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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《轻松背英语单词:词根词缀手册》,欢迎阅读!


a- =of,on; form,away from,off; out,extremely a- = not,without

ab- =form,away from,off abio =abiosis(无生命,无机)

-ability (~~n,抽象名词) ... -able (~~adj) -ably (~~adv) ... abs- =from eg. abstain tain=keep

ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) -ac ...关系

acanth = spinose (有刺的) -ace (~~n,抽象名词) -aceous (~~adj)

acid,acr =sour(酸的),sharp(锐利的) -acious (~~n,抽象名词) -acious (~~adj)

-acity (~~n,抽象名词) 性质等 -acle (~~n,抽象名词) 构成名词 acousto =sound(声音) acro = high() act =to act(行动)

acuti = acuate(尖的,尖锐的) -acy (~~n,抽象名词) 性质等

ad-,ac-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) -ade (~~n,抽象名词) aer(o),ar,aro=air(空气)

af-,ac-,ad-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义


(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) Afro-表“非洲的, 非洲以及....的”之义

ag-,ac-,ad-,af-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) ag =act

-age, (~~n,抽象名词) 费用,状态,行为,身份,总称 agog(ue) =to lead(领导) agr(o) =farm()

-aholic,-oholic (~~) 嗜好

ail,alter,altru,ulter =other(其他的,变更) -ain (~~) -aire (~~) al- =all

al-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) al,ol,ul =to nourish(滋养)

-al (~~) "具有„职务的人"

-al (~~n,抽象名词) 行为,, 加于动词后 -al (~~adj)

-ality (~~n,抽象名词) allo = difference(分歧,不同) -ally (~~adv) 方式,程度等 alt =high(高的)

alter,ail,altru,ulter =other(其他的) 变更 altru,alter,ail,ulter =other(其他的) 变更 am(i[c]), =to love() amb =round

ambi- =on both sides,about,around

ambul =walk(行走) amido =amido(氨基) amphi(c)-=both sides ampl=large(巨大)

amylo- 淀粉(amylum)之义 an- =negative(否定) = not,without

an-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,ap-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) -an (~~) „地方的人,精通„的人 -an (~~adj)

-an (~~adv) 属于... ana- =upon,on,up,apart

-ance (~~n,抽象名词) 情况等 -ancy (~~n,抽象名词) 情况等 ancylo =attend(参加)

andro =mankind or masculine(男性或阳性) -aneity (~~n,抽象名词) 性质等 anemo- =wind() -aneous (~~adj)

ang =to strangle(勒死;窒息) angio- =vessel(脉管), skin(包被) angl,angul =angle() Anglo- =Britain(英国) angul,angl =angle()

anim =breath(气息),mind() eg. Unanimous 一致同意的 ann,en(ni) =year()

ant(i)- =against,opposite to(pro-相反) -ant (~~)

-ant (~~n,抽象名词) 物品和物质名称 -ant (~~adj)


ante- =before(post-相反) antho- =flower()

anthrop(o) =man(人类)

ap-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,ar-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) apo- =away apt =fit(适当的)

aqua, aque=water() aque, aqua=water()

ar-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,as-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) ar,aer,aro =air(空气) -ar (~~)

-ar (~~n,抽象名词) 物品和物质名称 -ar (~~adj)

arch =chief, leader,ruler(统治者)

arch(a)eo- 表示“古老的, 原始的”之义 ard=heat()

-ard (~~) (贬义)

-arian (~~adj) 兼名词 (n,a) -arily (~~adv)

-arium (~~n,抽象名词) 场所 arm =weapons(武器) aro,ar,aer =air(空气)

art =skill(技巧)art(技术) -art (~~) "做„„的人

arthro = joint(结合) eg. arthritis n. 关节炎 -arian (~~) „派别的人 -ary (~~) "从事„„的人"

-ary (~~n,抽象名词) 场所, -ary (~~adj)

as-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,at- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) -asm (~~n,抽象名词) 性质 -ast (~~)

aster, astro=star()

-aster (~~) (谦称) astro, aster =star()

at-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,al-,an-,ap-,ar-,as- =in,at,to,加强意义

(加与d,h,j,m,v前时后加d;加于c,k,q前时后加c; 加于f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t前时双写该字母,ad后不一定接d) -ate (~~)

-ate (~~n,抽象名词) 职位,职权,化学名词 -ate (~~adj)

-ate (~~v.) 成为„„处理,作用 其名词形式为ation -atic (~~adj) -atie (~~adj)

-ation (~~n,抽象名词) 行为,情况 -ative (~~adj) ...有关的 atom =air or steam(空气, 蒸汽) -ator (~~) "做„„的人"

-atory (~~n,抽象名词) 场所, 地点 -atory (~~adj)

auct,aug =to increase(增强),to make,to grow(使产生,使增大) aud(io) =sound()

aug,auct =to increase(增强),to make,to grow(使产生,使增大) aur=hear() auri =gold() aut(o) =self(自我)


aux =to assist (辅助) avi =bird() az(o)- =azote()

bacterio =bacterium(细菌) band,bond =to beat(捆绑) bar =bar(横木)

baro =heavy(),press() bat=to beat() bat,bas =to,go() bas,bat =to,go()

baso=base(基础, 底部)

be- =to make,upon,by,to cover with(加以..; ...) bell =war(战争)

bene- =well,good(male相反) benzo=benzene()

bi(n)- =double,two (bi在元音之前加n) biblio =book()

-bility, (~~n,抽象名词) 动作,性质,状态 bio =life(生命) blanc =white(白色)

blasto =embryo(, 胚胎)

-ble (~~adj) 表示"倍数"的含义 brachio =arm() brachy =short()

brew,brev,bri =short(短的) brev,brew,bri =short(短的) bri,brev,brew =short(短的) brig =hit(打,战斗)

broncho =windpipe(气管) bond,band =to beat(捆绑)

by- =aside,beside,informal(非正式) caco- =badness()

cad,cas,cid,=to fall(落下,降临) caeco =caecum(盲肠)

caeno =common(普通, 共同) caino- =new(), newly(最近) calc(i) =calcium() eg. Calcut calli- =comeliness(美丽) calor =heat() camp =field(田野)

cand =white(白色),bright(光亮的) cant,cent,chant =to sing,(唱歌) cap =heap()

cap(t),ceive,cept,cip(ate) =to take() to catch(获得) car =car(),to run() carb(o)=carbon() card =paper() cardi(o) =heart() carn =flesh() carpo- =fruit(果实)

caryo-, karyo- =karyon(细胞核) cas,cad,cid,=to fall(落下) cast =to throw(投掷)

cata, cath, kata =under(下面),against() cate- =down,downwards,fully cath, cata=under(下面),against() cauli-, caulo- =caudex() caulo-, cauli- =caudex()

cav =hollow(中空的)


