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Unit 1

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

Where did you go on your summer vacation? 你暑假去哪了? I went to Guangzhou with my parents. 我和父母一起去了广州。 What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

We ate seafood, had morning tea and tasted soup. 我们吃了海鲜,早茶和汤。 What about you, Bill? 比尔,你呢?

I went to Lhasa with my aunt and uncle. 我和阿姨叔叔一起去了拉萨。 What did you do there? 你在那里做了什么?

We saw high mountains and visited Potala Palace. 我们看了高山,去了布达拉宫。 These are my photographs. 这些是我的照片。

Did you go travelling in the vacation, Yaoyao? 瑶瑶,你假期去旅游了吗? No, I dindn't. My cousin came to Beijing. ,没有。我表弟来北京了。 I took him to the Summer Palace one day. 我带他去了颐和园一日游。

We went boating and took many photos beside the lake. 我们在湖边坐船和照相。 How was your summer vacation, Joy? 乔伊,你的暑假怎么样了? It was great. I went to Suzhou. 很棒。我去苏州了。 What did you do there? 你在那里做什么了? I visited some gardens there. 我看了很多园林。 They were all very beautiful. 他们都很美。

My mother bought a lovely teapot there. 我妈妈在那给我买了很可爱的茶壶。

Your pictures are beautiful. Look, these is my picture. 你的照片很美。看这些是我的照片。 I went to Xi'an to see the Terracotta Army. 我去西安看了兵马俑。 It was amazing. 太令人惊异了。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 ear pear bear wear hair chair stairs

B Listen and circle and repeat. 听和画圈。 wear water stair chair aircraft weather hair pear

swear card

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

Mum, can I wear my new T-shirt? 妈妈,我能穿我的T恤吗? Don't stand on the chair. It's dangerous. 别站在椅子上。很危险。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

See the silly little bear Sitting on a chair? 看看坐在椅子上傻傻的小熊。 Little bear is eating a pear. 小熊在吃梨。

Little bear is combing his hair. 小熊在摆他的椅子。

Silly little bear on the little little chair. 傻小熊在小小椅子上。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

I'm Tony. My family went to a city this summer vacation. 我是托尼。我们家这个暑假去了一个城市。 It's in the east of China. 在中国东部。 It's famous for West Lake. 它以西湖著名。

We went boating and drink Longjing Tea. 我们坐船和喝龙井茶。

I'm Alan. I'm going to a city this summer vacation. 我是艾伦。我这个暑假去了一个城市。 It's in the west of China. 在中国西部。 It's famous for temple. 以寺庙闻名。

I'm Sue. I was born in this city. 我是苏。我出生于这座城市。

It's famous for its old building. 它以古建筑闻名。 I live near Tian'anmen Square. 我住在天安门附近。

The Summer Palace and the Great Wall are also here. 颐和园和长城也在这。 I'm Lily. 我是丽丽。

I want to go to this city. 我想去这座城市。

It's in the west of China, and there are high mountains there. 它在中国西部,那里有高山。 It's famous for the Potala Palace. 它以布达拉宫闻名。

Unit 2

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

Joy. Where do you want to go this vacation? 乔伊。你这个假期想去哪? I want to go to Washington D.C. 我想去华盛顿。 It's in the east of the USA. 在美国东部。

What do you want to do there? 你想去那做什么? I want to visit the White House. 我想去参观白宫。 How about you, Andy? 你呢,安迪? I want to go to Sydney. 我想去悉尼。

It's in the southeast of Australia. 在澳大利亚东南部。

I want to visit the Opera House and see koalas. 我想去参观歌剧院和看考拉。 Bill, where do you want to go this winter vacation? 比尔,你这个寒假想去哪? I want to go to London. It's in the southeast of the UK. 我想去伦敦。在英国东南部。 What do you want to do there? 你想去那做什么?

