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To Find the Different Scenery
Describing a high school boy wondering whether he is being limited and obstructed by the courses, a question in Zhihu draws much attention. Many people suggest that he should immerse himself in study in place of woolgathering, for his thoughts are premised on his narrowness.
Narrowness, an interesting word, widely appears in people of all backgrounds and ages. People are inclined to judge in accordance with the conventional experience and the take-for-granted imagination, for instance that the city inspectors share a blown-up reputation in China thus each of them atrocious and repulsive, the numerous zealous and conscientious groups in the majority though. Generally an upright man is split into the kind of chivalrous husband or industrious employee or more positive image, though no logical relation exists between these different positions; however, the take-for-granted imagination comes in.
It is true of me. The high school period featured my cockiness that I regarded myself superior to the others, even my teachers, my mind wandering in the class and my assignment postponing after school. All was useless and pointless, except some celebrities on the internet who constantly voiced non -mainstream views, such as our party was corrupt, our society immoral and our people brutal, seemingly ridiculous in present perspective but at that time I followed such beliefs fervently, indulged in discovering the defects of people around me, then criticizing them to flatter how insightful ingenious I was. On the contrary, the regrets are brimmed with my mind for the wasted gold of time. Years in high school are for making every effort, not blindly resenting the world, but because of the ego, all in vain. The only method to get rid of the intrinsic narrowness and avoid the unnecessary regret is hands-on practice which means keeping an innovative mind constantly for renewing existing experience and study kinds of knowledge studiously for distinguishing the true and the false.