-ce, (~~n,抽象名词) 行为,性质,状态 ceal,veal =to hide(隐藏)

ce(e)d,cap(t),ced(e),cess =to go()to yield(让步) ced(e),cap(t),ce(e)d,cess =to go()to yield(让步) ced(e),ce(e)d,cap(t),cess =to go()to yield(让步) ceive,cept, cap(t),cip(ate) =to take() to catch(获得) celer =swift(快速)

celio- =abdomen(腹部) cellul- =cellular(细胞的) celo-, coel =cavity(内腔)

cent,cant,chant =to sing,(唱歌)

ceno-, coeno- = common(普通, 共同) cent =hundred()

centi- =one percent (百分之一,) centr-=central(中心) cephal- =head()

cept, cap(t),ceive, cip(ate) =to take();to catch(获得) cern,crel =to separate(分离,区别) cer(c)- =cauda(), caudate(有尾的) cerebell- =cerebellar(小脑的) cerebr- =cerebral(大脑的) cero- =cere() cert =sure(确定)

cervi- =deer(鹿), corvine(鹿的) cervic- =neck(颈部)

cess,cap(t),ced(e),ceed =to go()to yield(让步) cet- =whale()

chaeto- =thorn(),bristle(刚毛) chalco- =copper(), bronze(青铜) chant,cant,cent =to sing,(唱歌)

cheiro- =bronze() cheli- =pincers()

chem- =chemistry(化学) chil- =lip()

Chino =China(中国) Chiro =hand()

chlor =green or chlorine(绿, ) chol =gallbladder() chondrio =cartilage(软骨) chord, cord =cord(绳索,束缚) chori =chorion(绒毛膜) Christo =Christ(基督) chrom =color(颜色)

chromat =colour or coloration(颜色, 染色) chromo =colour(颜色) chron =time(时间)

chrys- =gold(), golden(金色) -cian (~~) ...学家 cid,cad,cas=to fall(落下) cide,cis =to cut() cine- =movie(电影)

cip(ate),cap,capt,cept=to take() to catch(获得) circ(l),cyc =ring(,)

circu(m)- =around,round,about cirr- =cirri(触毛) cis,cide =to cut() cis-, citra- =on this side

cite =to call(呼叫),to urge(驱策) citra-, cis- =on this side

-city (~~n,抽象名词) 性质 clado =sprout or branch(芽或枝)


cla(i)m =to cry(大叫) clar =clear(清楚)

-cle (~~n,) 表示个体、个别 (r,l时双写r,l) copro =dung()


cleido-, cleisto- =lockup(锁住, 闭住) cleisto-, cleido- =lockup(锁住, 闭住) climat- = climate(气候)

clin,cliv =to bend(弯曲,倾斜) cliv,clin =to bend(弯曲,倾斜) clos,clud,clus =to shut(关闭) clud,clos,clus =to shut(关闭) clus,clos,clud =to shut(关闭)

co,com,con,cop,cor,col-=together(一起,相互),with,wholly(完全地) (r,l时双写r,l) coct =to cook(煮;烹调) coel, celo- =cavity(内腔)

coeno-, ceno- = common(普通,共同) cogn(is), gnos =to konw(知道) col,cult =to till(耕种)

col,co,com,con,cop,cor-=together(一起,相互),with,wholly(完全地) (r,l时双写r,l) colo- =colon(结肠)

con,co,com,cop,cor,col-=together(一起,相互),with,wholly(完全地) (r,l时双写r,l)

com,co,con,cop,cor,col-=together(一起,相互),with,wholly(完全地) (r,l时双写r,l) compu =computer (电脑) commun =common(共同的) concho =conch(贝壳)

contro,counter =against,contra(相反地)


(r,l时双写r,l) coralli- =coral(珊瑚)

cord,chord =cord(绳索,束缚)

corp(or) =boby(身体),group(团体) cortico- =skin()

cosmo =order(秩序), regularity(调和) cosm(o) =universe(宇宙)

costo- =ribbing(肋骨), nervure(翅脉) count =to count(计算)

counter-,contro- =against,contra(相反地) cour(s),cur(r) =to run(流,跑) cover =to cover(掩盖)

crac(y), (~~n,抽象名词) "统治,支配" -craft, (~~n,抽象名词) "工艺,技巧" cranio- =skull(颅骨)

-crat (~~) "某种政体,主义的参加者、支持者" cre(s),creas =to make(制造),to grow(生长) creas,cre(s)=to make(制造),to grow(生长) cre(e)d =to believe(相信)

crel,cern =to separate(分离,区别) crim =accnsation(控诉),crime(罪行) crimin =space

crit =to judge(判断) cross- =across,join

cruc =cross(十字;交叉) crusta =shell ()

cryo kryo=cold(冷、冻)


crypt =hidden (隐藏) crystall =crystal(结晶) cub =lie(躺、卧)

-cule (~~n,) cul=cultivate(培养)

culp =blame(过失),guilt(罪过) cult,col=to till(耕、种) cumb =to lie down(横躺) cupr =cuprum()

cur(r),cour(s) =to run(流,跑) cure =to take care(注意,留心) curvi- =bend(弯曲)

cuss =to strike(打击),to shake(摇动)

-cy, (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态,职位,级别,场所" cyano- =blue(蓝色), navy blue(深蓝色) cyber- =computer(计算机) cyc,circ(l), =ring(,) cyclo = circularity(圆、圆周) cymo-,kymo- =wave() cyst- =vesicle(, )

de- =down(),downward(向下) (in相反) de- =apart,from

de-=negative(否定) 除去,向下,降低, 使成...,加强意义 deb,du =to owe(负债)

dec(a), deka =ten(), ten times(十倍) deci- =tenth(十分之一) dei =god()

dem(o) =people(民众) demono- =demon(魔鬼) demi- =half

dendr- =tree(树木) dent =tooth(牙齿) derm(a[t])=skin(皮肤)

dex- =right (右,右手,机灵) di =day()

di- =double,twice

dia- =through,between,across

~dica~ =to proclaim(宣称), point out指出 dic(t),dit =to say()

dif- =not,against,apart 用在f dign =worthy(有价值的)

dipl- =pair(一对), couple(一双) dis- =not,against,apart,make to

(有时接以s开头词时要省一个s,distinct) dit =give()

divid,divis =to divide(分割) divis,divid =to divide(分割) doc(t) =to teach(教导)

dogma,dox =opinion(意见)

dom =to tame(驯服),to rule(统治) dom =dome(圆顶),house(房屋)