I want to visit the Britsh museum and see Big Ben. 我想去参观英国博物馆和看大本钟。 It's a large clock. 是个大钟。 What about you? 你呢?

I want to go to Canada. 我想去加拿大。

Wow, Canada is a big country. ,加拿大是个大国。 What's it famous for? 它以什么闻名? It's famous for maple leaves. 以枫叶闻名。 I want to go to Toronto. 我想去多伦多。

It's in the southeast of Canada. 在加拿大的东南部。 I want to see the CN Tower. 我想去加拿大国家电视塔。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 ear ears hear fear earth learn early

B Listen and sort. 听并分类。 learn ears

wear year pearl dear hear bear near earth pear early

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

Let's go to Hangzhou. It's near Shanghai. 我们去杭州吧。离上海很近。 I began to learn English when I was five years old. 我五岁开始学习英语

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。 Open your book. 打开书。 Open your ears. 竖起耳朵。 Learn every day, 每天学习,

When the teacher appears. 当老师出现。 Open your book. 打开书。 Open your ears. 竖起耳朵。 Learn every year, 每年学习,

When the teacher appears. 当老师出现时。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and number. 听和标数。 Hello, I'm Tom. 你好,我是汤姆。

I went to the USA last summer vacation. 我暑假去了美国。 I took many photos there. 我在那照了很多照片。 First, we went to Washington D.C. 首先,我去了华盛顿。

Here is a photo my family and friends of White House. 这是我家人和朋友在白宫的相片。 Then, we went to Disney world. 之后,我们去了迪士尼乐园。

We had a good time with Bear Winnie and Micky Mouse. 我们和小熊维尼和米老鼠一起享受了美好时光。 Finally, we went to the beach. 最后,我们去了沙滩。

We swam there. Look. this is a picture of me swimming in the water. 我们在那游泳。看这是我在水里游泳的照片。

I had a great vacation. 我过了一个很棒的假期。 Hi, I'm Beibei. 你好,我是贝贝。

For the last summer vacation, I went to Sydney. 上个假期,我去了悉尼。

This is a photo of me with a baby kangaroo in the Sydney zoo. 这是我在悉尼动物园和袋鼠照的相。 It was so cute. 它好可爱

Then we went to the Sydney Opera House. 之后我们去了悉尼歌剧院。 We listen to some music there. 我们在那听了一些音乐 Finally, we went to the beach. 最后,我们去了沙滩。

It was too cold to swim but we ate a lot of delicious food. 太冷了不能游泳,所以我们吃了很多美味的食物。 I had a really interesting vacation. 我假期过得很有趣。

Unit 3

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听和标数。

Lily and her classmates are going to see animals in the zoo. 丽丽和她的同学去动物园看动物 First, they are going to see the sharks. 首先,他们去看了鲨鱼。 Sharks are fish, they can swim in water. 鲨鱼是鱼,他们能在水里游泳。

They are very big and like to eat small animals in the sea. 他们很大,喜欢吃海里的小动物 Then they want to see the snakes and the butterflies. 之后他们去看了蛇和蝴蝶。 Snakes are reptiles. 蛇是爬行动物

They are very long and cold. 他们很长,是冷血的。 Butterflies are beautiful animals. 蝴蝶是美丽的动物 They are insects. 他们是昆虫。

They have six legs and they can fly. 他们有六条腿,他们能飞。

Next, they want to see some mammals. 接下来,他们想看一些哺乳动物 Such as monkeys, pandas and tigers. 比如猴子、熊猫和老虎。 Mammals give milk to their babies. 哺乳动物给他们的宝宝喂奶。 At last, they are going to see the penguins. 最后,他们要去看企鹅。 Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly. 企鹅是鸟,但是他们不能飞。 They live on the ice. 他们住在冰上。 Look. How cute they are! 看。他们多可爱 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 oi toilet coin oil boy toy Joy

B Listen and circle the odd word out. 听并圈出多余的词。 point Joy pot noise enjoy tower oil toy

