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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《牛津小学英语4A期末复习知识点归纳》,欢迎阅读!
牛津小学英语4A期末复习知识点归纳 缩略词: heres=here is its =it is isnt=is not thats=that is cant=cannot hes = he is Im=I am wheres=where is shes=she is dont = do not theyre = they are whats = what is thats = that is whos = who is 复数:1. 一般情况下在词尾加-s. 例:pen pens boy boys

2. s, x, ch, ph结尾的加es。例:peachpeaches boxboxes bus - buses 句子变换:

1. 肯定句: This is your book. Stand up, please.

2. 否定句: This isnt your book. Dont stand up, please. 3. 一般疑问句:isaredocan等词语放在前面,可以用yesno回答): 如:This is my book. ---Is this your book? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Im hungry. ---Are you hungry? Yes, I am . / No, Im not. I like puzzles. ---Do you like puzzles? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

I can read English. ---Can you read English? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 4. 特殊疑问句:(针对某一个未知方面提问,疑问词放在前面)

特殊疑问词:what (什么); what time (什么时间); what colour (什么颜色) where (在哪里) whose (谁的) who () (问人) why (为什么) which (哪一个) how (怎么样(可以问身体健康,也可以问什么方式)); how old (几岁); how many(多少;指数量); how much (多少(问价钱或多少指不可数名词) 如:Whats this? Its a book . (针对book提问)

Whose book is this? Its your book. (针对your提问) Where is your pen? Its on the desk. (针对在哪里提问) Where is Mike? Hes in the classroom. What time is it? = Whats the time? Its seven. What time do you go to school? I go to school at six thirty. / At six thirty. What colour is your bag? Its blue. Whose jacket is it? Its Mikes. Who is the man in green? Hes Mikes father. Which box is your brothers? The red one. How are you, Gao Shan? Im fine. / Not bad. / Not so good. How old are you? Im 10. How many birds can you see in the tree? Fourteen. How much is your bag? Ten yuan. 代词:

单数: I (me) you he she it

复数: weus)我们 you你们 they他们 they她们 they它们的: my我的 your你的 his他的 her她的 this that here这里 there那里 词组 Unit 1

1my ball pen 我的圆珠笔 3his cat 他的猫 5your rubber 你的橡皮 2her pencil 她的铅笔 4have a look 看一看 6her ruler 她的尺 3come in 进来 5a nice monkey 一只好看的猴子 7in the classroom 4have a notebook 要一本笔记本 6your lion 你的狮子 8in the TV room 5this pen 这支钢笔 7a lovely rabbit 一只可爱的兔9Helens tape 6that ruler 那把尺 8your toy bear 你的玩具熊 10 Yang Lings purse 杨玲的钱包 7in your pencil case 在你的笔袋9Id like 我想要… 11I dont know. 我不知道。 8all right 好;行;不错 10in a toy shop 在一家玩具店里 12Excuse me 9a big rubber 一块大橡皮 11How lovely! 多么可爱阿! 13Let me see. 10for you给你的 12I think 我想;我认为 14Not at all. 不用谢。

Unit 4 11Ive got 13 I see 我明白了

12sure当然 14in which box? 在哪只盒子里? 1in English 英语 13a little book一本小书 15on the desk 在课桌上 2look at

Unit 3 14Happy Teachers Day! 祝教师3a doll for you 给你的玩具娃娃

节快乐! 1over there 在那边 4colour the kite Unit 2 2come here 来这里 5a blue purse 一个蓝色的钱包 1my tiger 我的老虎 3on the book 在书上 6a yellow fan 一把黄色的扇子 2on the desk 4 in my purse 在我的钱包里 7Me, too. 我也是。

8clean the car 把小汽车弄干净 4write in the notebook 写在笔记本上 2. for---four 3. right---write

4. no---know 5. I---eye 9very much 很;非常 5eat a cake 吃一块蛋糕

10like puppets 喜欢木偶 6drink some milk 6. pair---pear 7. y---why 11I like (love) 我喜欢 7close the door 关门 C. 其它难点 12Youre out! 你出局了。 8in class 在上课 1、喜欢这一类东西时: I like + 物品13fly a kite 放风筝 9sit down 坐下 (复数)I like puppers.)喜欢某14this kite 这只风筝 10boys and girls 孩子们 西I like 15Thats OK 没什么;不要紧 11 stand up 起立 this/that/my/your/his/her + 物品(单Unit 6 12good night 晚安 数). 1a pair of shoes 一双鞋 13do the puzzle 玩拼图 2. 名字的英文写法:按照姓名的拼2too small 太小 14Draw a dog please. 画一只狗 音顺序写,姓和名中间空一小格,3too long 太长 4so big 这么大 5a pair of shorts 一条短裤 6whose sweater 谁的毛衣 7a nice jacket 一件好看的夹克衫 8a pair of gloves 9her skirt 她的短裙 10try the dress on 试试这条裙子tryon 试穿) 11my fathers 我父亲的 12so funny 真有趣 13his gloves他的手套 14too short 太短了 15her scarf 她的围巾 16all the boys 17Dont worry 别担心 18a big one 一个大的 19Try this pair on. 试试这双。 Unit 7 1what time 什么时间 2in the afternoon 在下午 3have breakfast 吃早饭 4have lunch 吃午饭 5come home 回家 6go to school 去学校 7get up 起床 8go by bus 公共汽车去

9go to the cinema 去电影院

10watch TV 看电视

11See you 一会儿见

12in the afternoon 在下午

13in the morning 在早晨

14the new panda 新熊猫

Unit 8 1open your books 翻开你们的书 2draw in your book 在你书上画画

3read the new words 读新单词 15Write the new words 写新单词 16in your copybook在你抄写本上 17give me the cap 给我帽子 18 sit on the chair 坐在椅子上 19 stand on the desk 站在课桌上 Unit 9 1have some cakes 2a glass of water 一杯水 3some juice 一些果汁 4go to bed 去睡觉 5some soft drink 一些软饮料 6good evening 晚上好 7look happy 看起来高兴

8cold and hungry 饿 9 Why dont you …? 你为什么

不…呢? 10hot and thirsty 11Whats the matter (with you)? (你)怎么啦? 12look tired 看起来累了 13under the tree 14What a nice car! 一辆多么漂亮的小汽车阿! 15a new car 16Are you …? 你…(怎么了) 重难点 A. 反义词或相对应的词 1. black---white 2. yes---no 3. come---go 4. open---close 5. here---there 6. big---small 7. long---short 8. tall---short 9. new---old 10. fat---thin 11. right---wrong 12. hot---cold 13. hungry---thirsty 14. eat---drink 15. man---woman 16. boy---girl


18. brother---sister 19. son---daughter B. 1. too---two---to 不要标音调,头两个字的开头字母 要大写。 举例如下:两个字的名字:苏海—Su Hai 三个字的名字:李小平 Li Xiaoping 3. 加法:Whats and/plus ?

Its . and/plus is .

减法: Whats minus ? Its . plus is . 4. 祈使句(叫别人做事情的句子) 肯定句:Stand up, please. Read the new words, please. 否定句:Dont draw in your book. Dont write on the

desks. 5. What a

nice/beautiful/lovely/pretty/big/small ...()! 6. 在书/本上用in, 在桌上用on. 为某人: for 7. 一(玻璃)杯…:a glass of 一(茶)杯…:a cup of 一瓶:a bottle of 盒…:a carton of 8. (某事)的时间到了: Its time to + 动词(词组). 如:Its time to go home. Its time for + 名词. 如:Its time for home.