-dom, (~~n,抽象名词) "等级,领域,状态" don,dot,dow =to give(给予) dorm =to sleep(睡眠)

dot,don,dow =to give(给予) d(o)ud,duo- =two,double dox,dogma =opinion(意见) dow,dot,don =to give(给予) draw =to draw(拉,引)

drom =to run(),course(过程) du =tow()


du,deb =to owe(负债)

duc(t) =to lead(领导,导致) duo,d(o)ud- =two,double dur =to last(持续) dur =to last(持续)

dyn(am) =power(力量)

dys- =not good,not easy(不良,恶) e- =out, 加强或引申意义 -ean (~~)

ec- ex-之变体,表示“出,出的”之义 ecclesio =ecclesia(教堂, 教会)

echin =echinate(有刺的, 有棘皮的) eco =ecological(生态、生态学的) eco =house() ecto =outside(外面) -ectomy =cuttling -ecue (~~n) ed =eat

-ed (~~adj)

-ee, (~~) "动作承受者" -eel (~~adj)

-eer (~~) "从事于„的人" ef- =out,away from 用在f ego =I(),self(自己)

eka- =similar(),to-be() -el, (~~n,) electr(o) =electric(电的) em- =in 用在b,m,p

em- =to pair (配以..)用在b,m,p em- =make to be..用在b,m,p em(pt) =to take(),to buy()

emout endo =witnin,inside eg. endoscope emperimper=order(命令)rule(统治) en- =in,into,on,at,near,make to be en-=not enout en(ni) ,ann centennial一世纪的 -en (~~)

-en, (~~n,)

-en (~~adj) 由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义

-en (~~v.) "使成为,引起,使有", 加于名词、形容词后 -ence, (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度" -ence (~~adv)

encephal =encephalon()

-ency, (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态,行为,过程" endo- =inside(内部) -ent (~~)

-ent, (~~n,抽象名词) 物品和物质名称的含义 -ent (~~adj) endo- =inside

epi- =upon(...上面),to,besides,among eph- “向, 反”之义 ept =ability(能力)

equ =epual(相等的) 赤道的,稳定的

-er, (~~) "从事某职业的人, 某地的人" -er, (~~n,抽象名词)

-er (~~adj) 表示"比较程度"的含义 -er (~~v.) erg =energe(能量)

err =to wander(流浪;漂泊), to err(偏离正道,犯错,犯罪) -ern (~~adj) 表示方向的含义

-ery, (~~n,抽象名词) "行为,状态,习性,场所,学科,技术," es- ex-之变体


-esce (~~v.) -ese, (~~)

-ese (~~adj) 国籍,语种,宗教的含义

eso- =inward,within eg. endoscope -esque (~~adj) "相象,类似"的含义 ess,est =to be(存在)

-ess, (~~) 女性人称名词 est,ess =to be(存在)

-est (~~adj) "比较程度"的含义 -et, (~~n,)

-et (~~n,抽象名词) 小的 -ete, (~~adj)

ethno- =race(种族), peoples(民族) -etta,-ette (~~n,) -ette,-etta, (~~n,)

-ety, (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态" eu- =excellent(, ) -eur, (~~) „家" ev =age(年龄,时代) evit=avoid(避免, 消除)

ex- =out of,fully;former 前任的,以前的;make to be ------(ex后接以s开头词根时常省去s) exo- =out

extra- =beyond (以外,超过) fabl,fabul =to speak() fabul,fabl =to speak()

fac =face(面部;正面),forehead(前额);make(制作) fac(t),fect =to make(),to do(做;为)

-faction, (~~n,抽象名词) "作成,„化,作用" -facture, (~~n,抽象名词) "作成,„化,作用" fall,fals =to deceive(欺骗)

fals,fall =to deceive(欺骗) fam =to speak(说,论)

fan,phan =appearance(外观;出现) fare =to go() febri =fever(发烧)

fect,fac(t) =to make(),to do(做;为) feder =federal(联盟) fem =woman(女人)

femto =quadrillionth (千万亿分之一) fend,fens,fest =to strike(打击) fens,fend,fest =to strike(打击)

fer =to carry(运;载),to bear(忍耐) ferr =contain iron (含铁) ferv =to boil(沸腾)

-ferous (~~adj) bearing(承受) fess =to speak()

fest =festival(节目;祝宴) fest,fend,fens =to strike(打击) fibr =fibre(纤维)

fice =make to be(使得) eg. effcient,proficient,deficiemcy,


fict,fig =to feign(假装) fid =to trust(相信) fig,fict =to feign(假装)

figur =to shape(形成)figure(形状)

fil =threadlike(线状的),to spin(纺织), threadlike(线状的) fin(it) =to end(结束),range(范围) firm =firm(坚固的) fissi =split(分裂, 裂片) Fitz =one`s son (...的儿子)


fix =to fasten(缚;固定) flabelli =fan()

flagr,flam =flame(火焰),to burn(燃烧) flam,flagr =flame(火焰),to burn(燃烧) flat =to blow() flav =yellow(黄色)

flect,flex =to bend(弯曲) flex,flect =to bend(弯曲) eg. reflex反省flict =to strike(打击) flor =flower() flu =to flow()

-fold (~~adj) "倍数" -folk () foli =leaf(叶子)

for- =away from ,禁止,离去,克制 forc =force(强制) fore- =before,earlier

form =to form(形成),form(形状) fort =strong(强壮的) forth- =towards

foundfund =to pour,base(基础) fract,frag =to bread(打破) frag,fract =to bread(打破) Franco- = Gallo(法国的)

frater =brother(兄弟) eg. fraternal frig =cold()

-ful (~~n,抽象名词) ...的量 -ful (~~adj) 表示"充分的"含义 -fully (~~adv) ...性质地 fug =to flee(逃、散)

fundfound =base(基础) fuse =to pour(;;) [fuse]熔化 -fy (~~v.) 表示"使„„化, 使成" galact,lact =milk() gam =marriage(婚姻) gangli =ganglion(神经节) gastr gastric(胃的)

gen(er),gen(i)t =to produce(制造;生产),race(种族) gen(i)t,gen(er) =to produce(制造;生产),race(种族) geo- =earth(地球)

ger,gest =to carry(运;载)

