英语本科2李学珍 课后汉译英

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1海洋占地球的71%The sea covers 71% of the earth..

2教师们献身于教育事业。Teachers devote themselves to the cause of education. 3我的花园一直延伸到河边。My garden extends as far as river.

4气候变化可能影响你的健康。The change in climate may affect your health. 5学生们正在研究解决问题的方法。Students are studying the way in which problem can be solved.

6老年人很难改变他们的习惯。It is hard for old people to change their habits/ways.

7这一浩淼的水域仍有很多有待发现。There is still much to be discovered about this vast blanket of water.

8 一些科学家正在研究如何将海洋中大量水资源输送到沙漠地区。Some scientists are studying ways of bringing the oceans huge supply of water to the desert of the world.

9另一些科学家正在研究声音如何传播以及是怎样受水和热量影响的。Others are studying the ways in which sound travels and it affected by water and heat.

10人们发明了一种小装置,它能测出声音传播到船的时间。And a little instrument that had been invent measured the time is took for the sound to reach the ship.

11河流入海处,平坦区域可以延伸数百英里。Where rivers flow into the sea ,the flat may extend for hundreds of miles.

12很难相信环绕地球的水下连绵的山脉只是在几年前才发现的。It is hard to believe that this great underwater chain of mountains encircling the earth was discovered only a few years ago.

1长假的目的是让教授体验生活:当他们回到大学的时,这些经历让他们成为更明智的人更称职的教师。The purpose of the sabbatical leave is to give the professor experiences which will make him a wise person and a better teacher when he returns to his university. 2对那些干重体力劳动的人,他特别感兴趣.people who do hard physical labor were particularly interesting to him.

3有关那些干重体力工作的人,他有一些好的看法要讲。He had some good things to say about people who do hard physical work.

4我有许多同事会抱怨工作太重,但是当无事可做时,他们抱怨的更多。A lot of my co-workers would complain when the work was too heavy, but theyd complain a lot more when there was nothing to do.

5尽管报酬重要,但是给予最多满足是了解有人已经注意到怎样完成一项工作Even though pay was important, what brought the greatest satisfaction was knowing that someone had noticed how a job was being done.

6现在他认为,每个年轻人在大学前应该在实际工作中锻炼至少半年。He now believes that every young person should be required to spend at least half a year in the world of work before starting university.

7所有的乘客均需出示车票。All passengers are required to show their tickets. 8你应该避免上课迟到。You should avoid being late for your class. 9我肯定他会准时来的。I dont doubt he will come on time.

10护理工作是很值得干的职业。Nursing is a very worthwhile career.

11银行同意给予这位同学低息贷款。The bank agreed to grant the student a low-interest loan.

12同学们真正布置房间准备宴会。The students are preparing the room for party.

1经济学家预言这种变化将会继续下去。Economists predict that this change is going to continue in the same direction.

2你们的父辈、祖辈过去所做的大量工作现在被机器,像计算机计算机控制的机器人所代替。A lot of work your fathers and grandfathers used to do is now done by machines or computers or computerized robots.

3由于大部分已婚妇女都在外面工作像对餐饮业和托儿所等服务的需求也增加了。Now that most married women work outside the home, the need for services such as restaurants and day-care centers has increased. 4因此,一些经济学家担心许多美国人的生活水平会下降。So some economists worry that the standard of living of many Americans might decrease.

5好消息是增长最快的服务性工作中有些薪水较高,尤其是在技术和需要技能的领域。The good news is that some of the fastest growing service jobs are the better paying ones, particularly in the technical and professional fields.

6这些工作,比如注册护士和电脑分析员,需要高技能和多年的教育Like registered nurses and computer analysts , these jobs require a high degree of skill and many years of education .

7很显然,最重要的变化是从生产经济转向服务经济Clearly, the most important change has been the shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. 8随着科学技术的发展,越来越多的人活的越来越长。With the development of science and technology, more and more people are living longer and longer.

9让我们转到下一个重要观点。Let me move on to my next main point. 10100年前,80%的工人是产业工人,今天只有20%One hundred years ago, 80% workers produced goods; today only about 20%do. 11据一些研究一半的服务性工作工资较低。According to some studies, half of the service jobs pay a low wages.

12获得相应的培训和教育是为了将来进入工作市场做好准备的最佳途径。Youll get the right training and education fist, which is really the best way to prepare for the future job market.

1一些体育明星较之总统以外的任何国家领导人更广为人知。Some sports starts have become widely recognized than any national leader other than the president. 2初、高中学校都有教练员作为教员,学校体育运动队在多种比赛中相互竞争。Junior and senior high school have coaches as faculty members, and school athletic teams compete with each other in an array of sports.

3在美国一些较小的社区,中学体育活动成为市民们活动和谈话的焦点。In some small American communities, high school athletics are a focal point of the townspeoples activities and conversations.

