【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英文热词》,欢迎阅读!
共享单车Bicycle-sharing 共享汽车Car-sharing
共享充电宝charger-sharing vehicle-sharing 共享交通工具 car-pooling 拼车 ride sharing 顺风车
sharing economy 分享经济 bootleg version 枪版电影
high-resolution version 高清版 copyright 版权
prehistorical power 洪荒之力 Snowflake generation 雪花一代 “迷惘的一代” Lost Generation
“垮掉的一代“(又称“疲惫的一代”)Beat Generation 我也是醉了I am speechless speechless 无语
I am speechless. 真心无语
Are you kidding me? 你在跟我开玩笑吗? 然并卵No damn use But it is of no damn use.
However, it is just useless shit. Of no egg use.
However, it is just eye candy.
However, it is just a white elephant.
However, it doesn”t make any difference. However, no egges. 煲剧Binge-watching binge-viewing marathon-viewing 酗酒 binge-drinking 暴食 binge-eating 吃瓜群众Onlookers onlookers 旁观者 spectators 观众
ordinary social media fans普通社交媒体粉丝 小目标Small goal
small goal / small target 小目标 举个栗子:
Set a small goal first, like earning one hundred million! 打酱油 none of my business,just passing through 屌丝 loser,nerd
人渣 scum,douchebag,lowlife
打飞机 to jerk off, to jack off 愤青 nationalistic youth,tea party 富二代 trust fund babies
坑爹 this really sucks,i am screwed 楼主 LZ original poster/OP 牛B awesome
炮友 friend with benefits 拍马屁 suck up
傻逼 idiot,ignoramus,imbecile,dolt,dimwit,bonehead,numbskull,lamebrain,bozo 装逼 poseur,pretentious 山寨 pirated goods,knockoffs 天朝 heavenly kingdom
吐槽 to complain, to bitch about,to gripe,to kvetch 小三 mistress
意淫 fantasise 这个词的形态慎用=> pervert,变态,英语一般暗指恋童癖pedofhile 土豪翻译 nouveau riche
我也是醉了 im speechless,i dont even know what to say, 学霸 brainiac, good student, Einstein 高富帅 Tall,handsome,and rich 穷挫矮 Short, ugly, and poor(/skint) 女汉子 tomboy
卖萌 to act cute, to put on a cute face 约炮 to invite someone out for a date 压力山大under mountainous stress 闷骚suppressed passion 苦逼kubitter
Do your parents know you are so"awesome"? 高大上high-end, classy and upscale 躺枪 innocently implicated