
2023-03-17 05:03:32   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《怎样地道的用英语说“我很忙”?》,欢迎阅读!
不管是上学还是上班我们可能每天都忙忙碌碌的,在英语表达中忙碌你只会用“I'm busy”?或加上一个very“I'm very busy”?那么你需要扩充一下你的词汇了,小优教你10种表达忙碌的表达,快来学学吧!

1. be as busy as a bee.


She was as busy as a bee trying to put the room in order. 她为了要把房间弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。 He is as busy as a ticking clock. 他忙得像滴嗒嘀嗒的钟。

2. a million things.


It's hard to slow down when I am trying to do a million things. 当我想要做成百上千件事情的时候是很难慢下来的。

3. be busy as a beaver. 忙得团团转。

She is working so hard that she is busy as a beaver. 她没日没夜地工作,看起来很忙。

4. be piled up.

pile up是堆起来,积累的意思,当你想说工作都堆积如山了,可以用这个短语。 My work is piled up on my desk. It really makes me crazy! 我的工作在我桌上堆积如山了,真让我抓狂啊!

5. be tied up.

被占用,很忙的意思。tie是系、绑,被某件事情绑住了,走不开! I'll be tied up the rest of the weekend, I am afraid. 这个周末我恐怕都抽不出时间。

6. be up to one's neck. 忙得不可开交。

I can't possibly come out tomorrow. I'm up to my neck in work. 明天我不可能出来了,我的工作让我忙得不可开交。

7. in the middle of (doing) something. 正忙于某事。

I'm in the middle of something. Can you call back later? 我现在很忙,你能过会儿给我打电话吗?

8. not have time to catch one's breath. 忙得连喘口气的功夫都没有。

What a day! I don't even have time to catch my breath. 多糟糕的一天!我甚至连喘气的时间都没有。

9.pressed for time. 没时间,很忙。

If you're pressed for time, don't forget to relax and take a few minutes to breathe. 如果你很忙,也别忘了放松,花几分钟来呼吸一下新鲜空气。

10.I'm booked. 我非常忙!

booked是指预定,我被预定了,形容非常忙碌。 I'm booked solid all day, What's up? 一整天我都很忙,怎么了?

以上10种表达忙碌的方法你都记住了吗?以后可别只会用“I'm busy”表达忙碌了!