4认识当地体育明星的人,或者参加有著名运动员出席的活动的人都被某些人认为事业有成。A person who knows a local sports hero personally, or who attends events where famous athletes are present,is considered by some people to have accomplished something


5源自体育活动的表达方式在日常美国口语中用的非常普遍。Expressions from sports are extraordinarily common in everyday American speech. 6美国黑人运动员在棒球、橄榄球和篮球这三项主要运动中占到大多数。Black American are heavily over-represented in the major sports of baseball, football and basketball.

7他的粗心大意引发了一系列的交通事故。His carelessness should account for an array of traffic accidents.

8占美国人口12%的美国黑人在美国起非常重要的作用。Black American comprise about 12 percent of the countrys total population;they play an important part in America.

9足球是世界大多数地区最受欢迎的运动。但美国却不出名。The sport that is most popular in most parts of the world-soccer-is not well known in the United States . 10,美国人喜欢棒球和橄榄球,这并不足为奇It is not unusual that Americans are interested in football and baseball.

11因为他和英国人有来往,所以他的英语突飞猛进。His English improved enormously because he was associated with British people.

1他的外貌给我留下了深刻的印象I was deeply impressed by his appearance. 2自从你走后我们非常惦念你we have missed you badly since you have gone. 3学生门盼着放假The students are longing for holidays.

4我们每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体I try to set a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

5工作的时候不要打搅他Dont interfere with him while hes working. 6会议终于结束了At last the meeting come to an end.

7他们住在乡下,但在城里工作They dwell in the country but work in the city. 8他的解释使我受益匪浅I have profit much by his explanation. 9我们应该古为今用We should make the past serve the present.

10他的成功是靠运气二不是因为自己有能力He owes his success more to luck than to ability.

1美国的公立学校由每个州自行管理Public school in the United States are under the control of the individual states.

2不管怎样,除了上幼儿园,小学和中学总共要用12年读完At any rate,elementary and secondary education together take twelve years to complete,excluding kindergarten.

3公立学校对所有的男生和女生都是免费的,但有些父母送自己的孩子去私立学校Public school are free to all boys and girls,but some parents prefer to send their children to private schools.

4其他的私立学院是无宗教的,但也是小班授课并有优秀教师任教,所有父母认为他们的子女应该接受比公立学校较大班授课更好的教育Other private schools are not religious,but have small classes and very good teacher so that parents think their children will get a better education there than in the larger classes of the pubic schools.

5在许多城市里,中学开设成人课程I many cities, the secondary schools offer classes in aducation.

6如果你全神贯注,就能解决这个问题Youll solve the problem if you concentrate on it. 7如今,学多人喜欢住在乡下Now many people prefer to live in the country.

8学生在学校里可以收到正规教育Students many receive regular education in the school. 9读书是打发闲暇的悦人的消遣Reading is a pleasant way to spend your leisure .

10小学毕业后,孩子们读三年初中,再读三年高中After they leave elementary school, children go to junior high school for 3 years.

11一些大学白天晚上都授课Some universities hold classes hold class at night,as well as in the daytime.

1就在这一天,人人都赶着回家与家人共度感恩节,享用传统的佳肴烤火鸡,共话过去的美好时光It is this day when everyone goes back home to spend the day time with his family,to have the traditional Thanksgiving dinner of roast turkey,to talk about the old times. 2但这次比特来到这里不是由于饥饿,而是出于习惯。But this time Pete had come here more from habit than from hunger.

3他刚刚吃完一顿大餐,撑得几乎无法呼吸He had just had a dinner so ensrmous that he could harldly breathe.

4与过去的一年相比,他头发变得更苍白、更稀疏了。他比过去更加离不开拐棍了。His hair was whiter and thinner than it had been the year befor,and he leaned more heavily on his cane than he used to.

5看到又一年的变迁之后,你仍能健康的生活在美丽的人间,我很欣慰。I am glad to see that the chenges of anther year have permitted you to move in health through this beautiful would.

6这位老绅士与比特一起向南走,又进了那一家餐馆,每年比特都在那里想用他的感恩晚餐。Together the Old Gentleman and Pete walk south to the same restaurant where eath year pete had his thanksgiving dinner.

7他的工作对他来说意味着一切。His work means everything to him. 8我正好认识那位作家I happen to know that writer. 9在这种情况下,及早解决是没有多大希望了Under the circumstances,there is no hope for an early settlement.

10夏天公路上的汽车要比冬天多There are more cars on the roads in summer than in winter.

11我感到似乎我们从未分离过I feel as though we have never parted.

12她那么拼命的干,以便能到6点时把一切都准备好She worked so hard that everything would be ready by 6 oclock.

1. 对法国人来说,友谊是一种一对一的人际关系,要求双方了解彼此的质量、性格以

及特殊的兴趣For the French,friendship is a one-to-one relationship that demands s keen awareness of the other persons intellect,temperament and particular interests. 2. 法国式的友谊分为不同的类型French friendships are divided into categories.

3. 不同的朋友在每个人的生活中有不同的作用。他们不介入家庭生活。Different

friends fill different niches in each persons life.These friendships are not made part of family life.

4. 家庭之外,同性挚友之间像姐妹一样紧密,像兄弟一样真诚Outside the family,men

and women find in their closest friends of the same sex the devotion of a sister,the

