mona lisa

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Every year, about 6 million people visit the Musée du Louvre in Paris to see Leonardo Da Vinci's famous portrait,Mona Lisa. An oil painting on poplar wood, the portrait was started by Da Vinci in 1503 and took about four years to complete, although he is believed to have continued working on it even after that. For centuries afterward, his talent and ingenuity sparked many debates and a multitude of theories in an effort to uncover the mysteries behind the Mona Lisa. The two biggest mysteries are her identity and the nature of her smile.


The enigmatic smile of the woman in the painting has been the source of inspiration for many and a cause for desperation in others. In 1852, Luc Maspero, a French artist, jumped four floors to his death from a hotel room in Paris. His suicide note explained that he preferred death after years of struggling to understand the mystery behind the woman's smile.


The Mona Lisa is by far the most mysterious work of art I have ever come across. Da Vinci is indeed a legend! 93)《蒙娜丽莎》是迄今为止最神秘的艺术品我所见过的。达芬奇的确是一个传奇!

17) I think the woman in the portrait is either a portrait of himself (in woman form), or possibly his mother. At first glance, the woman looks rather manly, and through digital analysis, there have even been results that da Vinci’s facial features aligned perfectly with that of Mona Lisa’s. I say mother because it is quite possible as they would share similar features.


An important fact to consider is that da Vinci spent four years on this painting, carrying it with him wherever he went, even during his travels, and only parted it at the time of his death. It was obvious that this painting was close to his heart, even more so than his other paintings might have been.


An important fact to consider is that da Vinci spent four years on this painting, carrying it with him wherever he went, even during his travels, and only parted it at the time of his death. It was obvious that this painting was close to his heart, even more so than his other paintings might have been.


Regarding Mona Lisa’s smile, although it appeared the same to me from when I looked directly at the eyes and at the mouth, respectively, I did notice that the longer I looked at her mouth, the more strained it looked, as if she were forced to smile. 关于蒙娜丽莎的微笑,尽管它出现同样的给我当我看了直接在眼睛和嘴的分别,我确实注意到,再我看着她嘴,越紧张它看起来,好像她被迫微笑。

Historians agree that Leonardo commenced the painting of Mona Lisa in 1503, working on it for approximately four years and keeping it himself for some years after. Supposedly this was because Mona Lisa was Leonardo's favourite painting and he was loathe to part with it, however it may also have been because the painting was unfinished. Whatever the reason, much later it was sold to the King of France for four thousand gold crowns. The world has talked about it ever since. After the revolution in France the painting was transferred to the Louvre. Napoleon took possession of it using the panel to decorate his bedroom. Upon his banishment from France Mona Lisa once more returned to the care of the Louvre. What is certain is that the painting was never passed onto the rightful owner, that being the man who originally commissioned and presumably paid for it. .


The smile has become a hallmark of Leonardo's style. It is most obvious in the painting of the Mona Lisa, but also to be seen in most of his other works. There is no mistaking the same smile -- and upturn of the left side of the mouth -- on the face of St. Anne in the Burlington House Cartoon. That drawing dates from a bit earlier than the Mona Lisa, somewhere around 1498. Speculation exists that the smile originated from his mother, Caterina. A less romantic suggestion is that the painter merely "concerned himself with certain arrangements of lines and volumes, with new and curious schemes of blues and greens."


The most unusual suggestion is that Mona Lisa was really a man in disguise, perhaps being a form of self-portrait and the face of Leonardo himself. Computer tests show some of the facial features match well that of another(?)self-portrait of Leonardo. Some copies of the Mona Lisa also show the sitter as a male.


The painting of Mona Lisa has had an interesting history being stolen on the 21st August 1911 from an Italian thief who had taken the painting to Italy. The loss of the painting was not reported for twenty-four hours as most employees assumed it had been removed by the official museum photographer. It then took a week to search the 49-acre Louvre with the only find being the painting's frame, which was located in a staircase. It resurfaced some two years later in Florence, when an Italian named Vincenzo Perugia offered to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery for US$100,000. It was exhibited for a time and then returned to Paris. 《蒙娜丽莎》的画像有一个有趣的历史被偷了1911821日从意大利小偷已经把绘画到意大利。损失的这幅画不是报道了二十四小时像大部分员工认为它已经被官方博物馆摄影师。然后花了一个星期来搜索波默罗尔种植与唯一的发现是卢浮宫的绘画的框架,它是坐落在一个楼梯。它重新浮现一些两年后在佛罗伦萨,意大利命名文森佐·佩鲁贾卖给绘画到乌菲兹美术馆为100000美元。它展出了一段时间,然后再回到巴黎。

To steal the painting Perugia had spent a night hiding in a little-used room at the Louvre. While the museum was closed he simply walked into the room where the Mona Lisa was hung, removed it from the wall then cut it from the frame once he reached the staircase. He then exited the building breaking out through a 'locked' door by unscrewing the doorknob. Ten months prior to the theft the Louvre had made the decision to begin having their masterpieces placed under glass. Perugia was one of four men assigned to the job and so in a position to get to know the Louvre well enough to pull off the crime.

偷画花了一个晚上佩鲁贾藏在冷僻的房间在卢浮宫。而博物馆关闭他只是走进了房间,蒙娜丽莎被挂,将其从墙上然后削减它从帧一旦他到达楼梯。然后他走出大楼打破通过锁定门被拧门把手。十个月前,盗窃卢浮宫已经决定开始自己的杰作放在玻璃。佩鲁贾是四个人分配到的工作,所以在一个位置来了解卢浮宫足以完成犯罪。 Subject

Various alternatives to the traditional identification of the sitter have been proposed. During the last years of his life, Leonardo spoke of a portrait "of a certain Florentine lady done from life at the request of the magnificent Giuliano de' Medici." No evidence has been found that indicates a link between Lisa del Giocondo and Giuliano de' Medici, but then the comment could instead refer to one of the two other portraits of women executed by Leonardo. A later anonymous statement created confusion when it linked the Mona Lisa to a portrait of Francesco del Giocondohimself, perhaps the origin of the controversial idea that it is the portrait of a man.



Comparison to drawing sometimes identified as Leonardo's self-portrait

Leonardo's self-portrait obtained by stereoscopic observation

The artist Susan Dorothea White has interpreted the masculine proportions of Mona Lisa's cranial architecture in her anatomical artworks Anatomy of a Smile: Mona's Bones (2002) and Mona Masticating (2006).


Lillian Schwartz of Bell Labs suggests that

the Mona Lisa is actually a self-portrait. She supports this theory with the results of a digital analysis of the facial features of the