Germano =Germanic(德意志的) geront =oldster(老人) gest,ger =to carry(运;载) giga =billion(十亿) glaci =ice()

glor =beautify(美化)

gnos,cogn(is) =to konw(知道) glosso, glotto =tongue() glotto, glosso =tongue() glycol =glycerol(甘油) gon =angle()

gra =graceful(优美),favor(恩泽) grad,gress =to walk(行走)

Gr(a)eco =Greek(希腊的,希腊人的) gram,graph =to write(书写) gran =grain(谷物,谷粒) grand =grand(大的) grand- 祖孙关系

graph,gram =to write(书写)


-grapy, (~~n,抽象名词) "„„学,写法" grat,gree =to please(喜好) grav =heavy()

gree,grat =to please(喜好) greg =gather(聚集)

gress,grad =to walk(行走)

gym =naked(裸的) eg. gymnasium gyn(eco)- =female(女,雌)

hab(it),hibit =to have(拥有),to keep haem, hem,hema,hemo =blood() hagi =saint or Holy Land(圣徒,圣地) hal =sea or salt(海洋, ) hap =accidental(机会,偶发)

hapl =single or simple (单一, 简单) harmo~=harmony(和谐) haust =to draw()

-head (~~n,抽象名词) hector, hekto- =hundred() heli =sun(太阳) helic =helical(螺旋)

hem, haem, hema,hemo =blood() eg. hemophilia,hematology hemi- =half()

hendeca =eleven(十一) hepat =liver() hepta- =seven()

her(it) =inherit(继承) her,hes =to stick(粘着) herb =grass()

hes,here =to stick(粘着) -herd (~~) 管理家畜者

hetero- =other,different hexa- =six()

hibit,hab =to have(拥有),to keep holo- =whol,entire(全部) hom =man()

homeo- =similar(相似)

homo- =same(hetero-相反)

-hood (~~n,抽象名词) "资格,身份, 年纪,状态" horr =to tremble(发抖) hospit =guest(客人)

hum =human(人类),earth(泥土),lowly(卑贱的) hydr(a/o) =water()

hyper- =above,beyond,, hypno =sleep(睡眠)

hypo- =under (hyper-相反) iatro =medicine(医学,医疗) -ia 行为,情况 -iac (~~adj)

iatr =healing(题目,) -ible (~~adj) ... -ibly (~~adv) ... ibn =one`s son(...之子) -ic (~~) „者 -ic (~~adj)

-ic(s) (~~n,抽象名词) 学术性词 -ical (~~adj) ...关系 -ice (~~adj) ician (~~) -icist (~~)

-icious (~~adj) Ichthy =fish()


Icon =likeness() -id (~~adj)

ide(o) =idea(思想,概念)

-ine (~~adj)

inequi = inequality(不等的, 不平等地) infer-,infra- =down,below下,低 eg. infrared 红外线 -idility (~~n,抽象名词) 能力,资格 idio =personal(个人的),distinct(独特的) -ie (~~)

-ie (~~n,) 专有名词的昵称 -iff (~~)

ig-,il-,im-,in-,ir- =negative(否定)



ign =igneous(火,燃)

il- =make to be 用在l

il-,ig-,im-,in-,ir- =negative(否定)


-il (~~adj) ile=be easy

-ile (~~adj)

im- =into,make to be 用在b,m,p im-,ig-,il-,in-,ir- =negative(否定)


imido- 表示“亚氨基,含亚氨基”之义 imino- 表示“亚氨基”之义 immuno =immunity(免疫)

in- =into,make to be (de-相反) in-,ig-,il-,im-,ir- =negative(否定)


-in (~~n,)

Indo- = Indic(印度的, 印度人的) -ine (~~) "女性人称"

-ine (~~n,抽象名词) "带有抽象概念"


-ing (~~n,抽象名词) "动作的过程,结果" -ing (~~adj)

init~ =frist beginning, original(,,) insul(a) =island(岛屿),isolate(隔绝) integr =integrity(完整)

intel-,inter- =between,among,mutual(相互) inter-,intel- =between,among,mutual(相互) intra-,intro- =inside,inward(extra-相反) intro-,intra- =inside,inward(extra-相反)

-ion (~~n,抽象名词) "行为的过程,结果,状况" -ior (~~adj) -ious (~~adj) -ique (~~adj)

ir- =inside,inward 用在r

ir-,ig-,il-,im-,in- =negative(否定)


-ise (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态" -ise (~~v.) 使...

-ish (~~adj) ,,, -ish (~~v.) 表示"使,"

-isk, -iscus =small eg. asterisk

-ism (~~n,抽象名词) "制度,主义,行为" iso- =equal,identical

-ist (~~) "研究„者,信仰„者" it =to go()

-it (~~n,抽象名词) ...的动作 -ital (~~adj)


-ite (~~) -ite (~~adj)

-itis (~~n) 炎症

-itude (~~n,抽象名词) 表状态,

-ity (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态,程度" -ive (~~) "动作者,行为者" -ive (~~adj)

-ize (~~v.) "做成,变成, jac,je(c)t =to throw(投;掷) Japano- = Japan(日本)

je(c)t,jac =to throw(投;掷) jejun = jejunum(空肠) joice =joy(欢乐)

join,jug,junct =to join(加入,连接) journ =day(一日)

junct,join,jug =to join(加入),connect(连接) jud =to judge(判断)

Judaeo- = Judaic(犹太的)

jug,join,junct =to join(加入,连接) jur =to swear(发誓)

juris,just =law(法律),right(正义) just,juris =law(法律),right(正义) juven =young(年轻)

karyo, caryo =karyon(细胞核)

kata, cata, cath, =under(下面),against() ker- 表示强烈的抨击,撞击声 kerat =cutin(, 角质) ket = ketone() kilo- =thousand() kin(to) =movement(运动)

-kin (~~n,) kryo,cryo =cold(冷、冻) Kurt =plump(鼓起, 凸出) kymo,cymo =wave()

kypho = bend forward(向前弯曲) labio =lip()

labo(u)r =to work(工作) lact,galact =milk() laevo,levo =left () lalo =diction(言语)

lamelli =slice(薄片) gill lamella(鳃瓣) laps =to slip,to glide(滑;溜)

laryng =laryngic(喉的) gular(喉部的) lat~=late(,)

late =to bring(带来),to bear(搬运) later =side(侧面,边) lati =broad(,阔的)

lav,lau,luv,lut =to wash() lau,lav,luv,lut =to wash() lax,lyse =to loosen(放松) -le (~~n,) -le (~~v.)

