【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《其貌不扬的反义词》,欢迎阅读!
一、【反义词】 眉清目秀、一表人才 二、【基本解释】
【示例】:别看他~,可学习特别好。 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 三、【英文翻译】
1.ugly [awkward] in one's appearance;be far from being handsome;have rather common features with nothing attractive about one's appearance;One's appearance does not please. ;
Just south of the town's centre lies a huge complex of buildings which, despite its size, looks fairly unprepossessing, boring as only business parks in the suburbs can be.
It is his sense of inadequacy that drives him into the arms of a significantly less attractive woman.
3.人们倾向于认为,电力车就是g wiz小车那样的----跑得不远,加速太慢,还其貌不扬!
We tend to think that electric cars are all like the g wiz vehicle, with a limited range, poor acceleration and an unprepossessing appearance.
4.他身材矮小,其貌不扬,社交无能,性事乏味。 Short not good-looking socially inept sexually null.
Reithofer, who has been at bmw for 23 years, is an unprepossessing man of 54, rarely seen in anything but a dark, three-button suit, with all three buttons fastened.
《左传·昭公二十八年》:“今子少不。” 杜预 注:“颜貌不扬显。” 唐 裴度 《自题写真赞》:“尔才不长,尔貌不扬。”后以“其貌不扬”形容人容貌平常或丑陋。 清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话续集·某少君》:“今又闻其来也,皆惧,及相晤,其貌不扬。父甚狐疑,两兄直叱为妄冒。” 马铁丁 《勇气从何而来》:“从年龄上说,孩提刚过,还留着若干稚气。初看起来,真是其貌不扬。”