
2023-04-29 00:37:13   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《托福TOEFL考试核心词汇速记》,欢迎阅读!

托福核心词汇速记:(231-240) identical 等同的 adj. the ~ the same

ideology n. ideas that form the basis of an economic or political theory


ignorant 疏忽 adj. ~ (of sth)knowing little or nothing 【词源解析】i-否定,gnor 来自 know,表示“知道” diagnosis n 诊断(dia 穿过+gnos+is→穿过身体知道→诊断) prognosis n 预测,诊断(pro 在前+gnost+is→预先知道→预测) ignorance n 无知,愚昧(ignore+ance)

illustrate 说明,阐明 v. supply with pictures, diagrams, etc 【词源解析】lust=light,shine,表示“光,照亮” illustration a 插图说明(illustrate+ion)

illustrious n 辉煌的;著名的(il 一再+lustr+ious 一再光明→辉煌)

image 图象 n. copy of the shape of a person or thing imagine v 想象

imaginative a 富于想象的(imagine+ative) imitate v 模仿(imit+ate→做得相象→模仿)

immigrate 入境 v. ~ enter a foreign country in order to live there permanently

【词源解析】migr=move,表示“迁移” migrate v 迁移,移居 migrant n 候鸟,迁移者 emigrate v 移居(外国)

【词源解析】pact=fastened,表示“紧的” pact n 契约,公约(对双方加紧约束)

compact a 压实的,压缩的`(com 全部+pact→全部压紧→压缩


impact n 冲击力;影响力(im 进入+pact→压进去的力量→影响力) implement 工具 n. tool or instrument 【词源解析】ple=full, fill,表示“满,填满”

complement n 补足,补全(com 全部+ple+ment→全部满→补)

supplement n 增补,补充(sup 在下面,次要+ple+ment→增加次要的心填满→增补)

plentitude n 丰富,充足(plent+itude→满的状态→丰富) implicate 暗含 v. ~ sb show that sb is involved in sth, esp a crime

implicit 暗示的 adj. ~ implied, but not expressed directly; not explicit


imply 暗示 v. suggest (sth) indirectly rather than state it directly; hint

【词源解析】以上 3 个词核心在 ply-折叠,im-里面,把东西折到里面去,不直接表露出来

incentive n. ~ thing that encourages sb to do sth; stimulus


【同源扩展】 accent 口音;重音 accentuate 强调;重读

incidence n. ~ of sth extent to which sth happens or has an effect

incline 易于,倾向 v. ~ towards sth lean or slope in the direction of sth