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

There is only one coin in my purse. 我钱包里只有一枚硬币。 The boy loves toy cars very much. 男孩非常喜欢玩具车。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

Do I hear a noise? 我听到吵闹声了? Yes, I hear a noise. 是的,我听到吵闹声了。 I hear two boys, 我听到两个男孩的声音, Playing with their toys. 和他们的玩具一起玩。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A listen and match. 听和匹配。

Bill, what animals did you see at the zoo? 比尔,你在动物园看什么动物了? Guess. 猜猜。

OK. What animal did you see first? 好。你最先看了什么动物 I saw a very big animal with big ears. 我看到一个有大耳朵的动物 What kind of animal was it? 它是哪种动物 It was a mammal. 是哺乳动物

Uh... I see. What animal did you see next? 嗯……我知道了。你接下来要看什么? I saw a very big animal in the water. 我看到水里有一个大动物 Was it a kind of fish? 它是种鱼吗?

No, it wasn't. It was a mammal. ,不是。是哺乳动物

I know the animal you saw, Bill. 我知道你看到的是什么了,比尔。

Hi, Lily. How was your day at the zoo? ,丽丽。你在动物园玩的怎么样? Oh, great. I saw a lot of interesting animals. ,很棒。我看来很多有趣的动物 What animals did you see there? 你在哪里看到什么动物了? Listen and try to guess. 听我描述然后猜猜。

OK. What animal did you see first? 好。你最先看到什么动物 I saw a cute and fat animal. 我看到一个又可爱又胖的动物

It was black and white. 它是黑白色的。 What kind of animal was it? 它是哪种动物 It was a mammal. 它是哺乳动物 Oh, I see. ,我知道了。

What animal did you see next? 你接下来看了什么动物 I saw an insect. 我看了一种昆虫。 It was very beautiful. 它很美。

I know what animals you saw Lily. 丽丽,我知道你看的是什么动物了。

Revision 1

Revision 1 复习一

Let's Review 一起复习吧

A Listen and number. 听和标数。 It's a high place. 这是个很高的地方。 It's in the west of China. 在中国西部。 It's very cold in winter. 冬天很冷。

There are many high moutains near the city. 城市附近有很多高山。 It's famous for the Potala Palace. 以布达拉宫闻名。 This city is in the east of China. 在中国的东部。 It is near Shanghai. 离上海很近。

It's famous for beautiful West Lake. 以美丽的西湖闻名。

You can buy a silk skirt and Longjing tea for your parents. 你能给父母买丝绸裙和龙井茶。 This city is not in China. 这个城市不在中国。

It's in the southeast of Canada. 在加拿大东南部。 People there speak English.那里的人们说英语

This city is famous for maple leaves. 这个城市以枫叶闻名。 You can visit the CN Tower there. 你能到那参观加拿大国家电视塔。 This city is famous for its beautiful beach. 这个城市以美丽的沙滩闻名。

You can swim in the sea and eat sea food on the beach. 你能在海里游泳,还能在沙滩上吃海鲜。 The Opera House is famous, too. 歌剧院也很有名。 Do you like kangaroos and koalas? 你喜欢袋鼠和考拉吗? You can see them in the zoo. 你能看在动物园到它们。 This city is in the north of China. 这个城市在中国北部。 So it's very cold in winter. 所以冬天很冷。 If you like skiing. 如果你喜欢滑冰。

You can go there in winter. 你可以冬天去那里。

Also, you can see ice lanterns there. 而且,你还能看到那里的冰灯。

But remember, wear your coat, scarf and gloves. 但是记住,穿大衣、戴围巾和手套。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and circle. 看、听和画圈。

Mrs Smith likes fruit very much. 史密斯小姐非常喜欢水果。 She is eating a pear. 她在吃一个梨。 Lisa is a pretty girl. 丽萨是一个美丽的女孩。