lect,leg,lig=to choose,to gather,to read leg,lect,lig=to choose,to gather,to read leg(is) =law(法律)

lepido =squama(), flake() lepto =thin(细小), thin() -less, (~~adj) 表示否定 -let (~~n,)

lev =to raise(;),light(轻的) levo, laevo =left ()


lia =implication(牵连), relation(联系) liber =free(自由的) lib(r) =book(书籍)

lic =to be permitted(被允许;被准许) lif,liv=life(生命) lig =to bind() eg. oblige迫使,责成 lig,leg,lect=to choose,to gather,to read lign =wood()

-like (~~adj) "相象,类似" -ling (~~n,) (轻蔑) -ling (~~adv)

lingu =tongue(舌头),language(语言) lip =adipose(脂肪的) liqu =fluid(液体) lite,lith =stone() liter =letter(文字) lith,lite =stone() liv,lif =life(生命) loc =place(场所)

loco =from a place to another place(从一处至另一处) log(o),log(ue),loqu,locut =to speak(说话) -logist (~~) „学家

-logy (~~n,抽象名词) 学科 long,leng,ling=long(长的) -long (~~adv)

loqu,locut,log(o)=to speak(说话) luc,lust(r)=bright(明亮的) lud =to play(扮演;游戏) lumin =light() lun =moon (月亮)

lust(r),luc =bright(明亮的)

-ly (~~adj) "相象,类似" -ly (~~adv)

lymph =lymphoid(淋巴的), lymphangial(淋巴管的) lyse,lax =to loosen(放松) macro- =large,long

mal(e-) =badly,ill(bene-相反)

magn,maj,max =great(伟大的;壮大的) magneto- = magnetism(磁性)

magni- =large,long() (用于a前省i ) maj,magn,max =great(伟大的;壮大的) mal(e) =bad(), mistake(错误) -man (~~) man =hand()

man =dwell(居住),stay(停留) man,manu =hand() 手法

mand,mend =to order(命令),to entrust(委托) -mania (~~) 对某事狂热的人 mar =sea()

mark =to mark(作记号),boundary(边界) masto =nipple(乳头), breast(乳房) matr,mater,metro =mother(母亲)

-mate [mate]配偶 mater,matr,metro =mother(母亲)

max,maj,magn =great(伟大的;壮大的) meas,mens,met(e)r =to measure(测量) mechan =machine(机器) medi =middle(中间) medic(o) =heal ()

mega =huge(), million times(一百万倍)

megalo =huge(巨大的), deviant distend(不正常的扩张)


melan =black(黑色)

memor,menber =to remember(记忆) menber,memor =to remember(记忆)

mend,mand =to order(命令),to entrust(委托) mens,meas,met(e)r =to measure(测量) ment =to think(),mind(心智)

-ment, (~~n,抽象名词) 行为,状态,结果, meno =month(), catamenia(月经) merc(h) =to trade(贸易),reward(报酬) mere =part,segment(部分)

merg,mers =to sink,to dip() [merge]合并meso =middle(中间), center(中央)

meta- =beyond eg. metaphysical

meta,met =behind,between eg. metacognition met(e)r,meas,mens =to measure(测量) meth(o) =methyl(甲基)

metri,meter =measure(测量) metro =measure(测量, 度量) metro,mater,matr =mother(母亲) micro- =small() mid- =middle(中间)

migr =to remove(移动),to wander(漂泊) milit =soldier(士兵),to fight(战斗) milli =thousand,thousandth(千分之一) min =to jut,to project(显著) min =small(小的)

minist =engage(经营),be in charge of (掌管) mir =to wonder(惊讶),to behold(看见) mis- =wrong(ly)(错的),bad(ly)(坏的) miso =distaste(嫌恶)

miss,mit =to send(),to throw(;) eg. mission(使)

mit,miss =to send(),to throw(;) mix =to mix(混合)

mob,mot,mov=move(移动) mock- =mock(假装的) mod =manner(方法)

mon =to advise(忠告),to remind(提醒),warn eg. premonition -monger (~~) 制造者 mon(o)- =single,sole,alone,one monstr =so show(表示)

-mony (~~n,抽象名词) "动作的结果,状态" morph =form, modality(, 形体, 形态) mor =custom(风俗;习惯)

mor(t) =death(死亡) eg. mortal morph =form(形状;形态) mot,mob,mov=move(移动)

-most (~~adj) "比较程度"

mount =mountain(),to ascend(上升) mov,mob,mot=move(移动) mult(i)- =many,much

muni =service(服务的,市政的) mur =wall() mus =art(艺术)

mut =to change(改变) my(c)(o) = muscle(肌肉) myriad =myriad(一万) myst =mystery(神秘)

nano =terribly(极小),billionth(十亿分之一) nat =born(天生,出生)


nau(t),nav =ship() nav,nau(t) =ship() ne- =negative(否定)

necro =death(死亡),dead(死亡的) nect,nex =to bind(绑;连结) neg- =negative(否定) neg =to deny(否定) negr,nigr =black() neo- =new(新的)

nerv,neur(o) =nerve(神经)

-ness, (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态,程度" 加于形容词后neur(o),nerv =nerve(神经)

neutr =neither(两者都不),neutralization(中和) nex,nect =to bind(绑;连结) nihil =nothing(无;虚无)

-nik (~~n,实意名词) „的人 nitro =nitryl(硝基), saltpeter(硝石) noc,nox =harmfulness(有害) noct =night(夜晚)

nomen,nomin =name(名字) nomin,nomen =name(名字)

-nomy, (~~n,抽象名词) "„学;„术" non- =negative(否定)

norm =rule(规则),norm(标准) not(e) =to mark(标示)

nounce,nunci =to report(报告) nov =new(新的)

nox,noc =harmfulness(有害) nul,null =nothing()

num(b)er =number(),to count(计数)

nutri =to nourish(滋养,孕育) nym,onym =word,name

-o (~~n,实意名词) 表示音乐、乐器、人、物。或者抽象名词。 ob,oc,of,op =as,towards,at,before,upon,over,about,near,against


oc,ob,of,op =as,towards,at,before,upon,over,about,near,against


-ock (~~n,)

