
2022-04-19 13:01:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《上海四大名校翻译汇编》,欢迎阅读!


一、上海中学20182月开学第一周周练 1. 在旅游旺季,机票订的越早越便宜。book

2. 这本字典需要做彻底修改,但什么时候再版尚不得而知。revise

3. 这只训练有素的警犬对任何声响都很警觉,所以它一定能胜任这项任务。alert

4. 与诗歌欣赏有关的电视节目备受欢迎,以致于在年轻人中激起了对古典文学的极大热情。


1.The earlier you book a plane ticket in the tourist season/ holiday season/ peak(high) season, the lower its price will be.

2.The dictionary needs to be thoroughly revised, but it remains unknown when it will be published.

3.The well-trained police dog is alert to any sound, so it is sure to be qualified for the task/ mission.

4.So popular/well-received are the TV programs about poetry appreciation/ the appreciation of poetry that they have aroused many young people’s passion for classical literature.


1.在求职面试中,你必须使考官深信你能胜任这个职务。( be qualified)

2. 我的祖父五十多岁时谱了二十多首歌曲,其中大部分在50年代非常流行。(compose)

3. 他对我如何保持健康的建议证明是相当有效的。(prove)

4. 在有些西方国家,把五岁的孩子一个人留在家里是违法的。(1eave)

5. 昨天在晚会上我碰巧遇见了你上次提到的那位著名的科学家。( It happened that)

1. During the job interview, you must assure the interviewer that you are qualified for the post. 2. My grandfather composed more than twenty songs in his fifties, most of which were very popular in the 1950’s.

3. The suggestion which he gave me on how to keep healthy proves to be quite effective. 4. In some western countries, it is against the law to leave a five-year-old child at home alone. 5.It happened that at the evening party yesterday I met the famous scientist (whom) you mentioned last time.

三、交大附中2017-2018学年下学期高三英语摸底考 1. 没有什么比网游更容易浪费你的时间了。(There)

2. 春运将不再会一票难求,这是所有人民的期待。(No longer)

3. 这部值得一看的佳片是否能摘得本次大赛的桂冠,仍需拭目以待。(remain)

4. 市长要求代表们讨论关于公交车要增加扫码支付的提议。(demand)

1.There is nothing that is more likely to waste your time than online games.

2.No longer will it be hard to buy/get tickets for/during the Spring Festival transportation/travel, which is the expectation of all the people.

3.It remains to be seen whether this film worth watching can win the first prize of the competition. 4.Mayor demanded that the representatives discuss the proposal that paying by scanning code/ scanning code to pay should be applied on/to bus / available/used on bus.


1. 我想她最近肯定没有收到过侄子的来信。(hear)

2. 没人知道他昨天缺席这个重要会议的原因。(absent)

3. 这个印象派作品的展览到下周末就结束了,太令人遗憾了。(pity)

4. 在她看来,家庭装潢设计师的责任应该在于帮助屋主在有限的空间里获得最舒适的生活。(perspective)

1. I don’t think she must have heard from her nephew recently.

2. No one knows why he was absent from the important meeting yesterday.

3. What a pity it is that the exhibition of impressionist paintings will be over next weekend!

4. From her perspective, a home decoration designer’s responsibility is to help the house owner lead the most comfortable life in the limited space.


1. 这家公司规定每个职工有权每年享有带薪假期。it, entitle

2. 直到被送入手术室,他才明白遵守交通规则的重要性。It

3. 他们正期待在将科研成果运用于教育实践方面取得重大突破。expect

4. 我认为人类很可能进入外太空,这一点已证明是真的。possibility, accessible

1.The company makes it a rule that every employee is entitled to annual paid leave.

2.It was not until he was sent into the operating room that he realized the importance of observing the traffic regulations

3.They are expecting to make a significant breakthrough in applying the result of the scientific research to educational practice.

4.I think there is much possibility that outer space is accessible to man, which has proved to be true.

