
2022-08-11 07:13:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《基督教词汇》,欢迎阅读!

主日||Lord's Day 三一节||Trinity Sunday 忏悔节||Shrove Tuesday 濯足节||Maundy Thursday 大斋节||Lent 受难节||Good friday

圣家节||Feast of the Holy Family 显现节||Epiphany 复活节||Easter 诞节||Christmas 圣灰节||Ash Wednesday 降临节||Advent 棕枝主日||Palm Sunday 神圣周六||Holy Saturday 本堂节日||Altar Holidays 与神同行|| Walking with God 天路历程|| Pilgrim's Progress 背离福音|| Apostasy from the Gospel 主显圣容节||Transfiguration 圣灵降临节||pentecost 基督圣体||Corpus Christi 耶稣升天节||Ascension

基督教要义|| The Institutes of Christian Religion 生命的开端|| Into Life

基督教发展|| History of Christianity 丰盛的恩典|| Grace Abounding 基督徒真伪辨|| The Christian's Great Interest 神护理的奥秘|| God Willing

宗教情操真伪辨|| The Experience that Counts(abbridged version of Religious Affections)

基督徒生活手册|| Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life 西文天路历程插图|| Western illustrations of Pilgrim's Progress 中文天路历程插|| Chinese illustrations of Pilgrim's Progress 给未曾归正者的警告|| An Alarm to the Unconverted Church教会 Congregation会众 Constitution宪法体制与规定

Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM)周年会议年度总会 Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM)特殊会议 Session长执会堂会 Pastor牧师 Elder长老 Deacon执事 Chairman主席

Clerk of Session长执会干事会议干事书记 Secretary秘书 Treasurer财务 Preacher传道 Pastor牧师 Minister传道牧师

Ordained Minister经过圣命的牧师正式按立的牧师正式牧师 Reverend牧师 Evangelist传道人宣教士 Missionary传教士

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Order of Worship主日崇拜程序 Prelude序乐 Call to Worship宣召 Hymn (Singing of Hymns)诗歌 (唱诗) Chorus副歌 Prayer祷告 Invocation (Gloria Patri)荣耀颂 Responsive Reading启应经文 Offering (Tithes, Offerings, Love Gifts)奉献 Offertory Prayer (Doxology)谢捐 Pastoral Prayer牧祷 scripture Reading读经 Sermon证道 Sacraments 圣礼 Baptism 洗礼 Lord's Supper 圣餐 Benediction 祝福

Announcements 会务报告 Church Duties 教会职务 Flowers 献花 Usher 待员接待员 Pianist 司琴 Chairman 主席 Speaker 讲员 Interpreter 传译 Ministries 教会事工/活动 Church Weekly/Bulletin 教会周刊 教会周训

PA (Public Address) System 音响系统 Worship Service 主日崇拜 Junior Worship Service 儿童崇拜 Sunday School 主日学 Catechism Class 慕道班 Fellowship Group 团契 Prayer Meeting 祷告会

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