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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《外国文学名词解释》,欢迎阅读!
Chivalric Romance (or medieval romance) is a type of narrative that developed in twelfth-century France, spread to the literatures of other countries and displaced the earlier epic and heroic forms.


The romance is distinguished from the epic in that it does not represent a heroic age of tribal wars, but a courtly and chivalric age, often one of highly developed manners and civility. 浪漫是区别于史诗,它并不代表一个部落战争英雄的时代,而是一个宫廷和骑士时代,通常是一个高度发达的礼仪和礼貌。

Its standard plot is that of a quest undertaken by a single knight in order to gain a ladys favor; frequently its central interest is courtly love, together with tournaments fought and dragons and monsters slain for the damsels sake; it stresses the chivalric ideals of courage, loyalty, honor, mercifulness to an opponent, and elaborate manners; and it delights in wonders and marvels.


Supernatural events in the epic usually were attributed to the will and actions of the gods; romance shifts the supernatural to this world, and makes much of the mysterious effect of magic, spells, and enchantments. 在史诗的灵异事件通常被归因于神的意志和行为的变化;浪漫的超自然的这个世界,并使许多魔法,魔法的神秘和魔法效果。 Utopianism

The term utopia designates the class of fictional writings that represent an ideal but nonexistent political and social way of life. It derives from Utopiaa book written in Latin by the Renaissance humanist Sir Thomas More which describes a perfect commonwealth.

该项指定代表乌托邦小说的理想而存在的政治社会生活方式类。它来自于乌托邦,一本由文艺复兴时期的人文主义者托马斯写的书,它描述了一个完美的联邦。 The first and greatest instance of the literary type was Platos Republic, which sets forth, in dialogue, the eternal Idea, or Form, of a perfect commonwealth that can at best be merely approximated by political organizations in the actual world.


Most of the later utopias, like that of Sir Thomas More, represent their ideal state in the fiction of a distant country reached by a venturesome traveler. There have been many utopias written since More gave impetus to the genre, some as mere Arcadian dreams, other intended as blueprints for social and technological improvement in the actual world. 大多数后的乌托邦,像是托马斯爵士,在一个遥远的国度的冒险旅行到小说的代表他们的理想状态。已经有许多乌托邦被写因为MORE给了流派的动力,有的只是

田园梦想,其他用于现实世界的社会和技术进步的蓝图。 举例 Francis Bacons New Atlantis

托马斯·莫尔 St. Thomas More 又作 Sir Thomas More 147827 153576日),欧洲早期空想社会主义学说的创始人,才华横溢的人文主义学者和阅历丰富的政治家,以其名著《乌托邦》而名垂史册。


In literature, the habit of imitating the great authors of antiquity as matter of aesthetic principle; and the acceptance of the critical precepts which emerged to guide that imitation.


Medieval writers had often used classical works for models, but Petrarch in the 14th century.


At the beginning of the 16th century the recovery of the previously neglected Poetics of Aristotle.


The most famous of their inventions was the observance of the dramatic unities of time , place, and actions; in the 17th century, French put forward the three dramatic.