She has long beautiful hair. 她有着长长的美丽的头发。 She wants to try on her new coat. 她想要试试她的新外套。 Louis is a cute baby. 路易斯是一个可爱的宝宝。

He is playing with her toy car with his father now. 他和他爸爸现在在一起玩玩具车。 Who is sitting by the dinner table. 谁坐在餐桌旁呢? Yes, that is Peter. 那是彼特。

He is counting his coins carefully. 他在仔细地数硬币。 Peter's grandfather is in the armchair. 彼特的祖父在摇椅上。 He is reading a book about the earth. 他在读有关地球的书。

B Listen and write. 听和写。 pear stairs 楼梯 coin 硬币 toys 玩具 ears 耳朵 learn 学习

Unit 4

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听并标数。

I go to Lily's house for lunch. 我去丽丽家吃午饭。

My dog climbs on the table and eats Lily's lunch. 我的狗爬上桌子吃了丽丽的午饭。 So I am angry. 所以我很生气。

I come home after school. 我放学后回家。 My dog is lying in his bed. 我的狗躺在床上。

He is ill and I'm worried. 他生病了,我很担心。

Today my dog and I go out to play in the park. 今天我和我的狗去公园玩。 He is happy and I am happy, too. 他很开心,我也很开心。 My dog suddenly runs over to Yaoyao. 我的狗突然跑向瑶瑶。 So Yaoyao is scared. 所以瑶瑶很惊恐。

I can't find my dog. It makes me cry. 我找不到我的狗了。好想哭。

I look all around the house and in the street, but it have no look. 我找遍了小区和街道,但是找不到。 I am very sad. 我非常伤心。 I am in my bedroom. 我在床上。 I hear my dog. 我听到了我的狗的声音。 He comes back home. 他回家了。 I am very excited. 我非常激动。

My dog has a running race. 我的狗参加了一个跑步比赛。 He runs very fast and wins the race. 他跑得非常快并且最后赢了。 I am proud. 我非常骄傲。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number. ,听并标数。 Bill: Look at these pictures, Lily. 丽丽,看这些照片。

Lily: You look sad in this picture. Why? 你在照片里看起来不高兴。为什么? Bill: I was sad because I was ill. I had to stay in bed. 因为我病了,不得不躺在床上。 Lily: Well, look at this picture. 好吧,看这张。

You're in bed too, but you look happy. Why? 你也是在床上,但是看起来很开心。为什么呢?

Bill: I was happy because Andy came to see me and helped me with my maths. 因为安迪来看我啦,还教数学

Lily: Oh. You look worried in this picture. What happened? 哦。这张照片里你看起来很担心。怎么了? Bill: I was worried because I wasn't good at maths. 我担心是因为我不擅长数学 I didn't like maths tests. 我不喜欢数学考试

Lily: Did you do well in the maths test? 数学考试考得好吗?

Bill: Yes. Look, I got an A. I was so proud. 是。看,我得了A。我很自豪。 Lily: Congratulations! 恭喜! Bill: Thank you! 谢谢! Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 ough bought brought thought ough enough tough rough

B Listen and sort. 听并分类。 brought thought

bought enough ought fought rough tough

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

My mum bought a noe jacket for my birthday. 生日的时候妈妈给我买了一个夹克。

Peter was happy because he had enough money to buy a toy plane. 彼特很开心因为他有钱买玩具飞机了。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。 He bought some meat, 他买了一些肉, But the meat was tough! 但是肉很粗! So he ate only vegetables, 所以他只吃蔬菜, And that was enough! 那就够了! Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and number 听并标数。

Many things happen last week. 上周发生了很多事。

On Monday, I went with Bill to fly a kite. 星期一,我和比尔去放风筝。 Bill lost his kite, so he felt sad. 他丢了风筝,所以非常伤心。

