【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《如何用英语表达“邀请”?》,欢迎阅读!

1. I’m sending out the invitations for the pool party later today.
2. I’d love to join you. What time should I come? 我很乐意加入你们。我应该什么时间来呢?
3. I’m busy on that day. I’m sorry. Maybe another time. 抱歉,我那天有事。下次吧。
4. I’d love to come to the movies, but I just remember I have to study tonight.
5. I really want to go to the exhibit before it closes next week. Want to come with me?
我很想在下周展览结束前去参观一下。你想和我一起去吗? 6. Thanks for inviting me. I just need to check with my parents first, but it should be OK.
7. I can’t make it to the basketball game tomorrow. I already made plans to go visit my cousins.
明天的篮球比赛我去不了。我已经计划好去看望我的堂兄们了。 8. Can I bring a friend along? 我可以带个朋友来吗?
9. Are you free this weekend? I have a spare ticket for the concert if you can make it.
你这周末有空吗?我有一张多余的音乐会门票,看你能不能去。 10. Why don’t we go out for a coffee? My treat.