
2022-08-02 14:04:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《【lazy的同义词】文艺冷僻的英文单词》,欢迎阅读!


lazy的同义词 lazy表懒惰的;

没精打采的意思,那么你知道llazy的同义词有哪些吗 接下来小编为大家整理了lazy的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦! lazy的同义词辨析:

idle, lazy 这两个形容词均有闲散,懒惰之意。 idle

通常指不忙,无事可干,一般不含应责备之意。 lazy

指好逸恶劳,贪闲偷懒,或不愿学习工作等,常含应受责 之意。 词组习语:

idle something away 1. 荒废,浪费,虚掷光阴 lazy的例句: 1. Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down. 懒惰兼无能的警官令公众失望。

2. "Yous two are no "gettin" paid," he said. "Ye"re too lazy!" “你们两个别指望拿到工钱,他说。你们太懒了!” 3. He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him. 他不再懒洋洋地注视着下面的景色。

4. Of all the lazy, indifferent, unbusinesslike attitudes to have! 是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!5. He keeps company with all sorts of lazy characters. 他与形形色色的懒人为伍。

6. I was too lazy to learn how to read music. 我太懒,没有学识谱。

7. Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer"s afternoon reading. 在慵懒的夏日午后阅读她的最新小说最合适不过了。

8. I admit to being congenitally lazy. 我承认自己生性懒惰。 9. She calls me lazy and selfish. 她说我又懒又自私。

10. Aren"t you dressed yet, you lazy beggar 你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗 11. Her husband was a charming, but lazy and feckless man. 她的丈夫讨人喜欢,但却是个懒惰没有出息的人。 12. He was not stupid, just lazy. 他不笨,只是懒。

13. He grew lazy and slovenly in his habits. 他养成了懒散邋遢的习惯。

14. He was not unintelligent, but he was lazy. 他并非不聪明,不过就是懒。

15. Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears. 他们那种慢吞吞 含糊不清的声音在他听起来却很悦耳. lazy的同义词例句:1. Brian kept up the idle chatter for another five minutes. 布赖恩又絮絮地唠叨了5分钟。

2. It was more of an idle threat than anything. 那其实是唬人的话。

3. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect. 假装系统完美无疵是徒劳的。

4. His statement isn"t merely an idle boast. 他的话不仅仅是虚张声势的自夸。

5. Now the machine is lying idle. 如今机器闲置着。

6. The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle. 运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。

7. Mike doesn"t study at all. Instead, he sits idle all day. 迈克根本不肯读书, 相反地, 他终日游手好闲. 8. Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossip. 无聊的闲言碎语使他们反目成仇. 9. An idle person will never find or understand real happiness. 一个懒汉永远找不到也永远不懂得真正的幸福. 10. How much trouble in this life is caused by idle talk! 生活中有多少麻烦不都是由清谈引起的么. 11.

How can one sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others"labour 怎能坐享其12. Do not idle about like this and do something useful. 别再这样闲混下去了,做些有益的事吧! 13. These unenterprising people have money lying idle in a bank. 这些没有进取精神的人把钱都闲置在银行里. 14. He is conscientious and diligent , and is never idle. 他是个勤谨人, 整天闲不住. 15. All of us are busy over our work and nobody is idle. 我们现在都正忙着,一个闲人也没有.