Then on Tuesday, Andy's dad went to hospital. 然后星期二,安迪的爸爸进了医院。

We were all very worried. 我们都非常担心。

On Wednesday, I played in a football match. 星期三,我踢了足球赛。 Our team won, so we were very excited. 我们队赢了,所以我们非常激动。

Then on Thursday, Binbin brought his model plane to class. 星期四,彬彬带了他的飞机模型来班级。 He made it himself. So he was proud. 他自己做的。所以他非常自豪。

On Friday. My brother took away my new book. 星期五。我弟弟带走了我的新书。 I was very angry. 我非常生气。

On Saturday. I was scared. 星期六。我非常害怕。

Because a big black dog ran up to me. 因为一只大黑狗跑向了我。 Finally, I was very happy on Sunday. 最后,我周日非常开心。 Because my aunt came back to China. 因为我阿姨回中国了。

Unit 5

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and number. 听和标数。

Hi, children. Look at these famous people. 你好,孩子们。看这些名人。

They did great things. Do you know any thing about them? 他们做了很伟大的事。你们知道有哪些吗? This is Li Bai. He was Chinese. 这是李白。他是中国人。

He was a poet. He write many famous poems. 他是个诗人。他写了很多有名的诗。 One of his famous poem is In the Quiet Night. 其中一首叫《静夜思》。 This is Hans Christian Andersen. 这是安徒生。

He was Danish. He was a writer and wrote stories for many children. 他是丹麦人。他是一名作家,给孩子们写了很多故事。

I like his story The Ugly Duckling. 我喜欢他的童话《丑小鸭》。 This is Xu Beihong. He was Chinese. 这是徐悲鸿。他是中国人。

He was a painter and good at painting horses. 他是一个画家,非常擅长画马。 This is Thomas Edison. He was American. 这是托马斯·爱迪生。他是美国人。

He was an inventor. He invented a lot of things. 他是一个发明家。他发明了很多东西。 Very good. 非常好。

Do you know anything about this man? 你知道关于这个人的什么? NO. 不知道。

This is Jean-Henri Fabre. He was French. 这是法布尔。他是法国人。

He was a scientist and study insects. 他是法国人。他是一个科学家,专门研究昆虫。 He is famous for his book named The Book of Insecks. 他以他的书《昆虫记》著名。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number. ,听并标数。

Joy: Hi, Sam. Come and look at these pictures.你好,萨姆。来看看这些照片。 Sam: OK. Who's that man? 好。那是谁?

Joy: He's Thomas Edison. He is very famous. 他是托马斯·爱迪生。他非常有名。 Sam: Why is he famous? 他为什么有名?

Joy: He's famous for his inventions. He invented a lot of things. 因为他的发明。他发明了很多东西。 Sam: Who's this man? What did he do? 这是谁?他做了什么?

Joy: He is Jean-Henri Fabre. He was a French scientist. 他是法布尔。他是法国科学家。 He's famous for studying insects. 他以研究昆虫著名。

Sam: Who is your favourite famous person, Joy? 乔伊,你最喜欢的名人是谁? Joy: It's Hans Christian Andersen. 是安徒生。

He was a Danish writer. He's famous for writing stories. 他是丹麦作家。他以写童话著名。 I like to read his stories. 我喜欢看他写的童话。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 tion station 车站 transportation 交通 dictionary 词典 ture picture 图片 furniture 家具 temperature 温度

B Listen, underline and repeat. ,划线并重复。 transportation 交通 furniture 家具 nature自然 station 车站 culture 文化 future 未来 dictionary 词典 action 行动 picture 图片

condition 情景

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

1.It is good to use a dictionary when you do not know a word. 不认识单词的时候查字典很好。 2.A: What do you want to be in the future? 你未来想当什么? B: I want to be an English teacher. 我想成为一名英语老师。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

In the dictionary is a picture, 字典里是一张照片, A picture of some furniture. 一些家具的照片。

I have a question about the picture. 关于照片我有一个问题。 What is inside the furniture? 家具里有什么? Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