-ocracy (~~~~n) 统治,政治制度,主义

-ocrat (~~~~) 某党派的成员,某主义的信奉者 octa- =eight() ocul =eye(眼睛) odonto =tooth(牙齿)

-oholic,-aholic (~~) 嗜好

-oid =resembling, like-shaed eg. asteroid, spheroid

of,ob,oc, op =as,towards,at,before,upon,over,about,near,against


ol,al,ul =to nourish(滋养) oleo =oil(), oleic(油的) olesc =grow up

olig =minority(少数)

-ology (~~~~n) 学科

omni =whole(全部), overall() -on (~~人,物,物理名词)

onto =noumenon(本体), being(存在)

onom,onym =name(名字),meaning(意思) onym,onom =name(名字),meaning(意思) -ony (~~n) oo = oogenesis() -oon (~~n)

op,ob,oc,of =as,towards,at,before,upon,over,about,near,against



oper =work(工作) opt =to wish(希望) optim =best

opt(o) =eye(眼睛),sight(视力) -or (~~)

-o(u)r (~~n,抽象名词) "动作,性质,状态" ora =to speak(说话),to pray(祈祷) order,ordin =order(顺序) ordin,order =order(顺序)

ori =to rise(升起),to begin(开始) -orium (~~场所,地点)

orn =to decorate(装饰),to furnish(装备) ornith = bird() ortho =straight(直的)

-ory (~~n,抽象名词) ...的处所,场所 -ory (~~adj)

oscillo =the fluctuate of electricity(电流的波动) -ose (~~adj)

-osity (~~n,抽象名词) "动作,状态" oss,osteo =bone() osteo,oss =bone()

ot(o) =ear() 用于元音之前省略o -ot (~~n 人或物) -our (~~)

-ous (~~adj) "充分的;由某物质形成,制成的" out- =out,beyond(超越),overly,without,separate over- =above,across,beyond,,overly(过于),above over- =overturn(颠倒,反转) ovi =ovum(), egg()

oxy- = oxygen(), hydrogen-oxygen(氢氧化合物)

paci =peace(和平)

pact =to agree(同意),to fasten(系紧) paedo, pedo =kid(儿童)

pair =equal(相等),prepare(准备)

pal(a)e(o) =old(, ) 用于元音之前省略o

palin-, pali- =back,again eg. palindrome

pan- =all, every eg. pantheism, panorama, pandemic panto =entirely(), per()

par(a)- =beside,beyond,against,contrary to,

be near to,to assist,false

para- =false(假的) eg. paramilitary, paralegal, parachute para =assist(辅助) parl =say()

part =a part(部分),to part(分开) pass =to pass(通过)

pass(i),pati,path =to suffer,feelings,emotion past =feed(,)

path,pass(i),pati =to suffer,feelings,emotion pati,pass(i),path =to suffer,feelings,emotion

pater,patr =father() eg. paternal paternity path =feeling,suffering eg. sympathy,apathy,empathy,telepathy peal =pull() ped,pod =foot()

pedo, paedo =kid(儿童)

pel,puls =to drive(,,)

pen- =almost(几乎,相近,相似) pen,pun =to punish(处罚)

pend,pen(s) =to hang(悬挂),to weigh(衡量),cost(花费) penta =five()

peopl,popul,publ= people(民众)


per- =through,thoroughly,away [per] per =to go through(通过)

peri- =around(围绕) eg. perimeter, periscope

pet =to fly(飞翔),to seek(寻求),to win(取胜),pleased(喜爱) petr(o) =stone(),rock(岩石) eg. petroleum石油 phag(o) =eat(,)

phan,fan =appearance(外观;出现) phe =to speak(说话) phen = phenyl(苯基)

phil =like(爱好) eg. philosophy phob = phobia(怕、憎恶)

-phobia =exaggerated fear eg. photophobia,claustrophpbia phon-,phono- =sound,voice phosph = phosphoric(磷的) phot(o) =light()

phren =midriff(), heart(心灵) phyl =race(种族)

phys- = be concerned with science phyt(o) =plant(植物)

pico =millionth(兆分之一)

pict =to paint(描写),picture() pisc =piscatorial()

plac,pleas =to please(取悦;使高兴) plain(t) =to beat the breast(捶胸) plan =flat(平坦的)

plant =to plant(种植),plant(植物)

plaud,plode,plos =to strike(,),to clap(鼓掌,) ple(n),plete,pli =to fill(充满),full(满的) ple,pli(c)=to fold(表“倍;重”之义) -ple (~~adj) 表示"倍数"的含义 plete,ple(n),pli =to fill(充满),full(满的)

pli(c),ple(x) =to intersect(交叉),overlap(重叠) pli,ple(n),plete =to fill(充满),full(满的)

plode,plaud =to strike(,),to clap(鼓掌,) plore =to flow out(流出)

plos,plaud,plode =to strike(,),to clap(鼓掌,) plus=add

pneumato = air(空气) pneum =lung() pod,ped =foot() polis =city(城市) poly- (~~adj.) ... pol(y) =to sell

poli(t) =state(国家)

pon,pos,pound =to put(放置) popul,peopl,publ =people(民众) port =to carry(运送) port =gate()

post- =after,behind(ante-相反) pound,pon =to put(放置) pover =poverty(贫困)

pot =power(力量) eg. potent, omnipotent, potent =powerful(有力的) pre- =before(;;) prehen =get(in mind) prec =to pray(祈祷)

preci =price(价值;价格)

preda =prey(掠食),to plunder(掠夺) prem,prim,prin =first(第一,最初) preter =exceed(超过)

prim,prem,prin =first(第一,最初) prin,prem,prim =first(第一,最初)


pris,prehend =to seize(捉;握取)

priv =private(私有的),to deprive(使丧失)

pro- =for,before,forth,forward,in place of,many

to approve of(拥护,,赞成 e.g. pro-British亲英的)

proach,proxim =near(接近)

prob,proof, prov =to rest,to try(),to examine(检查;考试) -proof (~~adj) 的,不透

proper,propri =proper(适当的),one's own(自己的) pros- =toward,in front eg. promote, project prot(o)- =first(,)

psych,psycho =soul(心灵;精神) pseudo- (~~adj) 仿...,假的 psycho =spirit(灵魂, 精神) pter = wing(羽翼)

puasi- =partly(部分地)

