
2022-04-06 05:01:19   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《端午节英语作文:端午吃粽子》,欢迎阅读!




Dragon-boat festival in qu yuan's story: a patriotic poet qu yuan put forward a good idea to rich countries qiangming, but because of the time * * * * not only did his strategies adopted by the king, instead of being attacked crowd out the last out of capital, and on the north han. Qu yuan was straight, do not wish to govern, he who sees through the world of mortals, jumped into the mi lo to die to defend justice. Local fishermen after know this matter very distressing, rowing a boat in the bamboo tube rice and feed the fish to the mi lo to save qu yuan's body. Later, everyone put bamboo tube rice zongzi instead, change the small boats to dragon boat racing, gradually formed a kind of ceremony. After a year of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, people eat rice dumplings and rowing dragon boat to commemorate the great patriotic poet. Our family is very admire qu yuan's personality and intelligence. Therefore, attaches great importance to the Dragon Boat Festival every year, our family must package dumplings to commemorate qu yuan. The custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is eating zongzi, dragon boat racing. Zongzi is divided into two kinds of shapes: one is the reed, one kind is pointed tail reed. Mother is an expert in our home rice dumplings. The Dragon Boat Festival every year, my family and I can eat the delicious rice dumplings. My momma always said: "with reed leaves of rice dumplings the most sweet." So, every Dragon Boat Festival mother to pack dumplings with reed leaves. Before she zongzi, prepare first: put the

reed leaves in a dip in warm water, glutinous rice and jujube, you've prepared peanut respectively after washing with together. Reed leaves, such as cold, she began to make zongzi. She took three leaves, this three leaves into a cone, then put a grain of jujube, then placed inside, glutinous rice, peanuts, intermediate clip pieces of jujube meat again, bag and then tie the straw rope good home and dry. Mother package dumplings is big and strong, like a burden, and as a weight. Mother put them in the pressure cooker steam for 30 minutes, again bubble Shang Shuili in an hour or so to make its flavor, and then you can eat! Mother package dumplings fragrance pubi, let my mouth water, sometimes breath could enjoy then carries several big belly that is darling make people laugh.

Over the Dragon Boat Festival in addition to eating zongzi and dragon boat racing! I most like to see the dragon boat racing, dozens of sailor holding the OARS movement coordination and work together to press forward. Bang sailor morale, hard on the drum, "come on, come on!" Otc cheerleaders, thunderous chants, his each other, make the sailors more went all out, go forward... Each year of the dragon boat racing scene is very spectacular.

The Dragon Boat Festival eating zongzi, dragon boat racing is not only the traditional customs of the Chinese nation, and inheriting the traditional culture of China. 端午节于屈原的故事:爱国诗人屈原提出了一个能够富国强民的好主意,但由于当时社会****他的策略不但没有被国王采纳,反而被攻击排挤最后逐出都城,流落汉北。屈原生性耿直,不愿委曲求全,看破红尘,跳进了汨罗河以死捍卫正义。当地的渔夫知道此事后非常痛心,划着小船把竹筒里的米撒向汨罗河喂鱼以保全屈原的尸首。后来,大家把竹筒盛米改为包粽子,把划小船

改为赛龙舟,逐渐形成一种仪式。以后每年的农历五月初五为端午节,人们吃粽子,划龙舟以纪念这位伟大的爱国诗人。我们全家人都非常敬佩屈原的人品和才智。因此,我们家每年都很重视端午节,一定要包粽子以此纪念屈原。 端午节的习俗是吃粽子,赛龙舟。粽子分两种形状:一种是牛头粽,一种是尖尾粽。妈妈是我们家包粽子的能手。每年端午节的时候,我们全家都能吃到可口的粽子。妈妈常说:“用芦苇的叶包的粽子最香。”所以,每年端午节妈妈都用芦苇叶来包粽子。她在包粽子之前,先做好准备工作:把芦苇叶子放在温水里泡一泡,把准备好的糯米和枣,花生分别洗完后伴在一起。等芦苇叶子凉了以后,她就开始包粽子了。她先取三片叶子,将这三片叶子卷成一个圆锥体,然后先放一粒枣,接着在里面放上糯米,花生,中间再夹几片枣肉,包好后再将草绳捆绑好大功告成了。妈妈包的粽子又大又结实,像一个个包袱,又像一个个秤砣。妈妈把它们放在高压锅里蒸三十分钟后,再泡在汤水里一个小时左右使其入味,然后就可以吃了!妈妈包的粽子香味扑鼻,让我直流口水,有时一口气竟能吃上好几个然后腆着大肚子那憨态惹人笑。 过端午节除了吃粽子,还要赛龙舟哟!

我最喜欢看赛龙舟了,几十个水手都握着船桨动作协调、齐心协力地奋力向前划着。擂鼓的水手士气高昂,用力地敲着鼓,“加油,加油!场外的拉拉队 发出雷鸣般的呐喊声、助威声此起彼落,使水手们更加鼓足了干劲,勇往直前……每年赛龙舟的场面都非常壮观。