Hi, I'm Lily. I'm going to tell you about my favourite person. 你好,我是丽丽。我要告诉你有关我最喜欢的人的事。

Li Bai. He was a Chinese poet. 李白。他是个中国诗人。 He wrote many famous poems. 他写了很多著名的诗。

I'm Joy. My favourite famous person is a Danish writer. 我是乔伊。我最喜欢的名人是个丹麦作家。 He wrote many famous stories like The Ugly Duckling. 他写了很多有名的故事,比如《丑小鸭》。 His name is Hans Christian Andersen. 他名叫安徒生。 Hello, I am Binbin. 你好,我是彬彬。

My favourite famous person is a woman. 我最喜欢的名人是个女性。

She was from America. 她来自美国。

She helps many blind and deaf people. 她帮助许多盲聋人。 Her name is Helen Keller. 她名叫海伦·凯勒。 Hi, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比尔。

I'd like to tell you about my favourite famous person. 我想告诉你有关我最喜欢的人的事。 He was a famous Chinese artist. 他是个非常有名的中国艺术家。 He painted beautiful horses. 他画了很多美丽的马。 He was XuBeihong. 他是徐悲鸿。 Hi, I'm Yaoyao. 你好,我是瑶瑶。

My favourite famous person is American. 我最喜欢的名人是个美国人。

I like him because he invented many things. 我喜欢他,因为他发明了很多东西。 I'm sure you know him. 我保证你知道他。

Yes, he is Thomas Edison. 是的,他是托马斯·爱迪生。

Unit 6

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and write. 听和写。

Hi, Binbin. What are you doing? 你好彬彬。你在做什么?

I'm making a plan for my winter vacation. 我在为我的寒假做规划。 It starts this Monday. I can't wait. 这周一开始。我等不及了。 What are you going to do? 你要做什么? A lot of things. 很多事。

From January 16th to 20th, I'm going to skating classes. 116号到20号,我要上滑雪课。

On the 22nd, we're going to Harbin. 22号,我们要去哈尔滨。 So I need to practice skating. 所以我需要练习滑雪。

I'm going to play in the snow there with my cousin. 我要和我的表弟去那滑雪。

After we come back, I'm going to watch a football match. 回来之后,我要去看足球比赛。 You know, I'm a football fan. 你知道,我是个足球迷。 What else? 还有呢?

Spring Festival is coming in Februry. 二月就是春节了。 I'm going to help you do some chores. 我要帮你做些家务。 We're also going to visit my grandparents. 我们还要去拜访祖父母。 And I'm going to learn to make dumplings. 我要学包饺子。 Oh, you have a great vacation. 哦,你有一个很棒的假期。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and tick. ,听并打勾。

Miss Wu: Lily, today is the last day of school. 丽丽,今天是上学的最后一天。 Where are you going in your winter vacation? 你寒假要去哪? Lily: I'm going to Harbin with my parents. 我要和我父母去哈尔滨。

I don't like cold weather. I'm afraid of getting a cold. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。我担心感冒。 Miss Wu: Oh, you'll be fine. 哦,没事。

What are you going to do there? 你要去那做什么?

Lily: We're going to see ice lanterns and play in the snow. 我们要去看冰灯和滑雪。

My uncle's family live there. We're going to visit them. 我叔叔一家住在那里。我们要去拜访他们。 Miss Wu: Are you going to ski? 你们要去滑冰吗?

Lily: Yes. I can't ski now, but I'm going to have skiing lessons. 是。我现在不会滑冰,但是我要去学了。

Miss Wu: OK, have a nice winter vacation! 好,假期愉快!

Lily: You too! I'm going to bring back some sausages for you! 你也是!我会给你带些香肠的。 I hear they are famous in Harbin. 我听说它们在哈尔滨很有名。 Miss Wu: Thank you.谢谢。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. ,指并重复。 table fable cable car old cold gold fish fold

B Listen, repeat and choose. 听、重复并选择。 cable gold disable sold fable hold told fable

old cold

C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。 What's on the dinner table? 餐桌上有什么?

