
2023-01-22 07:06:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语近义词辨析》,欢迎阅读!

look gaze stare glare peek peer 都含“看”的意思。

look是常用词, 指“注意或有意识地看”, : He looked but saw nothing. 他看了, 但什么也没看见。

gaze指“由于惊讶、好奇、喜悦、同情或感兴趣而目不转睛地看”, : What are you gazing at?

你在凝视什么? stare指“睁大眼睛、目不转睛地盯着看”, : It's rude to stare at people. 盯着看人不礼貌。

glare指由于“羡幕、恐惧、惊讶或愚蠢而用恐吓、凶狠或愤怒的眼光看”, : He glared at her. 他向她瞪眼。 peek指“偷看”“通过孔隙窥视”, :

You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide-and-seek. 象捉迷藏一类游戏, 你数数时绝对不能偷看。 peer指“细看”, :

He was peering down the well. 他细看下面的井。

injure harm hurt damage impair mar spoil

These verbs mean to affect detrimentally. 这些动词都表示不利地影响。

Injure can refer to acts that have an adverse effect on health, appearance, prospects, or well-being: injure 可以指对健康、外表、前景或生活的舒适带来反面影响: She was badly injured in an accident. 她在一次事故中被重伤。

Malicious gossip could injure his chances of success. It can also mean to treat another unjustly or wrongfully: 恶意的流言会危及他成功的希望。 它也用于不公平地或错误地对待另一个人: Those that are not favored will think themselves injured” (Samuel Johnson). “那些没有得到利益的人仍会认为自己受到了亏待” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)

Harm and hurt refer principally to what causes pain, distress, diminution, or loss: Harm hurt 主要指那些带来痛苦、悲伤、损失或损害的: Gypsy moths harm foliage. 蛾对叶子有害。

Failure to pay his bills has harmed his credit. 无法付帐会对他的信用带来损害。 A hailstorm hurt the apple crop. 一场风暴损坏了种植的苹果。 My feelings are hurt. 我的感情收到了伤害。

Damage usually implies injury that decreases value, usefulness, desirability, or effectiveness: Damage 一词通常指那种使价值、有用性和有效性减少的损害: A falling tree damaged the roof. 一棵倒下的树损坏了屋顶。

The scandal seriously damaged the senator's reputation.


Impair refers to what diminishes, as in quality: Impair 一词指的是减低,减损:

The patient's intelligence has been impaired by a brain injury. Tomar is to impair by or as if by disfiguring: 由于脑伤,病人的智力受损。 mar 是指通过或好象通过破坏使受损:

Faulty intonation marred the performance. To spoil is to impair and ultimately destroy the value, excellence, or strength of:

吟颂中的缺欠影响了演出效果。 spoil 是损坏和彻底摧毁价值、优点和力量。 Worrying about business spoiled our evening. 由于对生意的担心,我整个晚上都给毁掉了

descend, fall, drop


descend表示带有一定的倾斜度的下落,而 fall drop 表示突然的或急剧的垂直下落。

In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and return to it. 将来,宇航员应当能从依然在太空中的宇宙飞船中下来,并且能够回到飞船里去。 Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. 后来不久,气球开始降落,并在一个机场附近着陆了。 The road descends to a river. 那条路倾斜着通向一条河边。

I came across him when he was descending the stairs. 我是在他下楼时碰见他的。

fall 是个普通词,使用范围很广,下落的原因可以是地心吸引力的作用,也可以是其他方面的 I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. 我向下瞧了瞧,当我看到一名警察时差一点从梯子上摔下来。 The book fell from the desk to the floor. 那本书从桌子上掉到了地板上。 Dead leaves are falling from the tree. 枯叶正在从树上落下。 I fell down over a stone. 一块石头把我绊了一跤。

drop 所表示的下落可以是行为者有意识的动作,也可以是无意识或不小心所致的动作。 The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and run away. (两个)人吓得把手提包一丢就跑开了。

A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. 一只鸟从地上抓起了这条蛇,后来不小心把它丢到电线上了。 Before long, the noise dropped completely… 不久,那轰鸣声就完全消失了。 Don't drop the glass. 不要把玻璃杯打破了。 Let's drop the subject. 咱们别谈这个话题了。 You had better drop the idea. 你应当丢掉这个想法。