publ,peopl,popul =people(民众) pugn =to fight(战斗;打架) puls,pel =to drive(,,) pun,pen =to punish(处罚) punct =to prick(点,刺) pur =pure(纯洁的)

purg =to purify(使清洁) pute =to think(思考) pyro- =fire(),hot()

quad(ric) =four(), fourfold(四重) quali- =quality(质、资格、质量) quant- =quantity(数、量)

quasi =analogy(类似), to-be(), half() -que (~~n,抽象名词) 表概念 quer =search(寻找), seek(探问)

quest,quire,quisit =to seek(追求) qui(et) =calm(安静的),rest(休息) quire,quisit,quest =to seek(追求) quisit,quest,quire =to seek(追求)

quit =to free(使自由)to release(免除) rad,ras =to scrape(刮;擦的) radi(c) =root()

radi =ray(光线),disperse(发散) rang,rank =arrange(排列) rank,rang =arrange(排列) rap(t =to snatch(掠夺)

ras,rad =to scrape(刮;擦的)

rat,ratio =to reckon(推定),reason(理由;理性) rav =ravage (蹂躏,掠夺,攫取) re- =again(),back(),against()

rect,rig =right(公正的,正当的),straight(直的) red- = re= again(),back(),against() rein- =again (再、复)

reg =to rule(统治),king() rept =to creep(爬行;蔓延) retro- =backward(向后) rid,ris =to laugh() ris,rid =to laugh() riv =river(河流,流远) rod,ros =to gnaw(,) rog =to ask(询问;要求) Romano- = Roman(罗马的) ros,rod =to gnaw(,)

rot =wheel(轮子),to turn(旋转)

rud =raw(原始的,天然的;粗糙的)


rupt =to break(打破) rur,rus =country(乡村) rus,rur =country(乡村) Russo- =Russia(俄国)

-ry, (~~n,抽象名词) "行为,状态,习性" -s (~~adv)

------ (词根以s开头接于ex后时常省去s) sacr,sanct,secr =sacred(神圣的) sal =salt()

sal,sult =to leap() sal,san =whole(健全)

sanct,sacr,secr =sacred(神圣的) sangui =blood()

sat(is/ur) =full(充满的)

scal,scan,scend,scent =to climb(攀登) scan,scal,scend,scent =to climb(攀登) -scape (~~n,) 表景象,视野

scend,scal,scan,scent =to climb(攀登) scent ,scan,scal,scend=to climb(攀登) schizo, schiz =division,split (分割) sci =to know(知道)

sciss, seg =cut() scribe,script =to write() script,scribe =to write() se- =apart, away from

secr,sacr,sanct =sacred(神圣的) sec(t) =to cut(切割),apart(部分) secut,sequ,su =to follow(跟随) sed,sess,sid =to sit() seg, sciss =cut()

eg. scissors seismo- =earthquake(地震) self- = selfhood(自我) sembl,simil=similar(相似) semi- =half() semin =seed(种子) sen =old(老的;年长的)

sens,sent =to feel(感觉) , emotion(情感) sent,sens =to feel(感觉) , emotion(情感) sep =seven()

septi =dissepiment(隔膜,中隔) sequ,secut,su =to follow(跟随) sert =to join(结合),to put(放置) eg. conserve保存 serv =to serve(服务),to keep(保持) sesqui =one and a half(一个半) sess,sed,sid =to sit() sex-=six()

-ship (~~n,抽象名词) "情况,性质,身份,职业" -sion (~~n,抽象名词) "行为的过程,结果,状况" sid,sess,sed =to sit() sign =to mark(加上记号) simil,simul =similar(相似) simul,simil =similar(相似) Sino- =Chinese(中国的)

sinu =curve(弯曲),sinus() siphon =tube(管子)

-sis (~~n,抽象名词) 性质,状态,动作

sist,stitut,st(a) =to stand(站立;持久;抵抗) 机构、构成 sito =food(食物) -sman (~~)

soci =companion(同伴),to associate(结伴) eg. society


sol =alone(独特)

sol =sun(太阳) 后接a [solar]太阳的 solv,solut =to loosen(松的)

-some (~~adj) "相象,类似,引起的" somn =sleep(睡眠) son =sound(声音)

soph =wise(聪明的),wisdom(智慧) sort =kind(种类) spati=space(空间)

spec,spect,spitc,spic,spis=to see,to look(看见) speci =special(特别),species(种类) sper =hope(希望)

sperm = sperm(精虫, 精液) spers =to scatter(撒;散播) spher =ball(球;球状物) spir =to breathe(呼吸)

spir =coil(盘绕,) eg. spiral splend =to shine(发光;照耀) spond,spons =to promise(约定)

spont =by one`s own force(以自力) eg. spontaneous st(at),stitut,sist =to stand(站立;持久;抵抗) stell =star()

step- 表示“后,继”之义

-ster (~~) "做„„.事情的人" stereo =noumenal(实体的),solid(立体的) stitut,sist,st(a) =to stand(站立;持久;抵抗) still =drop()

stinct,stin(g[u]) =to prick() stin(g[u]),stinct =to prick()

strain,stress,strict,string =to draw tight(拉紧)

strato =stratus(层云)

stress,strain,strict,string =to draw tight(拉紧) strict,strain,stress,string =to draw tight(拉紧) string,strain,stress,strict =to draw tight(拉紧) stru(ct) =to build(建筑)

su,secut,sequ =to follow(跟随) suade =to advise(劝告)

sub- =under,downward,second to(,) would-be(),

a little,furthermore(而且,此外,再者)

subter- = below(...之下), less than(少于)

suc-,suf-,sum-,sup,sur-,sus- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

suf-,suc-,sum-,sup,sur-,sus- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

sulf =sulfurate(硫的,含硫的) sult,sal =to leap()

sum-,suc-,suf-, sup,sur-,sus- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

sume,sumpt =to take(拿取)

summ =sum(总数)highest(最高的) sumpt,sume =to take(拿取)

sup,suc-,suf-,sum-, sur-,sus- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

super- =above,over,overly supra- =super,above,beyond sur- =beyond

sur-,suc-,suf-,sum-,sup,sus- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

sur =sure(确定的),secure(安全的) surge,surrect =to rise(立起) surrect,surge =to rise(立起)


sus-,suc-,suf-,sum-,sup,sur- =make to be (用在c,f,p,r 双写该字母)

syl-,sym-,syn-,sys-=together,same(一起,相同) sym-,syl-,syn-,sys-=together,same(一起,相同) syn-,syl-,sym-,sys-=together,same(一起,相同) Syro- =Syria(叙利亚)

sys-,syl-,sym-,syn- =together,same(一起,相同) -t, (~~n,抽象名词) tac,tic =silent(安静的) tach =to stake()

tact,ta(n)g =to touch(接触) eg. intact 未经触动的 tail =to cut(切割)

tain,ten,tin =to hold,to keep(保持) ta(n)g,tact =to touch(接触) -te (~~adj)

techn(o) =art(技艺),skill(技术) tect,teg =to cover(遮蔽)

