone in the house. 我盼望着能自己一人在这所房子里。

12. oppose to doing sth 反对做某事。如:

I oppose to your going there alone. 我反对你一个人去那儿。 注意其被动式的用法。如:

I’m opposed to telling him the news at once. 我反对马上告诉他这个消息。

13. pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事。如:

We should pay more attention to uniting and working with the comrades who differ with us. 我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的同志工作

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