My favourite animal is my pet goldfish. 我最喜欢的动物是我的宠物金鱼。 It's beautiful and cute. 好美好可爱

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

The goldfish swims on the table. 金鱼在桌子上游泳。 The goldfish is old, old, old. 金鱼很老、很老、很老。 The goldfish swims, swims, swims. 金鱼游啊游啊游。 So he isn't cold,cold, cold. 所以他不冷、冷、冷。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

Hi, I'm Tim. The winter vacation is coming. 你好,我是蒂姆。寒假要到了。

My father work in Canada, so I'm going there with my mother. 我爸爸住在加拿大,所以我要和我妈妈去那。

I'm going to visit the CN Tower. 我要去参观加拿大电视塔。 I hear that it's very cold there. 我听说那里很冷。

So I'm going to buy a new heavy coat. 所以我要买一件新的厚衣服。 Hi, I'm Kate. 你好,我是凯特。

I'm going to Hainan this winter vacation. 这个寒假我要去海南。

I'm going to swim in the sea, play on the sand and eat delicious seafood. 我要去海里游泳,在沙子里玩,还要吃海鲜。

I'm going to bring you some interesting presents. 我会给你带好玩的礼物。 Hello, I'm Cathy. 你好,我是凯奇。

I'm not going to another place because my grandmother is a little sick. 我不去别的地方,因为我祖母生病了。

I'm going to look after her. 我要去照顾她。

I'm going to read books to her, cook for her and talk with her. 我要给她念书,给她做饭,陪她说话。 Hello, I'm Jenny. 你好,我是珍妮。

I'm going to a dance club and learn ballet. 我要去舞蹈社学芭蕾。 I hear learning Ballet is hard. 我听说学芭蕾很难。 But I think it's so beautiful. 但是我觉得很美。 So I want to have a try. 所以我想试试。

Revision 2

Revision 2 复习二

Let's Review 一起复习吧

A Listen, write and tick. 听、写并打勾。

Hi, Joy. You look so worried. 你好,乔伊。你看起来很忧虑。

Yes. I'm worried because I can't do my homework. 是的。因为我不会做作业。 Don't worry. I'll help you. 别担心。我可以帮你。

But first, let me tell you something exciting. 但是首先,我告诉你一些令人激动的事。 I went to the cinema yesterday. And Jackie Chen was there. 我昨天去了电影院。成龙在那。

I was really surprised. 我非常惊喜。

I like his movies. But I never met him before.我喜欢他的电影。但是我以前从来没遇到过他。 That's great! I like his movies, too. 那很棒!我也喜欢他的电影。

Do you want to be famous like Jackie Chen someday? 你以后也想像成龙一样有名吗? Yes, I do. 是的。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and circle. 看、听和画圈。

David and his classmates like to do different things at the break. 大卫和他的同学喜欢在休息时间做不同的事。

David brought a mobile phone to school. 大卫带了一个手机去学校。 Now his teacher is very angry with him. 现在他的老师很生气。

Nina has a cough. Now she is going to see a doctor. 妮娜咳嗽了。现在她得去看医生。 Mike is from New York. He is here to learn Chinese. 迈克来自纽约。他在这学中文。 He always have a dictionary with him. 他总是带着一本字典。 Tom can draw very well. 汤姆很擅长画画。 Look at the picture on the wall. 看看墙上的画。 Tom drew it yesterday. 汤姆昨天画的。

Mary and Maggie like reading. 玛丽和麦琪喜欢读书。 Look, they are reading fables now. 看,他们在读寓言。 Where is Jack? 杰克在哪?

Oh, he is feeding the goldfish near the bookshell. 哦,他在书架旁喂金鱼。

B Listen and write. 听和写。

thought dictionary enough diparture goldfish fable