-teen (~~adj) "数量关系" teg,tect =to cover(遮蔽) tele- =distant, far off (远程) temp(or) =time(时间,时机) eg. temporary 临时 temper =to moderate(节制;调节) tempt,tent =to try(尝试)

ten,tain,tin =to hold,to keep(保持) tend,tens,tent =to stretch(张开) 倾向 teno- =tendon()

tens,tend,tent =to stretch(张开) 倾向 tent,tend,tens =to stretch(张开) 倾向 tent,tempt =to try(尝试) tenu =thin(细薄的)

tera- =trillion(万亿) term =boundary(边界) terr =earth()

terr =to frighten(使惊吓) test =witness(证据) tetra- =four()

text =to weave(编织) 构成 -tive (~~adj)

-th (~~n,抽象名词) "动作,性质,过程,状态" -th (~~adj) "数量关系" the(o) =god() therm =heat()

therm(o)- =be concerned with heat() thes,thet =to place,to put(置放) thet,thes =to place,to put(置放) tic,tac =silent(安静的) -tic (~~adj...关系) tim =to fear(害怕)

tin,tain,ten =to hold,to keep(保持)

-tion (~~n,抽象名词) "行为的过程,结果,状况" -tious (~~adj) -tive (~~adj) ton =tone(音调)

tor(t) =to twist(卷缠,扭转) torn =turn()

-tory (~~n,抽象名词) 场所 tour,torn =to turn(转动) tox =poison()

tract,trail,treat =to draw(,) trail,tract,treat =to draw(,)

trans- =beyond,across,over,to change(转移,变换) 后接s时省一个



treat,tract,trail =to draw(,) tres- =across(交叉)

tri- =three(),threefold(三倍) tribo- = friction(摩擦)

tribut =to pay(),to bestow(赠与) trop =to turn()

trophy =nutrition,food

tuberculo- =tuberculosis(结核病) trud,trus =to thrust,to push(插入) trus,trud =to thrust,to push(插入)

-tude (~~n,抽象名词) "性质,状态,程度" tum =to swell(肿胀) turb =to disturb(扰乱)

Turco-,Turko- 表示“土耳其,土耳其人,土耳其语”之义 Turko-,Turco-, 表示“土耳其,土耳其人,土耳其语”之义-ture (~~n,抽象名词) turri- = pagoda() twi- =two()

-ty (~~n,抽象名词)

-ty (~~adj) "数量关系" typo- =type(类型)

-ual (~~adj) -ular (~~adj) ul,ol,al =to nourish(滋养) -ul (~~adv) 表示小 ultim =last(最后)

ulter,altru,alter,ail =other(其他的) 变更 ultra- =beyond,extreme eg. ultraviolet 紫外线 -um (~~n,抽象名词) 场所

umbr =shadow(阴影) -(c)ule (~~n,)

un- =not ; the reversal of an action (行为的反向) under- =under,beneath,in,less,secondary un(i)- =one

up- =up,aloft(在上面) urb =city(城市的)

-ure, (~~n,抽象名词) "行为,结果,过程" uro =urine(尿)

us,ut =to use(使用) ut,us =to use(使用) -us (~~n) -ute (~~adj)

vac(u),van,void =empty(空的) vad,vas,wad =to go(行走) vage =to wander(流浪;漂泊)

vail,val =strong(强壮的),worth(价值) val,vail =strong(强壮的),worth(价值) van,vac(u),void =empty(空的)

var(i) =diverse(不同的),to change(变化) vas,vad,wad =to go(行走)

vaso- =vas(血管), spermaduct(输精管) veal,ceal=to veil (隐蔽) eg. reveal揭露veg,vig =lively(快活的,有生命力的) velop =to wrap(包;裹)

ven,vent(多置于词中) =to come(来到) ventro- =abdomen(腹部), front side(前侧) venge =to avenge(报仇) vent(只置词首) =wind()

vent(多置词中),ven =to come(来到) ver =true(真实的;确实的)


verb =word(字;词)

verg =to incline(倾向;倾斜) vermi- =vermian(蠕虫的)

vers,vert =to turn(移转;改变;转向) vert,vers =to turn(移转;改变;转向) vest =to clothe(穿衣),garment(衣服) vey,vid,vis,view =to see(看见) vi,via,voy =way() via,vi, voy =way()

vice- =in place of;deputy(副的) vict,vinc =to conquer(征服) vid,vis,vey,view =to see(看见) view,vey,vid,vis =to see(看见)

vig,veg =lively(快活的,有生命力的) vinc,vict =to conquer(征服) vis,vid,vey,view =to see(看见) vit,viv =to live(生活) vitri- =glass(玻璃)

voc(e) =to call(喊叫),voice() void,vac(u),van =empty(空的) vol =will(意志;意志力) volut,volve =to roll(滚;卷) volve,volut =to roll(滚;卷) vor =to eat() voy, via, vi =way()

vulse =to pluck(,,) wad,vas,vad =to go(行走)

-ward (~~adj) 表示方向的含义 -wards (~~adv) 向某方向地 -way(s) (~~adv)

with- =against,back,go on with wis =know(知道) -wise (~~adv)

wych- (用于树名)表示“垂、枝垂”之义 xantho- =yellow(黄色) xeno- =alien(外来的) xer- =dryness(干燥) xiphi- =sword() xylo- =wood() y- 表过去分词之义 -y (~~)

-y (~~n,) 专有名词的昵称

-y, (~~n,抽象名词) "结果,状态,性质,场所,„学,,昵称" -y (~~adj)

-yer, (~~) 从事„职业者

yester-表示“昨日的, 前此的”之义 -yst, (~~)

-yst (~~n,抽象名词) zinco- =zinc() zoo =animal (动物)

zymo- =zymolysis(发酵), enzyme()




词根中有字母i,在词尾时变作y 一个词中必定有词根。







