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“city that never sleeps “. This is a symbol of the arrival of the New Year, is a symbol of the new scene of socialist economy.A New Year begins. We are cheering, wish happy New Year. Firecrackers in rang,
文,希望对您有所帮助。除夕英语作文(1)This year ‘s New Year ‘s eve, open the fireworks. That the flowers of happiness in heaven, open on in the uncle ‘s new house. Have to say that this house is really nice. Exquisite furniture, fancy lantern, gently beautiful wallpaper... Let a person find everything new and fresh, full of praise. Began to eat dinner. At the dining table, delicacies, everything; In the living room, a toast to celebrate, laughter, happy... At this moment, when I recall grandfather told me:In the past, a dozen people crowded in the same eaves, room was damp and gloomy; Go out even five cents are reluctant to take the train; Family reunion dinner if there is a piece of fat can be happy... And now, each has two or three sets of house, bought a suite also cover mansions; Bought the car also want to in high-grade car; You allocate sought-after drink hot...Just thinking, the fireworks fireworks I woke with a start. See the good in the night sky is all have fireworks with brightness. Fireworks bloomed, the inconspicuous city into a
the floor, and also in people ‘s minds open...今年的除夕之夜,是在二叔的新房子里过的。不得不说,这房子真的不错。精致的家具、华丽的彩灯、柔美的墙纸 … …都让人耳目一新、赞不绝口。开始吃年夜饭了。餐桌上,山珍海味、应有尽有;客厅里,举杯同庆,欢声笑语,其乐融融 … …此时此刻,我又回想起爷爷在世时给我讲述的情景:以前,一家十几口人挤在同个屋檐下,房子又潮湿又灰暗;出门连五分钱的班车都舍不得搭;年夜饭如果有一块肥肉就可以乐上天 … …而现在,每家都有两三套房子,买了套房还盖洋楼;买了小车还想换高档车;吃香的喝辣的任你调配 … …正想着,烟花爆竹声把我惊醒了。只见十里八乡的夜空中全都被烟火照得通亮。礼花不断绽放,把这座不显眼的城市变成了一座 “不夜城 ”。这是象征着新的一年的到来,更是象征着经济的新气象。新的一年开始了。我们欢呼着,共同祝愿新年好。鞭炮在响着,礼花开放着。那幸福之花开在天上,开在地上,也开在人们心中 … …除夕英语作文(2)On New Year ‘s eve is how beautiful, how wonderful. This year is no exception, the streets are
decorated, good is a scene of Chinese New Year. We have a supper very ancient various TongQianEr. Around the rotary table is beautiful of early, went to the street view at night.A: wow! So many people on the more. On the left is one with yellow lights on into the pyramid, some street! Is simply a sea of people, very lively! Come to the main street, red lanterns hung tower before. The right is to use all sorts of color I saw on both sides of the branches are full of colorful lights, of light and belt into the golden peacock. The dark, the lights colorful light makes my eyes a bright. The article also wrapped in coloured crystal, trunk like a beautiful little snake tree trunks. Just opened to see rich Ann department, the door is more radiant. Lantern hangs, double line shape in the middle is peppered with red lanterns, red light cage, the rich Ann department dressed up like a radiant bride.Looked into the street and rotary table ‘s beautiful China! Wheel in the middle there is a very very big lanterns, footed is five or six meters. Foot seven, eight meters wide. A lantern in the middle is empty, there is a lamp, also have light outside. Now when the New Year ‘s eve, all the lights are lit up. Emit bright light, like the day the earth with. Especially outside the road lights like Boston ivy leaves, YiShun down, spread so evenly, formed a huge light shoulder, batch of rotary in the center of the street. A myriad of small lanterns light shoulder hang outside. The hanging outside the
flickering on the peacock feathers, like a big fan of colorful sprinkled gold on jitter, is really beautiful. Before and after the two sides are all with the character
“xi “ series of curves of drop curtain. Before the curtain hangs a long string of red lanterns, fell from the sky like a dragon, is very terrible.Standing at the end of the street, I look, everywhere are the lights, see everywhere is red lanterns, according to every corner of the streets are so bright, so very red. This is not straight indicates our lives more prosperous in the coming year?除夕之夜是多么美丽,多么精彩。今年也不例外,街上到处都是张灯结彩,好一派过年的景象。我们一家很早就吃过晚饭,起身到街上观夜景。哇!街上的人真多呀!简直是人山人海,好不热闹!来到了正街,只见两旁的树枝上都挂满了彩灯,五颜六色的灯使我眼前一片璀璨。树干上还缠着五光十色的晶条,如同一条条美丽的小蛇盘绕树干上。再看才开张的富安百货,门前更是光芒四射。
彩灯复线形挂起,中间还穿插着大红灯笼,灯亮笼红,把富安百货打扮得如同一位光彩照人的新娘。向街中望去,转盘才叫美中美呢!转盘中间有一个特别特别大的灯笼,高足有五、六米。宽足有七、八米。灯笼中间是空的,里面有灯,外面也有灯。现在正值除夕之夜,所有的灯都亮了。放出耀眼的光芒,把大地照得如同白昼。特别是外面那一道道彩灯就像爬山虎的叶子,一顺朝下,铺得那么均匀,形成了一块巨大的灯肩,批扶于街中心。灯肩外面挂者无数的小灯笼。最外面挂者古代各式各样的铜钱儿。转盘的周围也是美丽多资的。左边是用黄色的灯一上一下扎成的金字塔,塔前还挂着一些红灯笼。右边是用各种颜色的灯和带子扎成的金孔雀。孔雀羽毛上的彩灯忽明忽暗,夜色之中宛如一把五彩洒金的大扇子在抖动,真是美不胜收。前、后两面都是用 “喜 ”字串联成的弧线形的垂幕。幕前挂着一长串红灯笼,仿佛一条从天而降的神龙,十分威武。站在街的尽头,我放眼望去,满目都是彩灯,满目都是红灯笼,照得大街小巷的每一个角落都那么亮堂,那么红艳。这不正预示着我们来年的生活更加红红火火吗?