【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《《故宫》第二集字幕翻译》,欢迎阅读!

至大无上 Supremacy
Purple, is the king’s star in ancient people’s mind
Ziwei Star, comes from above 注:纪录片字幕有误,“紫薇”应改为“紫微”,根据后文“comes from above”意为天上的紫微星
Forbid is power, it comes from people and applies to people 城,是这一片连绵殿宇 City, is a group of palaces
Magnificently constructed on the ground
Taihemen Square and the Taihedian Square at its back 构成了紫禁城的重心
Forms the of core of the Forbidden City 广场,在中国的传统里叫做庭院
Square, is called as courtyard in Chinese tradition
Courtyard originated from the living style of ancient people 在共同的空间里 In the common space
The family get together is not just for safety 更是中国文化里相互关怀
But more mutual care in Chinese culture 照应和守望的伦理价值和亲情
Care and the ethical value and kinship 一般来讲,
Generally speaking
The bigger the family, the bigger its courtyard 就像一棵大树一样,分支抽条
Just like a big tree sprang its branches 开枝散叶,秩序分明 Order and clear
The emperor consider the country to be his responsibility 以国为家
Regard the nation as his family 他所居住的皇帝庭院
The imperial courtyard he lived
Also layers by layers, connected closely 成为现在我们所见到的伟大宫殿
To be the significant palace as what we see now 帝皇所在,便是宫廷
Where the emperor is, there is a palace 在家为庭,在宫则廷
At home, the courtyard; at palace, the court.
注:原文对仗工整,译文应遵从原文风格,也讲求对称。 传统民居,中轴对称
Traditional Chinese dwellings are symmetry 院落重门的格局没有改变
The layout of the courtyard does not change
Amplified space creates a grand layout which beyond dwellings 它不仅可以应付这个庞大家庭 现实生活的需要
It not only can cope with the huge family, to meet the needs of reality life
还处处殚精竭虑 But also try its best
注:殚精竭虑为古代成语,应根据其白话意思“费尽心思”,译为“try one’s best” 把王朝的秩序和信仰纳入其中
To make the order and faith of the dynasty to be a part of it 让帝王的生活 Let the imperial life
To be the display of power and the model of ethics 这里曾今是皇帝一个人的庭院
There once was the courtyard of the emperor alone 体现着天下一人的权威 It shows the unique authority
注:原句缺主语,为了字幕的完整性,应补充主语“it” 古代帝王以无限权力,在他的家国里俯仰天下
The ancient emperor with infinite power to watch the country in his family 就体现在这一个又一个巨大的空间里 In the one after another giant space 大不可测,多则无穷 Mysterious, infinite 在中国传统文化中
In traditional Chinese culture 最高的状态是意会的境界 The highest state is to senes
大意味着多,多意味着无穷无尽 Big means many, many means infinite 无穷无尽就是空
Infinity is void
既无穷莫测 故实则虚之
Both infinite and unpredictable it is empty 实则虚之 是中国人的文化密码
Full will be empty is the cultural code of Chinese
注:文言文翻译,先将文言文译成白话。「实则虚之」表示充满之处则自然会渐虚无 这是自然之道,凡是各行各业善用这两句话,自然做事比较容易顺心 投射到每个人的心中。 Projected to everyone’s mind